It’s with great excitement that we announce WooCommerce 2.4 is live!
Since 2.3 back in February there have been 1800 commits from 24 contributors, and 77 issues have been closed. A huge round of applause for those involved! Feature highlights include:
- Custom Ajax Endpoints for performance
- A new product variation editor
- Simplified flat rate shipping
- Static cache compatible geolocation
- A new Visual API Authentication endpoint
- A new onboarding wizard and shipping method priorities which you can read about here
As far as testing and QA goes we’ve:
- Ran beta testing since mid July, 4 betas in total, and a release candidate July 31st
- Ran the beta versions on WooThemes.com to test stability
- Notified extension developers and tested all internal extensions for compatibility
So we’re happy with the stability of 2.4.0 and don’t anticipate any drama. As always however, we do recommend testing sites on a staging environment prior to upgrade, and ensuring the latest versions of all extensions are running.
Developers who have not yet tested plugins and themes, or whom have found issue, should read this post regarding possible conflicts and template file updates.

Also a shout out to our translators who have been updating translations. If you want to get involved in translation, or you’ve spotted some missing strings, you can get involved on our Transifex.
If you spot a bug in 2.4, don’t forget to log a detailed report on Github.
Thanks and we hope you enjoy this release!
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