Today we tagged WooCommerce 2.5 Beta 3. Now you can witness the power of this fully operational beta.
If you missed our posts about previous beta releases, you can read about 2.5 Beta 1 here and beta 2 here. Thank the maker!
Changes since beta 2
Here are our changes since beta 2:
- Refactored our add-ons screen so it can be extended by add-ons.
- Made some small changes to widgets API to be extended by add-ons.
- Added a get_id() method for products.
- Fixed some conflicts with PHP7.
- Additional hooks for order line items.
- Round discount totals to avoid issues with floats.
- Various API and CLI tweaks/improvements.
- Improved the usefulness of the wc_get_template_part filter.
- Fixed some currency code.
We also made a decision to remove the ‘dropdown’ view of shipping options in the cart. This was so we could have a hook after each shipping method to add additional options or text if an addon wanted to display something there. Dropdowns restrict this ability and would mean maintaining two completely different sets of code to cater for each.
You can see the full list of commits since beta 2 here.
Final call for testers
What? You haven’t tested beta yet? I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Everything is proceeding as we have foreseen, so the Release Candidate is still planned for Jan 4th–8th 2016 so long as we stay on target. Developers please test your code before then. Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.
We also welcome user tests, but we recommend using a development site, since there may be undiscovered bugs.
We have a beta testing plugin to make obtaining the beta release and staying updated simple. We suggest grabbing that if you would like to be involved.
Please raise any issues found on Github with a [2.5] issue title prefix so we see them right away. We would be honoured if you would join us!

And of course, may the force be with you.
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