WooCommerce 3.4.3 is now available. ~59 commits made it into this release and the full changelog is below.
* Fix - Fix label for the price filter widget on RTL sites. #20417 * Fix - Checkout: stopPropagation when payment method selected so description tips show on radio buttons. #20432 * Fix - Shipping zone settings: fixed title for shipping methods without settings. #20441 * Fix - Ensure custom Webhook topic selections are correctly saved in admin. #20406 * Fix - Webhook bottom bulk actions. #20445 * Fix - Fixes multisite orders dashboard widget to use order number rather than ID. #20457 * Fix - Add check to ensure download log FK does not exist before adding it. Update routine will cleanup any duplicates. #20478 * Fix - IPv6 support with HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header. #20479 * Fix - Avoid setting wrong prices when syncing grouped products with children. #20482 * Fix - Separation of explode and end functions in two lines. End function should get a reference as parameter. #20500 * Fix - Initialize payment gateways before running bulk actions so gateways can listen for events. #20502 * Fix - Cast shipping total to a float so incl. tax shows only when needed. #20531 * Fix - Fix automatic stock status updates based on stock level. #20573 * Fix - Improved sanitize_special_column_name_regex trim to fix column matching when importing CSVs. #20486 * Fix - Force importer log table to wrap long columns. #20534 * Fix - Rest API: Prevent errors if variation parent is invalid and cannot be read. #20572 * Fix - Rest API: Remove legacy API enabled check from auth endpoint. #20499 * Fix - Display products on sub-subcategories when sorting parent category by price. #20579 * Fix - Set order status to refunded when a PayPal transaction is refunded. #20574 * Fix - fix undefined index in abstract-wc-widget. #20544 * Fix - Round items for order total when recalculating order values to match cart. #20533 * Fix - Removed mysql transactions when updating order status, tweaked caching, and improved version transient cleanup to prevent possible deadlocks on checkout. #20537 * Tweak - Added a message to promote Wootenberg when running Gutenberg feature plugin. #20524 * Tweak - Added a warning notice before removing personal data from orders in bulk. #20481 * Dev - generate_select_html and generate_multiselect_html functions again support the usage of integer-keyed arrays as available values. #20569 * Dev - Allow order billing fields to use a provided 'value'. #20424
Download the latest release of WooCommerce here or venture over to Dashboard โ Updates to update your plugins from WordPress.
As usual, if you spot any other issues in WooCommerce core please log them in detail on Github, and to disclose a security issue to our team, please submit a report via HackerOne here. Comments on this post are closed.