We are happy to announce the availability of a new build of the WooCommerce Admin feature plugin! If this is the first time you have heard about WooCommerce Admin, it is a new JavaScript-driven interface for managing your WooCommerce stores that is focusing on creating new and improved reports, and a dashboard to monitor all the important key metrics of your site. You can read more about the background of the project in our Alpha announcement post – or watch the keynote from WooSesh.
You can download version v0.12.0 in the plugin repository or via GitHub right here. If you do test out the plugin, and have some feedback – please do open an issue in the GitHub repository, or reach out to us in the #core channel on WooCommerce slack.
0.12.0 Highlights
Dashboard Customization
The new analytics dashboard in WooCommerce Admin just got a whole lot more customizable! For a while now you have been able to chose which charts, summary numbers, and leaderboards are displayed on your dashboard – but now you can change the order in which these sections appear on the screen – or remove them entirely!
Furthermore you can rename the section titles to best match how you are tracking key statistics on your store.

Historical Data Import Tool
One other area we have received a bit of feedback on was the desire to have better control on importing historical data into the WooCommerce Analytics tables. Based off that feedback, the tool to import historical data has been fully re-designed to allow for finer control over what legacy data should be imported:

The tool is located in the same place – Analytics > Settings – but you can now choose from a preset number of days past to import from, or start your import from a specific date. Furthermore you can opt to skip previously imported customers and orders if you are re-processing old data to speed things up a bit.
Lastly a convenience button has been added to empty out the reporting tables and start fresh if you would like. Stay tuned for a few more enhancements to this screen in the next release which will give you a progress bar on the status of importing customers and orders.
Legacy Dashboard Widget Fixed
We had a couple of reports in the support forums that the legacy wp-admin WooCommerce dashboard widget was no longer working after the v0.11.0 release of WooCommerce Admin. Apologies to those who were impacted by this bug, but it has been fixed, and the legacy dashboard widget and the new WooCommerce Dashboard can coexist in wp-admin harmony!

- Fix: dashboard issues #2194
- Fix: Dashboard: re-arrange section dropdown order #2216
- Fix: Refactor page handler API #2209
- Fix: EllipsisMenu misalignment in wide containers #2207
- Dev: Handle “all guests” when getting customers from orders. #2038
- Dev: Order milestones: prevent order count queries from being issues on every request. #2224
- Dev: Replace Rebuild reports settings with Import Historical Data #2198
- Dev: add a defaultValue parameter to the ReportFilters component #2150 👏 @rrennick
- Dev: Record refunds separate from order entries #2083
- Dev: Add refund filtering to order reports #2179
- Dev: Hook up API Historical Data screen to API endpoints #2177
- Fix: Show Y grid ticks/lines in charts where all values are lower than 1 #2147
- Fix: Dashboard: Rename class/feature to remove conflict with legacy dashboard widget #2138
- Fix: add defaultOrder field to tablecard header #2139 👏 @rrennick
- Fix: Travis: Exit scripts with error when one occurs #2184
- Dev: Add profile wizard base page #1933
- Dev: Save section/block preferences in user data #2148
- Fix: Vertically center Dashboard ‘Add more’ button #2171
- Fix: Don’t make an API call when there are no performance indicators #2157
- Dev: Add Historical Data Import Screen #2073
- Fix: Fix customer type filter param in orders report #2169
- Dev: EllipsisMenu: Refactor children to renderContent #2154
- Dev: Dashboard: Section add, remove, move up, and move down #2134
- Fix: Persist chart interval in Dashboard #2156
- Dev: Allow renaming Dashboard sections #2131
- Dev: Add import endpoint and controller #2034
- Fix: Prevent chart type buttons breaking in two lines #2135
- Dev: Support Sequential Order Numbers in Downloads Report order number filter #1907
- Dev: Scroll to top of the table when navigating table pages #2051
- Dev: Add empty state for the Reviews panels #2124
Thank You, and What’s Next?
First a big THANK YOU to everyone that has downloaded a release to test, and also to those of you who have reported bugs. Your input is extremely valuable to us, so please keep testing and let us know if we can help!
The team is currently working on a few more improvements to the historical data processing tool that will allow you to visually see the progress of the import. Additionally we are working to refactor the new header navigation bar, and how it works on existing WooCommerce core views. And lastly the team is focusing on the final items to prepare for merging the new dashboard and analytics to WooCommerce core for 3.7 this summer.
The next release of WooCommerce Admin is slated for the end of May.
If you would like to see more details about what we are working on, please visit our project board on GitHub.
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