WooCommerce 4.8 is now available!

We’re excited to announce that WooCommerce 4.8 is now publicly available! It has been in development since November 2020 and Core contributions include about 257 commits from 29 contributors!

This is a minor release, which means everything is backward compatible with the previous version.

Given the release of PHP8, WordPress 5.6, and the Twenty Twenty-One theme, the focus of this release is on compatibility and quality of life improvements.

As always, we recommend creating a backup of your site and making sure that themes and plugins are compatible before updating. You can check out this update guide for more information.

Whatโ€™s new in 4.8?

Variations Report

Example of the variation report

This new report grants merchants insight into the sales of individual product variations. (#5167)

Homescreen Layouts

Merchants may now choose between two different layouts for the homescreen. (#5429)

Notable Fixes & Improvements

There are many fixes and stability improvements in this release:

  • Limited the status page’s warning for untested extensions to major releases. (#28114)
  • Added support for the Twenty Twenty-One theme. (#28134)
  • Reduced the memory usage of AJAX product search. (#28177)
  • Added shipping, tax, and fee lines to refund REST API responses. (#28241)

You can find the complete changelog for this release in the changelog.txt file.

Database Changes

This release does not introduce any changes to the database.

Template Changes

This release does not introduce any changes to template files.

Filters and actions

We have added one new filter:

woocommerce_product_has_optionsDetermine if the product has options for the user to configure.

Much ๐Ÿ’œ to all the contributors

Finally a big thanks to everyone in the community who has contributed via issue reports, fixestranslation, testing, supporting other users or simply spreading the word.

WooCommerce core

jonathansadowski ObliviousHarmony vedanshujain rodrigoprimo Konamiman roykho
jonathansadowski ObliviousHarmony vedanshujain rodrigoprimo Konamiman roykho
claudiosanches kloon rrennick tammullen aheckler bordoni
claudiosanches kloon rrennick tammullen aheckler bordoni
szepeviktor timmyc tyrann0us pjv OlegApanovich zzap
szepeviktor timmyc tyrann0us pjv OlegApanovich zzap
nerrad mathiasdb peterfabian jeffikus CHEWX
nerrad mathiasdb peterfabian jeffikus CHEWX

WooCommerce Admin

psealock joshuatf jeffstieler louwie17 becdetat moon0326
psealock joshuatf jeffstieler louwie17 becdetat moon0326
samueljseay octaedro mattsherman joelclimbsthings adrianduffell timmyc
samueljseay octaedro mattsherman joelclimbsthings adrianduffell timmyc
ilyasfoo elizaan36 vbelolapotkov tomalec chickenn00dle dechov
ilyasfoo elizaan36 vbelolapotkov tomalec chickenn00dle dechov

WooCommerce Blocks

Aljullu nerrad mikejolley opr senadir budzanowski
Aljullu nerrad mikejolley opr senadir budzanowski
haszari ettoredn
haszari ettoredn

Action Scheduler

Konamiman roykho
Konamiman roykho

3 responses to “WooCommerce 4.8 is now available!”

  1. Sweet ๐Ÿง!

  2. What is tha woocommerce database version displayed after the update to 4.8. My site shows 4.5. Is this correct?

    1. Hello John, that one is correct, It shows the last time your database got updated, and last time WooCommerce had to run a database migration was on 4.5.

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