Joining the Conversation: Woo Community Slack

If you’ve recently joined our Community Slack, there are a couple of things we want you to know before diving into the conversation. Our Slack community is a space designed for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and fostering connections within the WooCommerce ecosystem.

🤝 Community Engagement: We encourage each one of you to actively participate! Whether you’re a seasoned developer, a Woo curious newbie, or just someone with a keen interest in WooCommerce, your voice matters. Ask questions and share your experiences. This space is for you.

💬 Ask and Answer: Have a burning question? Don’t hesitate to ask! Likewise, if you spot a question that aligns with your expertise, share your insights. This collaborative spirit is what makes our community special. Together, we can overcome challenges and celebrate successes.

🚫 Not a Support Channel: First things first, let’s set the stage. This Slack is not intended to be an official support channel. While we encourage discussions and questions, please note that it’s not a dedicated support space. Instead, think of it as a community hub where enthusiasts, developers, and users come together to share experiences and insights.

👀 Woo Engineering Presence: Rest assured, WooCommerce engineering is here! Our team is actively monitoring the channels, providing guidance where we can, and steering discussions in the right direction. However, it’s essential to remember that we’re not a dedicated support channel. Our primary goal is to facilitate a thriving community where knowledge flows freely.

🔍 Seeking Support? Explore Other Avenues: If you’re specifically seeking support, our support forums and documentation are fantastic resources. The community Slack is more about collaboration, insights, and a sense of camaraderie.

🌐 Diversity of Topics: Explore the various channels tailored to specific topics—whether it’s development, extensions, marketing, or just a friendly chat in the #watercooler. Each channel serves a unique purpose, so feel free to find your niche and dive in!

👩‍💻 Code of Conduct: Remember to abide by our Code of Conduct. It ensures that our community remains inclusive, respectful, and a positive space for everyone. You can find the Code of Conduct here.

🚀 Join the Journey: Ready to dive in? Checkout a list of channels to join below:

📣 Stay in the loop with important announcements! Check out the  Code of Conduct before diving into the conversation.

🚀 Dive into testing new features and releases. Download the  Beta Tester Plugin to be ahead of the curve.

🌐 Engage in discussions about community building, creating your own community, or getting involved. Share your insights and questions!

🛠️Get started here if you have questions about core contributions. Have an issue in core? Report it here.

💻 Woo Developer Chat—where all software development discussions begin. Ask and answer community development questions with openness and respect: Code of Conduct

🔌 Explore questions and discussions on WooCommerce Extensions and plugins. Begin your journey with the Extension Developer Guide: Extension Developer Guide

💬 Have any ideas for a new WooCommerce extensions or feature for WooCommerce? Talk about them here! Know exactly what needs to be implemented? Create a request here

🚀 Join discussions on the High-Performance Order Storage upgrade, communications, and testing. Explore the Upgrade Guide: Upgrade Guide

💼 Looking for WooCommerce-related work? Hiring a developer? Post your opportunities here.

📢 Discuss marketing within WooCommerce. Have questions or insights? Share them in this channel.

🤝 Explore the meetup space. If you are considering kicking off your own meetup, check out the Meetup Guidelines.

📱 Discussions about WooCommerce on mobile apps. Download the WooCommerce mobile apps on your Android or iOS device!

👮 Report spam in DMs or other channels. Keep the community clean and follow the Code of Conduct: Code of Conduct

🛠️ Give direct feedback to WooCommerce development teams in regards to monorepo updates and changes.

🌟 Show off your WooCommerce site or project. Inspire and get inspired!

🎨 Discuss WooCommerce Themes. Interested in developing your own theme? Check out the Theme Developer Handbook

👋 Welcome to the hallway track! Introduce yourself and join random chatter. Remember to follow the Code of Conduct.

🧱 Stay updated on work supporting blocks and block themes in Woo. Learn more about blocks in the Woo Blocks Documentation

🚀 Discuss extensibility in the new product editor experience. To learn more about this feature and how you can extend it, start here.

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