Hello and welcome to the December edition of WooCommerce Blocks Extensibility Snaps! This post is a monthly update to highlight things we’ve been working on and keep you up to date with our plans for the coming month.
WooCommerce Blocks moved to the WooCommerce Monorepo
The Woo Blocks Merge to the Monorepo is complete (along with Monorepo Tool Enhancements). Although not specificially extensibility-related this is still a big step for WooCommerce Blocks and developers interacting with it. The WooCommerce Blocks plugin is now part of WooCommerce core and the feature plugin will be retired.
Any developers who want to contribute changes to WooCommerce Blocks should now contribute in the WooCommerce repository. Further information on using the monorepo can be found in the blog post and in the monorepo’s readme files.
Additional Checkout Fields progress
We’ve been continuing to work on enabling additional fields in the Checkout block. A lot of our work this month has been on the “behind-the-scenes” changes required to Store API to handle new fields in the checkout form. So far we have implemented additional fields that are: text fields, comboboxes, or checkboxes.

This work is still ongoing and the feature is not yet ready for use.
Next, we will be working on allowing these custom fields to be rendered in the “Contact Information” section of the form and toward the end of the form in an “Additional Information” section.
We’ll also be working on displaying these custom fields in the order confirmation page, order confirmation emails, and in admin views.
We have a couple of open discussions that we’d like to get community feedback on:
- Deprecation/Graduation policy for experimental APIs proposal
- Curated Extensibility Principles
- RFC: Editing/Removing Checkout core fields
We welcome you to leave any comments on the discussion. Your opinions are really valuable and will help shape the future of WooCommerce.
Next steps
Next month we plan to continue our work on the custom checkout fields feature. We also plan to begin looking into how we can implement some of the other common extensibility requests, however it is undecided as of right now which ones we will be looking at.
If you have any feedback to share on the WooCommerce Blocks extensibility work we’re doing, we’d love to hear it! Please feel free to open a discussion on our GitHub discussions board or leave a message for us in the WooCommerce Community Slack
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