WooCommerce 8.5.2: Fixes to Remote Inbox Notifications

Hi everyone! We are pleased to announce the release of WooCommerce 8.5.2. This release should be backwards compatible with the previous version.

What’s new in 8.5.2?

WooCommerce 8.5.2 included updated logic to notifications that are causing fatals on some sites. This point fix release resolves the issue and includes safer checks for errors so that notification errors don’t cause fatal errors.

In the meantime, if your site is experiencing problems here is a workaround.

Using the CLI:
wp option set woocommerce_show_marketplace_suggestions no

Otherwise, disable marketplace suggestions in:
Settings > Advanced > Woo.com.

It also includes a Customize Your Store fix for potential PHP warnings and fatal errors when the images variable is not defined.

This release includes these fixes for issues in 8.5.1:

  • Add defensive checks for strpos in ComparisonOperation #44033
  • Add rudimentary try catch for all remote endpoint spec evaluators #44037
  • CYS: fix PHP warnings and pattern button #43354

You can download the latest release of WooCommerce here or visit Dashboard → Updates to update the plugin from your WordPress admin screen.

As usual, if you spot issues in WooCommerce core, please log them in detail on GitHub. Found a security issue? Please submit a report via HackerOne.

Keep yourself in the loop!

This field is hidden when viewing the form
This field is hidden when viewing the form
This field is hidden when viewing the form

2 responses to “WooCommerce 8.5.2: Fixes to Remote Inbox Notifications”

  1. Biahuous Avatar

    I did a woocommerce update from 8.3.1 to 8.5.2 and it caused me a problem in checkout page. I was able to debug the problem, it was from using this line : unset($fields[‘billing’][‘billing_email’]); Because I don’t need users emails in the checkout, I used this line of code in functions.php. Is this an outdated method now to remove checkout fields ? I read the update notes but didn’t find anything useful.

  2. […] bugg som fixades snabbt i 8.5.1, vilken i sin tur introducerade nya problem. Allt ska vara ordnat i version 8.5.2 dock. Värt att notera är att inget av problemen verkade överdrivet kritiskt, om än irriterande, […]

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