WooCommerce 8.7 RC: Updates to the Shipping Section of the Checkout Page and More

Hello everyone! We are pleased to announce that WooCommerce 8.7 RC is now ready for testing. You can download it directly from WordPress.org or install it via the WooCommerce Beta Tester Plugin.


Since the release of WooCommerce 8.7 Beta 2, the following changes have been made:

  • We fixed an issue to correctly render text displayed if no shipping methods are available in the cart and checkout shortcodes. #45249
  • We also fixed an issue to correctly render Select elements for Checkout in the Site Editor. #45252

For the complete list of what has been included with WooCommerce 8.7 RC, view the changelog in the readme.

Database changes

There are no new database changes introduced in WooCommerce 8.7 RC.

Release Schedule

We’re on track for our planned March 12, 2024 release.


If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from WordPress.org.

We’ve posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

Found a Bug? We want to hear about it! Please report any issues you encounter via GitHub.

As always, we thank you for your feedback and contributions.

5 responses to “WooCommerce 8.7 RC: Updates to the Shipping Section of the Checkout Page and More”

  1. […] Även WooCommerce 8.7 har nått lanseringskandidat och kommer sannolikt släppas i tid, den 12 […]

  2. danielspain Avatar

    Hi, does the use of the new convert tool for coupons is mandatory? Or I can leave it as is?(my store is small) I’ve tried 8.7rc and not using the conversion tool still works and coupons applied still works, same with converting but i don’t know if there is a problem using it with my payment gateway(apparently not the final price is processed ok if i convert or not)…any help is appreciated

    1. Konamiman Avatar

      Hi, converting existing coupon data is not mandatory, but any newly created coupon data will have the new format.

  3. I have an error at checkout, a field is appearing to add a credit card (which is not from the store).

    1. Jacklyn Biggin Avatar
      Jacklyn Biggin

      Hey Bruno! I recommend asking your question in the WooCommerce Community Slack, since it might get lost here. You can join at https://woocommerce.com/community-slack/

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