September Office Hours: Open Forum

Hello developers! We will be back with office hours this month on Wednesday, September 18 from 16:00 – 17:00 UTC.

We do not have a specific topic picked out, so it’s an open forum! @pia8c from the Developer Advocates team will be running the show. Since many folks will be at WCUS, we will update the post with which developers will be able to join shortly.

Don’t worry, please bring any and all of your questions, any code that you’re interested in showing off or improving upon, as well as any suggestions or enhancement discussions you’d like to bring up with our teams.

Developer Office Hours are held every third Wednesday of the month in the #developers channel in the WooCommerce Community Slack.

See you there!

One response to “September Office Hours: Open Forum”

  1. When I click the date/time I get an “Could not find the requested event” error.

    I always mess up UTC time so it would be great it if the link works. 🙂

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