WooCommerce 9.3.3: Dot Release

WooCommerce 9.3.3 is has been released.

This release includes two fixes which affect CSV imports, and shipping address validation.

Current Stable Tag

WooCommerce 9.3.3

Restoring the Product CSV Importer’s default batch size

🛠️ Returns CSV imports to 30 lines per batch (#51631)

This fix addresses an issue where the default number of lines imported per batch in the WooCommerce Product CSV Importer was reduced, causing slower import times for large datasets. The change restores the previous default of 30 lines per batch, which is much faster in most cases.

• The changes can be tested by importing a CSV file with at least 60 products and observing the network requests and import counts.

Fixing shipping address validation for virtual orders

🛠️ Check if the order needs shipping before validating shipping address (#51630)

We have fixed a bug that prevented customers from placing orders for virtual products on sites using the Additional Checkout Fields API. Previously, the validation did not consider virtual products that do not require shipping, causing issues for customers with virtual items in their cart and a required additional checkout field left blank.

10 responses to “WooCommerce 9.3.3: Dot Release”

  1. Please, I’m a long-time developer. I switched from Joomla Viertuemart to WordPress Woocommerce quite a few years ago.
    What I’m finding is that more and more clients are telling me about alternative platforms that offer much faster, more secure and with many more native options.
    Basically, it’s easy for clients to switch and opt for other solutions.
    I feel that Woocommerce has stopped in time, there’s no great evolution in setting up a shop for B2C or B2B, and having all the necessary functionalities. Product configuration could and should be much better, instead of being so dependent on plugins.
    There’s a lack of ambition and just as I saw Virtuemart dying in Joomla, I’m feeling now exactly the same here.
    There seems to be a lack of vision to make the native system much better and attract developers to use Woocommerce instead of driving them away.

  2. Thanks for fixing the CSV problem!

  3. Giovanni Chiozza Avatar
    Giovanni Chiozza

    I have installed WoocCommerce Version 9.3.3 and I need to change the label of check out button.
    I’ve tried with adding code in theme functions php file also using Astra child theme but nothing happens.
    How can I change the label of the payment button ?

    This code worked in past
    function change_checkout_button_text() {
    return ‘Conferma e prosegui’;
    add_filter(‘woocommerce_order_button_text’, ‘change_checkout_button_text’);

  4. Giovanni Chiozza Avatar
    Giovanni Chiozza

    Also this don’t work
    function wc_custom_pay_order_button_custom_text() {
    return __( ‘Conferma e prosegui’, ‘woocommerce’ );
    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_pay_order_button_text’, ‘wc_custom_pay_order_button_custom_text’ );

  5. I can’t update woocommerce to 9.3.3. After the update you can no longer pay. The following message appears during checkout: There was a problem with the specified shipping address: Apartment, suite, unit, etc. is required.
    In my settings this is listed as optional and not required. I can’t change anything under Costumizer, because that’s where it says. “Checkout can be adjusted in the editor of your active theme”. My active theme is Shoptimzer. What do I need to do to perform the update without having problems with checkout?

    1. Brent MacKinnon Avatar
      Brent MacKinnon

      Hi Esther,

      It sounds like a front end problem where the theme has trouble validating the form fields. Is there maybe a Shoptimzer update as well you can try alongside with the WooCommerce update?

      Alternatively you can try a conflict check using https://wordpress.org/plugins/check-conflicts/ to see if a plugin is causing this and also try another theme to see if the checkout works then.

      Before you do any testing or updates, please do make a full backup.

      Better safe than sorry.

  6. Hi Brent,
    Shoptimizer is completely updated. I have tried the conflict check, but I can’t figure it out. I have tried another theme, but unfortunately the same problem with checkout is also in this theme.
    At the moment, checkout cannot be done and I have to restore a backup so that the woocommerce plugin is not updated.

    1. Brent MacKinnon Avatar
      Brent MacKinnon

      Hey Esther, it seems like the theme might be hiding fields, and you may need to go to checkout page in editor and disable fields. If you need in depth help on this one I’d recommend going though our support channels so someone can take a closer look!

  7. Hi,
    I update woocommerce to 9.3.3, but after my Shipping stop showing set Shipping amount and not adding to the total bill, am losing money please help.

    1. Hi Zankey, without more information, it’s hard to know what could be causing the issue.

      You may want to check your plugins for conflicts, or contact support, where they will ask you for further details about your store to get you the help you need.

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