What’s next in the Product Editor

Last summer, we introduced a new product editing experience, meant to modernize the existing classic product editor (v1).

One of our top priorities for this work was to create a WordPress-native experience that feels like it belongs in WordPress. Initially, we experimented with core APIs, but after feedback and discussions with WordPress Core contributors, we agreed that the newer WordPress Data Forms and Data Views projects are a better fit for our use case.

As a result, WooCommerce is shifting focus to work on a new beta of the Product Editor Experience, v3. This new beta will incorporate feedback from the second beta, along with integrating more closely with the planned direction for the WordPress admin. 

What immediate action should you take?

  • Pause New Development on the Editor beta: We advise against beginning new projects with the existing APIs, which may not be 100% compatible with the Product Editor v3.
  • Prepare for Migration to the next iteration of the WordPress-Aligned Product Editor: The forthcoming v3 will allow you to integrate smoothly with WordPress’ native extensibility tools, and we will provide detailed migration documentation for an efficient transition.

What happens to the existing API?

We intend to maintain compatibility with public APIs for the current Product Editor beta throughout the transition to minimize disruption, though some adjustments may be required.

Clear, well-documented guidelines will be available before the Product Editor v3 release to ensure that developers can transition smoothly and take full advantage of the improvements in the Product Editor v3.

We heard your concerns 

The current beta API has received ample community feedback in GitHub Issues. The new approach we are taking in the Product Editor v3 will tackle many of those concerns, and ultimately deliver a better integration experience. 

Why we are making this change

One of the most important principles guiding our work on WooCommerce is that all users of WooCommerce are also users of WordPress. Commerce has unique needs and the best experience, for end user and developers alike, will be one that integrates with WordPress in a way that feels native but also accommodates those unique needs.

Background: Insights and alignment

With the Product Editor beta, we explored creating the experience with, what at the time were, the current WordPress core APIs available. We gained valuable feedback on what is working well and what wasn’t. 

At the same time, WordPress introduced new APIs, specifically WordPress Data Forms and Data Views, that aligned closely with our interface needs. As these APIs matured, we saw an opportunity to use them as a solid foundation for the next version of the Product Editor. By collaborating with WordPress Core contributors, we could help shape these APIs to meet WooCommerce’s needs more effectively.

This new iteration will utilize components like WordPress Data Forms and Data Views. However, it will also consider the transition from managing a product and its details and how it is rendered to shoppers. This shift allows WooCommerce to adopt a unified framework that benefits from WordPress’ native extensibility and stability.

Product Editor v3: A unified, WordPress-native approach

With this new iteration, we’re leveraging WordPress Data Forms, Data Views, and other native components to enhance compatibility with WordPress themes and plugins. The goals for Product Editor v3 are to:

  • Create a Seamless Experience: Unifying the product form editor, product visual editor, and front end for a cohesive, and familiar interface for users and developers alike.
  • Support Native Extensibility: By aligning with WordPress’ extensibility, the editor can better integrate with core plugins and themes. This approach enables WooCommerce to implement extensible, user-centric solutions that grow with the WordPress platform.
  • Enable Flexible, Scalable Solutions: Our tight feedback loop with WordPress contributors ensures this editor remains adaptable as WordPress evolves.

Working in WordPress Core

Our engineering teams are currently contributing directly in WordPress Core to introduce features to the Data Views library that will be necessary to allow the Product Editor V3 to make use of Data Forms and Data Views components. 

As a part of that work, we are currently exploring how to integrate the following features into the experience:

  • Use of WordPress Core DataForms/Fields Packages, which provides baked-in extensibility directly within the WordPress ecosystem.
  • Custom Field Type Registration that allows developers to register custom field types that are consistent across all newer WordPress interfaces.
  • Validation Schema and Parsers allowing for the possibility of unique field validation, meant to create a consistent validation across both client and server sides.

Timeline and Further Support

Our engineering teams are currently contributing upstream to WordPress Core, in order to prepare the path to launching a Product Editor v3 beta. That path includes creating documentation that provides clear guidance and migration support. 

It’s still very early to have a solid timeline, but we will continue to update you as we gain more clarity. 

Join the conversation and provide feedback

We welcome feedback from our community to make the Product Editor experience fit users’ needs. You can share your thoughts and questions in the official Slack channel: #woocommerce-product-editor-extensibility.

To join the WooCommerce Community Slack workspace, follow the instructions on this guide to joining the conversation

If you have specific issues you’d like to rise as we begin rolling out the experience, you can create GitHub issues using the issue label “focus: new product ux”

We look forward to hearing from you!

8 responses to “What’s next in the Product Editor”

  1. I would like to ask to please review the conversation I had with @Matt Sherman in this post: https://developer.woocommerce.com/2023/11/17/getting-to-know-woo-extensibility-in-the-new-product-editor/. I still need to be able to extend the product editor as described in my earlier comments, therefore I will need a working example of how to do that. Thanks.

    1. Hi Diego, for the moment, it is best to pause work using the existing Product Editor Beta.

      We will be releasing another beta in the future which is more aligned to the most current WordPress APIs.

      It does look like Matt addressed some of the issues you were facing, and even incorporated some code to distinguishing product variation types in REST API responses.

      The newer version will continue to tackle feedback we received from the community, so if there are specific extensibility gaps that you see, it would be great if you can bring up the conversation in the #woocommerce-product-editor-extensibility channel.

      1. Thanks for your reply. Matt also provided a code snippet to address one of my concerns (merging multiple fields into one), but by the time I tried to use it it didn’t work, because the logic in the new editor had changed too much. I guess it’s best to wait until the new beta comes out, so we can continue the conversation with an updated example.

        1. Yes, I would suggest that. Thanks for all the feedback you gave in the first iteration. We will be sure to update the blog as soon as we have more information on the next iteration

  2. Midhun Raj Avatar
    Midhun Raj

    Could you please confirm if the seo like rank math seo are compatible to edit the product the meta and other information while editing products

    1. Hi Midhun, I’m not quite sure what the question is. Are you asking if the plugin “Rank Math SEO” is compatible with the product editor?

      Right now, all users should be seeing the classic Product Editor (or v1). All existing plugins that integrate with the classic product editor should continue working as expected.

      Let me know if that answers your question.

  3. Hi Pi,
    ok for the product editor, we can wait a little
    but please set a timeframe to finalize the front FSE templates (product / category / shop page), so we gain in granularity. The product detail block is one of them also (add free tabs for instance). The same for the Product Gallery (i cannot remember if the final version of it was released).

  4. thank you for detailed information about this

    we were talking with our client recently just about this topics
    lets hope development continues smoothly as much as possible long term

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