Call for Feedback: Improving Feature Flag Communications in WooCommerce

Feature flags are an essential part of how we introduce and test new features in WooCommerce. However, we’ve heard that our current communication about these features could be improved. Many users tell us they either don’t know about new features until they’re already in core, or don’t feel they have enough time to prepare when features move from experimental to permanent.

We Need Your Input

We’re exploring ways to better communicate about:

  • New features available for testing behind feature flags.
  • Upcoming feature flag deprecations.
  • Changes becoming permanent parts of core.

We’ve opened a GitHub discussion to gather your thoughts on potential solutions, including an expanded notification system and alternative communication approaches. We especially want to hear from both technical users (developers/agencies) and merchants about how we can better serve your needs.

Join the Discussion

Jump in the comments, or head over to our GitHub discussion to share your feedback on:

  • How you’d like to learn about new features.
  • What would be an appropriate notice period for changes.
  • Which communication channels work best for you.
  • How we can keep you informed without overwhelming you.

Your input will directly shape how we improve our feature flag communications.

One response to “Call for Feedback: Improving Feature Flag Communications in WooCommerce”

  1. Leslie Keeling Avatar
    Leslie Keeling

    I really appreciate WooCommerce’s efforts to improve communication about feature flags. Clear notifications will definitely help us developers stay informed and utilize new features effectively!

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