Developer Advisory: WooCommerce is upgrading all Monorepo React 17.0.2 Dependencies to React 18.3.X

We’re excited to announce that WooCommerce is upgrading all Monorepo React 17.0.2 dependencies to React 18.3.X! 🎉

We mentioned this in our pre-release post, but we think it’s important enough to warrant a stand alone post as well.

This update brings WooCommerce in line with WordPress, enhances compatibility with upcoming React 19 improvements, and ensures our platform remains maintainable and future-ready.

For developers preparing for this update as well, be sure to check out Upgrading to React 18 and common pitfalls of concurrent mode and How to Upgrade to React 18.

Additionally, we are removing the WC_EXPERIMENTAL_USE_REACT_18 flag, introduced in WooCommerce 9.5, which allowed plugin developers to test React 18 rendering before this official update. With this upgrade, React 18 will now be the default, eliminating the need for the flag.

Let us know if you have any questions, and join us on the Community Slack to discuss further!

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