The WooCommerce 3.1.2 fix release is now available. You can download it from or as an automatic update in your administration panel.
~35 commits made it into this fix release. The full changelog is below.
* Fix - Importer: Prevent multiple placeholders being created when mixing IDs and SKUs.
* Fix - Importer: correctly set stock management props.
* Fix - Importer: Allow "unfiltered_html" for name, description and short description fields.
* Fix - Fix filename image handling.
* Fix - Rest API: Allow OPTIONS requests.
* Fix - Fixed missing reviews in product_page shortcode when querying by SKU.
* Fix - Don't subtract negative taxes in net sales report.
* Fix - Sort by order + zone ID as a fallback in shipping zones so the zones always match in the same order.
* Fix - Corrected subject and heading in customer refunded email.
* Fix - Corrected handling of custom checkbox fields in checkout get_posted_data method.
* Fix - Fix admin help videos async property.
* Fix - Fixed price filters by introducing precision.
* Fix - Improved customer IP address detection.
* Fix - Fix dark theme readability.
* Fix - CLI tools command.
* Fix - Adjusted shop manager role to prevent unfiltered HTML being used.
* Fix - Various notices/warnings.
* Dev - Correctly invalidate cache after saving order items.
* Dev - Added woocommerce_data_store_wp_{$this->meta_type}_read_meta
If you spot any further issues, please report them to us in detail on GitHub so the development team can review – comments on this post are closed.