WooCommerce 3.3.5 is now available. ~32 commits made it into this release and the full changelog is below.
* Fix - Shop page notice should not appear when edting the "Hello World!" page. * Fix - Inconsistent order item refund sign. * Fix - Change `wc_get_price_excluding_tax` to not round the return value so calculations in admin are not pre-rounded. * Fix - Use minimum price instead of maximum price when ordering variable products from low to high on term archives. * Fix - `order` and `orderby` on shop page when using rewrite rules. * Fix - Ajax loading spinner when using twentyseventeen theme. * Fix - Out of Stock products change stock to On Backorder when imported to update existing products. * Fix - Visibility dropdown not responding in quick edit when stock management is disabled. * Fix - Featured paramenter in products endpoint on REST API. * Fix - Linebreaks in order item meta. * Fix - Product rating count when updated by admin. * Tweak - Define array before attempting to append to it. * Tweak - Change WC WP-CLI commands default per_page value to 100. * Tweak - Ensure background process class returns `data` as an array. * Tweak - Increase orders table checkbox column size on small devices. * Tweak - Better support for infinite scroll in Jetpack.
Download the latest release of WooCommerce here or venture over to Dashboard → Updates to update your plugins from WordPress.
As usual, if you spot any other issues in WooCommerce core please log them in detail on Github, and to disclose a security issue to our team, please submit a report via HackerOne here. Comments on this post are closed.