WooCommerce Blocks 11.4.0 Release Notes

The latest version of WooCommerce Blocks, version 11.4.0, is now available for download on WordPress.org and GitHub.

Notable Changes

Checkout styling consistency updates

We’ve worked on some consistency updates to the default styling of the checkout blocks; notably applying consistent border radius to components, more balanced spacing, and improved focus styles.

Increased the number of visible products when cart is empty

The empty cart views now default to showing 4 new products rather than 3. This is still customisable in the editor if you wish to increase, decrease, or hide these products.

Cart and Checkout block transforms for classic shortcodes

To make it easier to toggle between classic cart and checkout shortcodes, and the new blocks, we’ve added some new transforms in the editor. If the blocks detect an incompatible extension you’ll be able to switch back to the classic shortcodes with one click via the block inspector:

You’ll also be able to switch to the classic blocks using block transforms:

Switching back from classic shortcode to blocks is also easy using the “transform into blocks” option. This should offer merchants more flexibility and easier editing when setting up shop.

Dev Notes

Store API: Product Attribute Terms route sorting options

The Store API /products/attributes/<id>/terms route now has an additional sorting option: menu_order. This allows terms to be returned in the order the merchant sorts them via WP Admin.

e.g. GET https://example-store.com/wp-json/wc/store/v1/products/attributes/1/terms?orderby=menu_order.

Exporting shared components

A bunch of cart and checkout components, including FormStep, Spinner, RadioControl, FormattedMonetaryAmount, Chip, CheckboxList, have been moved to a separate package for consumption. We’ll be sharing a post on the dev blog about this later in the week with instructions on how to utilise these components.

Cart block level shipping options have moved

The cart block previously had the same option as WooCommerce core to “enable the shipping” calculator at block level, however, this was causing confusion because it wasn’t clear which option (block or global) would take priority, and whether the block level option would impact other views.

To fix this, we’ve removed the block level option. Now in order to enable or disable the shipping calculator you must use the global setting under WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping Options labelled Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page.

Unfortunately due to this change, if you did have a scenario where you had it enabled at block level, but disabled in the settings, your calculator will be hidden until you toggle the option back on in settings. Note, that this will not affect the calculation of shipping during checkout.



  • Store Customization: Update the “Large Footer” pattern. (11381)
  • Store Customization: Update the Footer with 3 Menus pattern. (11356)
  • Store Customization: Update the Social pattern. (11355)
  • Store Customization: Re-enable the Product Hero 2 Column 2 Row pattern. (11346)
  • Product Collection: Shrink columns to fit. (11320)
  • Store Customization: Adjust margins and paddings for the Featured Category Triple. (11319)
  • Move Spinner to components package. (11317)
  • Store Customization: Fix “Discount Banner” pattern. (11315)
  • Move RadioControland RadioControlAccordion components to components package. (11312)
  • Store Customization: Fix the “Testimonials 3 Columns” title alignment. (11281)
  • Store Customization: Fix pattern spacing in homepage template 3. (11279)
  • Store Customization: Fix pattern spacing in homepage template 2. (11278)
  • Store Customization: Fix pattern spacing in homepage template 1. (11268)
  • Store Customization: Remove placeholder text from the image on the Hero Product Chessboard pattern. (11250)
  • Move FormStep to the components package. (11246)
  • Temporarily disable the woocommerce-blocks/product-hero-2-col-2-row pattern. (11234)
  • Add: menu-order orderby option for Product Attribute Terms route. (11232)
  • Move FormattedMonetaryAmount to the components package. (11230)
  • Cart and Checkout block transforms for classic shortcodes. (11228)
  • Use the <main> tag in Cart and Checkout templates. (11224)
  • Move Chip and RemovableChip to components package. (11223)
  • Move CheckboxList and create new blocksComponents package. (11214)
  • Store Customization MVP: Add fallbacks to all the pattern titles, descriptions, and buttons. (11208)
  • Checkout Field Padding and Spacing. (11207)
  • Make patterns full width and fix margin. (11206)
  • Product Collection 5 Columns pattern: Update title and price to be rows instead of columns. (11205)
  • Product Collection: Featured Products 5 Columns: Remove no results block. (11198)
  • Add universal border radius for form elements and components. (11193)
  • Update wording on checkout error message to try to prevent retries. (10888)

Bug Fixes

  • Remove hardcoded queryIds from patterns that include Product Collection. (11290)
  • Fix: Mini-Cart block shows wrong total if there are multiple installs on the same domain. (11257)
  • Fix inconsistent border focus styles. (11203)
  • Product Gallery pattern: Use the Product Collection block. (11194)
  • Increase number of visible products when cart is empty. (11182)
  • Fix a bug in which shipping phone field was not being synced to the billing field. (10603)
  • Always show the Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page option. (11421)


  • Add order and checkout order endpoint documentation. (11157)


  • Add Local Pickup event and Cart/Checkout page views events. (11225)

Keep yourself in the loop!

This field is hidden when viewing the form
This field is hidden when viewing the form
This field is hidden when viewing the form

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