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The WooCommerce 2.2.5 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out.
There were several minor fixes in this release which you can read about inside the changelog. A total of 130 commits made it into this release.
(As always, the comments on this post are closed because this is not the right platform for support requests.)
The WooCommerce 2.2.4 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out.
There were several minor fixes in this release which you can read about inside the changelog. A total of 52 commits made it into this release.
(As always, the comments on this post are closed because this is not the right platform for support requests.)
The WooCommerce 2.2.3 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out.
There were several fixes in this release, including a minor security fix for an XSS issue in the reports section. Read more about the fixes in the changelog. A total of 78 commits made it into this release.
(As always, the comments on this post are closed because this is not the right platform for support requests.)
The WooCommerce 2.2.2 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out.
There are only three changes in this release which can be found in the changelog. A total of 6 commits made it into this fix release.
(As always, the comments on this post are closed because this is not the right platform for support requests.)
The WooCommerce 2.2.1 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out.
There are only three changes in this release which can be found in the changelog. A total of 6 commits made it into this fix release.
(As always, the comments on this post are closed because this is not the right platform for support requests.)
Finally we’re proud to announce WC 2.2 (Prowling Pangolin) is live! 2.2 is our 9th major release and has been in development since 2.1 was released back in February.
Some Stats on This Release
To highlight the work that’s gone into 2.2, since 2.1 I would have loved to have shown more stats from Github, but instead saw this:
This comparison is big! We’re only showing the most recent 250 commits
I think that pretty much covers how much work has been done, but from the data I was able to scrape there have been:
- 47 contributors
- 1670 commits
- 553229 additions
- 972950 deletions
That’s staggering, so huge props to everyone who has contributed via Github, and also not forgetting the translation teams on Transifex!
Release Highlights for Developers
- PUT, POST and DELETE endpoints added to the WC REST API. Developers can find the documentation here:
- An (experimental) webhook system in the API (see the above docs for usage).
- Rewritten order statuses from a taxonomy to true post statuses === faster reporting, easier queries. Compatibility instructions can be found here.
- New Refund system (see–2-prowling-pangolin-beta–1-release-and-highlights/
- wc_get_order() functions and extra helpers for creating orders programmatically.
- Payment Gateway enhancements to support refunds and the storing of transaction IDs. Developers can find some instructions on implementing these features here.
- Language pack downloader – Lets us push out translation updates separate to core and keeps WooCommerce itself lighter.
- Variation stock handling – Extra options for stock management at variation level, including some new meta data and methods.
Upgrading to 2.2
Aside from testing before pushing to live (use a staging site) developers should be aware of the upgrade script which runs in 2.2. The script will:
- Update some deprecated options such as woocommerce_ship_to_billing.
- Convert the old order statuses (taxonomy) to the new ‘post status’ formats.
- Update variations to include new stock meta data.
- Add new capabilities to admin users for webhooks.
Users will be prompted to run this in WP admin after upgrading.
What Comes Next?
WC 2.3 has already been scoped out and planned to be a UI focussed release. We’re hoping to speed up our release cycles as of 2.3, so keep an eye on Github and feel free to get involved.
And for everyone attending our first WooCommerce conference, see you in November!
WC 2.2 Release Candidate 1 has today been tagged. If all goes well, the final release will be happening wednesday. You can compare the changes since beta 3 here.
If you have not tested a theme/plugin yet (what have you been doing?) you have ~48 hours to do so if you want to beat the release of the new version.
You can download the release candidate here:
If you are testing plugins and they are not showing up, ensure you name the plugin folder ‘woocommerce’ (removing the -2.2.0-RC1) when moving it into your plugins directory.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release so far!
Today we tagged WC 2.2 beta 3 which should be the last beta before release.
Beta 3 contains mostly bug fixes and an update to the Language Pack Downloader to make it compatible with WP 4.0. You can view a comparison between beta 2 and master here.
Again, we’re happy to hear your feedback about 2.2 and would appreciate any bug reports going directly to Github.
If you find a bug with the beta, please ensure you prepend the ticket title with [2.2] when submitting the issue to GitHub, or at least mention what version you are using in the ticket description.
Thanks again.
Work continues on 2.2 and we’re getting closer to an end-of-month release. Don’t forget to test your extensions and themes!
Changes since beta 1
You can view a comparison between beta 1 and master here, but notable changes include:
- Prefixed get_order() to make wc_get_order()
- Prefixed get_product() to match – wc_get_product() (soft deprecated)
- Added info about the refunder in the backend refund system
- Fixed stock logic for parents and children variations
- Added some backwards compatibility for the new shop order statuses to prevent old style get_post queries breaking
- max amount option for coupons
- Deprecated Mijireh gateway
- Added Simplify Commerce gateway
- Added a 3rd parameter on the process_refund() method for $reason
- Refund API
Help translate 2.2
The latest 2.2 POT files have been pushed to Transifex meaning you can get involved in the translations here:
Thanks to everyone who submits a translation!
Download the latest beta
We’re happy to hear your feedback about 2.2 and would appriciate any bug reports going directly to Github.
If you find a bug with the beta, please ensure you prepend the ticket title with [2.2] when submitting the issue to GitHub, or at least mention what version you are using in the ticket description.
Thanks again.
Orders can have several statuses in WooCommerce; completed, processing, on-hold, pending to name a few.
In WooCommerce 2.1, statuses were associated with orders via a taxonomy called shop_order_status. The shop_order_status taxonomy is no more in 2.2.
Instead, 2.2 uses post_status for the order status. In terms of usage, this makes more sense – regular post statuses are of little use for orders (since when did you have a non-published order?). For performance, using post status has several benefits, particulary to queries and reporting which can now contain less table joins.
How does this affect developers? If you query shop_order posts via a get_posts() function, or DB query, you will need to modify your code to fully support 2.2. Otherwise you’ll either get a notice, or no results.
If you are calling get_posts() for the shop_order post type
Here is an example of a 2.1 order query:
$orders = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'shop_order', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'shop_order_status', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => array( 'processing', 'completed' ) ) ) ) );
This query uses shop_order_status which will no longer work in 2.2 without throwing a notice. For 2.2 you’d change this to be:
$orders = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'shop_order', 'post_status' => array( 'wc-processing', 'wc-completed' ) ) );
If you wanted to get all orders, of any status, 2.2 has a function wc_get_order_statuses() which returns all registered order statuses:
$orders = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'shop_order', 'post_status' => array_keys( wc_get_order_statuses() ) ) );
If you are doing $wpdb queries on shop_order posts
Like above, you’ll need to change the taxonomy part of your query. Here is an example from 2.1:
$sales = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} as posts LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->term_relationships} AS rel ON posts.ID=rel.object_ID LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS tax USING( term_taxonomy_id ) LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->terms} AS term USING( term_id ) WHERE posts.post_type = 'shop_order' AND posts.post_status = 'publish' AND tax.taxonomy = 'shop_order_status' AND term.slug IN ( '" . implode( "','", array( 'completed', 'processing', 'on-hold' ) ) . "' ) " );
In 2.2, this becomes:
$sales = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} as posts WHERE posts.post_type = 'shop_order' AND posts.post_status IN ( '" . implode( "','", array( 'wc-completed', 'wc-processing', 'wc-on-hold' ) ) . "' ) " );
Direct queries on the database will need to be updated, or no results will be returned.