AI Assisted Product Listings


We are set to launch a set of experimental AI features to enhance product listings. To start, new Woo Express merchants will be able to use AI to generate product titles and descriptions. It is our intention to roll this feature out to all Woo Express users soon, before exploring ways of making this available to the broader WooCommerce ecosystem.


These functionalities are available now for all new Woo Express merchants.

Updates about wider availability to follow.


We’re pleased to announce the official release of our first set of Woo AI features. This initiative allows us to provide experimental AI features to our merchants quickly, enabling us to gather their feedback and iterate on the features for improved performance. Initially, we’re introducing AI-generated product titles and descriptions, harnessing the power of OpenAI’s GPT LLM. These features are being delivered via a Woo AI extension that is currently built-in for all new Woo Express merchants. We are exploring plans for wider availability in the future.


Recognizing the potential of AI in e-commerce, we’ve been keen to explore ways in which we could leverage it to enhance the WooCommerce experience. Our merchants continually seek tools to streamline their processes and improve their product listings. The creation of these Woo AI features stems from these needs, and our desire to offer innovative, cutting-edge tools to our community.

What is changing?

With this release, we’re adding new ways for merchants to quickly create and iterate on product titles and descriptions. Instead of manually crafting these elements, merchants can now have them auto-generated by AI. This change brings increased efficiency and potentially more engaging product listings. As we gain feedback and the experiments prove successful, we will work towards integrating these features into our core software products.

Why are we doing this now?

We believe that now is the ideal time to leverage the capabilities of AI, given its proven impact in various sectors. By introducing these AI functionalities, we’re staying at the forefront of technological innovation, ensuring WooCommerce’s continued relevance in a rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape. Prioritizing this work now is crucial for the ongoing adaptability and growth of the Woo ecosystem.


A demo video showcasing the capabilities of the AI extension can be found here:

See Woo AI in action

More detailed information about Woo AI and the features we have planned will be available on our developer-blog as we continue to refine it based on feedback and usage insights.

Stay tuned for further updates on the rollout plan for existing Woo Express merchants and potential plans for making a Woo AI extension available in the broader Woo ecosystem.