Roadmap insights

  • Image of Beau Lebens against Woo developer themed background

    WooCommerce in 2024 and beyond: Roadmap update

    Welcome to a special edition post, brought to you by Beau Lebens, Head of Engineering for Woo. Today, I’d like to share some insight into our plans for WooCommerce, Woo’s core product, over the course of the rest of the year and beyond.   In this post, I’ll outline our priorities for the coming year, highlighting…

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  • A new product gallery coming to 2.7. Maybe.

    The product image galleries in WooCommerce basically haven’t changed since version 1. The layout is fine, but the lightbox functionality is looking more than a little tired. Most importantly the experience on smaller handheld devices is… Read more

  • Cart AJAX

    Cart AJAX updates for WooCommerce 2.6 allow better user experience Read more

  • Payment Token API in 2.6

    WooCommerce 2.6 will ship with a payment tokenization API. This makes it easier to store, manipulate, and retrieve payment info in a standardized way. Payment methods saved using the API can be managed from the… Read more

  • Shipping Zones to ship with 2.6

    Currently when shipping goods with WooCommerce you can use one of the core shipping methods (flat rate, international, local pickup). Each method can be used once, and availability is configured per shipping method. Whilst this system is simple,… Read more

  • WooCommerce 2016 core wishlist

    With 2015 and 2.5 (almost) out of the way, we’ve started looking forward to 2016 and the next major release. WC 2.6 has already been partially roadmapped on Github and on our roadmap Trello board,… Read more

  • Time to start translating WooCommerce 2.5

    WooCommerce 2.5 will be released in January – the Release Candidate will be available between Jan 4th–8th 2016 just after we’ve recovered from our new year hangovers. That means we have around a month to translate 134 new strings… Read more

  • New session handler in 2.5

    Being stateless, WordPress doesn’t have an in-built way of handling session data. You can use cookies. You can implement PHP Sessions, but both have limitations and some hosts aren’t equipped to deal with them by… Read more

  • Sneak Peek: WP CLI Support in WooCommerce 2.5

    WP CLI support is one of the features that’s included in WooCommerce 2.5 milestone. In case you haven’t heard WP-CLI: WP-CLI is a set of command-line tools for managing WordPress installations. You can update plugins,… Read more

  • Caching and dynamic pricing – upcoming changes to the get_variation_prices method

    get_variation_prices was a method added in 2.4 to make it easy to retrieve an array of variation prices for a variable product. With this array, you can output pricing information in many different ways; core… Read more