Developers Rejoice: The Pangolin Has Landed

Finally we’re proud to announce WC 2.2 (Prowling Pangolin) is live! 2.2 is our 9th major release and has been in development since 2.1 was released back in February.

Some Stats on This Release

To highlight the work that’s gone into 2.2, since 2.1 I would have loved to have shown more stats from Github, but instead saw this:

This comparison is big! We’re only showing the most recent 250 commits

I think that pretty much covers how much work has been done, but from the data I was able to scrape there have been:

  • 47 contributors
  • 1670 commits
  • 553229 additions
  • 972950 deletions

That’s staggering, so huge props to everyone who has contributed via Github, and also not forgetting the translation teams on Transifex!

Release Highlights for Developers

Upgrading to 2.2

Aside from testing before pushing to live (use a staging site) developers should be aware of the upgrade script which runs in 2.2. The script will:

  1. Update some deprecated options such as woocommerce_ship_to_billing.
  2. Convert the old order statuses (taxonomy) to the new ‘post status’ formats.
  3. Update variations to include new stock meta data.
  4. Add new capabilities to admin users for webhooks.

Users will be prompted to run this in WP admin after upgrading.

What Comes Next?

WC 2.3 has already been scoped out and planned to be a UI focussed release. We’re hoping to speed up our release cycles as of 2.3, so keep an eye on Github and feel free to get involved.

And for everyone attending our first WooCommerce conference, see you in November!

24 responses to “Developers Rejoice: The Pangolin Has Landed”

  1. Fatal error: Call to a member function get_settings() on a non-object in /nfs/c02/h08/mnt/42123/domains/ on line 291

    1. Updated to the 2.2 core and the quantity button overlapped the minus button making it so you could not longer see the quantity for a product. To fix i just had to tweak the css a bit to get it to render correctly. This was using the Woo Reatiler theme. The fix was to paste this css into the custom code .woocommerce-page .quantity input.qty {
      position: relative;
      left: 35px;

  2. The above “Fatal error” is consistent amongst several of my WooCommerce sites; anyone seeing a similar error?

    Thanks in advance for thoughts, solutions, etc…

  3. I was able to resolve by doing the following:

    1. In class-wc-install.php, change all occurrences of get_settings() to get_options() as the previous is deprecated.
    2. Change the single occurrence of get_settings_pages() to get_options().
    3. /wp-admin loaded up nicely and I reverted the above back to normal as it was only relevant for the install (I believe).

    1. I think you have a missing file, because those methods do exist in the settings classes. These are not the same as get_options()

      1. Hmmm; I was not able to find anything else out of place. I found which referenced another function; I tried it and it alleviated my issue.

        1. It’s not referencing get_settings, it is referencing a method inside WC_Admin_Settings

  4. Is there a way to downgrade it? The admin panel is not loading anymore, and the website is loading slow.

    Any idea why the admin does not load after upgrade?


      1. Thanks. I will disable the plugins to see if I can get it fixed.
        Do you know if I can downgrade it? Because I have other issues on frontend, and I can’t fix them now as is night here 🙂

        1. You can grab an old version from the ‘developers’ tab on If you’ve run the updater some things like order statuses may be wrong though.

          In future, test updates on a dev/staging server. Doing any update on a live store is a bad idea.

          1. Thanks for your help. I was able to downgrade it and now the site is working fine. I know that it was stupid to update a live store, but tomorrow I’ll make it work on a test site.

  5. Yep. And entire back office is blank

    1. – I have no idea what to do..

      1. Please do not upgrade just the WooCommerce.
        Update all plugins at the same time to avoid these problems:

        1. Excellent suggestion, I was about to write the same. Also, it’s always better to update the plugins on TEST sites first, so that nothing breaks on the live site if something goes wrong.

        2. I think I am going to restore the site and do this later. Can’t afford to loos anything now. Woocommerce was the only update I had I believe

          1. jameskoster Avatar

            Please do not perform updates (especially major releases like this one) on a live site. We cannot stress this enough.

  6. I keep a backup of everything on my site in 2 different places and I did a backup locally, before doing the update. I was just hoping it’d go fine. I’ll have to test it out on my test server at another time.

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone

  7. Is anyone else having trouble with thumbnails not being displayed after updating?

    1. Mary Baum Avatar

      My images aren’t scaling. Even when I regenerate thumbnails.

  8. Hi,

    For Woocommerce 2.2, how can i add custom fields into variable products? As my previous code to add custom field doesn’t work. It appears in the backend, but when i print the array, the value for product_custom_fields disappeared. Help?

  9. We’re having a major issue. Every hour or so, we get a notification that “WooCommerce Data Update Required – We just need to update your install to the latest version”
    We have updated it several times, still keeps occurring.
    A search on G. led me to a post where a guy deleted his .htaccess and put permalinks to default, saved, then back to his custom and the message went away.
    Well, I did that yesterday and I thought I was good. Today, however, I get into the office, log in and I am seeing the notice “WooCommerce Data Update Required – We just need to update your install to the latest version” all over again.
    What can I do to make this go away? Anyone?
    Thank you for your time,

  10. Hi there!
    Is the REST API 2.0 Documentation still in development? I cant find the good old endpoint documentations for orders and customers in the new one.

    Thanks a lot!

    Best regards

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