Storefront 2.3.0 is now available to download

Storefront 2.3.0 has just been tagged for release an uploaded to That means it should be available to download very soon!

While 2.3 is not a major release, you should not update live sites without adequate testing on a staging site. If you are using any additional Storefront products (child themes and/or extensions) be sure to check for updates for them before updating Storefront.

What’s in the box

Please read the previous post which includes all of the details of this release.

For the condensed version, here’s the relevant info pulled directly from the changelog;

Feature - Sticky Add-To-Cart.
Feature - Product Pagination.
Feature - WooCommerce Brands integration.
Tweak - Increased size of branding section if secondary navigation not used.
Tweak - Added a screen reader label to post navigation links.
Tweak - Removed RGBaster and added Customizer controls to change the color of text in the homepage Hero section.
Tweak - Removed NUX notice if coming from the WooCommerce wizard.
Tweak - Updated My Account layout.
Tweak - Removed column wrappers, unnecessary as of WooCommerce 3.3.
Tweak - Removed Jetpack Infinite Scroll hacks; they are no longer needed as of the latest version of Jetpack / WooCommerce.
Tweak - Removed "Free Extensions" column from Welcome page.
Fix - Reduce padding on cart table to prevent sidebar from overflowing container.
Fix - Hide handheld footer bar when an input is focused.
Fix - Prevent entry meta author styles from being applied to the author archives.
Fix - All included JavaScript is now compatible with Internet Explorer 11.
Fix - Added styling for other buttons in the header mini cart added by extensions.
Fix - Improved semantic HTML for pages and single posts.
Fix - Removed negative margins in the primary navigation and breadcrumb containers to fix an overflow issue in the Linux version of Chrome.
Fix - Removed 1px pixel margin on the product images gallery.
Fix - Added missing styles to Composite Products integration.
Dev - Upgrade to Font Awesome 5.
Dev - Remove `composer.json` from production version.
Dev - Added CSS style linting.
Dev - Renamed the `sass` folder to `css`. All `.scss` files are now excluded from the production version.


You can download Storefront now from your dashboard or from

I found a bug

If you find a bug then as always, please be sure to report it on GitHub. If you have any other problems with Storefront please post on the support forum, or contact us if you’re a WooCommerce customer.

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