wc-admin v0.4.0 release notes

Two weeks have flown by since our last release of wc-admin, so it is time for another release and a quick synopsis of all that has changed! If this is the first time you have heard about wc-admin, it is a new JavaScript-driven interface for managing your WooCommerce stores that is focusing on creating new and improved reports, a notifications system to help keep your store running smoothly, and a dashboard to monitor all the important key metrics of your site. You can read more about the background of the project in our Alpha announcement post – or watch the keynote from WooSesh.

The plugin isn’t quite ready yet to be run on production sites, but we would love for you to install it on a staging or test instance and try it out. You can download version 0.4.0 right here. If you do test out the plugin, and have some feedback – please do open an issue in the GitHub repository, or reach out to me on WooCommerce slack!

Release Highlights

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with using wc-admin in IE11
  • Many improvements to the chart, in particular issues with the Y-axis ticks.
  • Fixed overflow issue with search box in advanced filters.
  • Fix for wrong order count on Products Report.
  • Average order value bug fixed.

REST API Updates:

  • Added reports/downloads endpoint
  • Added reports/coupons endpoint
  • Added reports/coupons/stats endpoint

Documentation Updates:

  • The Report Components now have their own dedicated section in our developer documentation.

Dashboard Charts:

  • You can now view charted data within the Dashboard. Fourteen different data points are available to chart on the dashboard, and you can toggle between line and bar charts.

Known Issues:

  • The dashboard chart selections are not persisting between page loads.
  • The charts do not respond to changes in the Dashboard date range picker yet.
  • Charts need to be linked to their corresponding reports to allow users to navigate easily to the full report.

Downloads Report:

  • In the Downloads Report we added support for Advanced Filters which will allow filtering of Downloads by Product, Username, Order Number, and IP Address.

Known Issues

  • The downloads report is still using test data, and is not hooked up to the REST API yet.

Advanced Filters:

A variety of new Advanced Filters were developed during the past few weeks to add functionality needed in the Customers Report.

  • Numeric Filters allow adding in filters to report that are based off of numeric inputs. The filter supports matches for more than, less than, and between inputs of numeric values.
  • Customer Name Filter is a new autocompleter filter that allows for creating filters based upon orders for a particular customer.
  • Email Filter is another autocompleter filter that is powered by the Customers REST API endpoint and will allow quick filtering of reports by customer email.
  • Country Filter is the last new autocompleter filter added in this release.

Single Date Picker Component:

Another need of the Customers Report is the ability to create a filter based upon a single date ( i.e. Registered on/before/after a certain date ). The new DatePicker component is built upon the WordPress core DatePicker and will soon be available to use as an Advanced Filter within the project.

Category Report & Categories Data:

The Categories Report table is now hooked up to live data! Also in both the Categories and Products reports, enhanced Category Data is now displayed for nested categories. For stores that use deeply nested categories, category names are now display a breadcrumb path:

Coupons Report:

The Coupons Report is now fully hooked up to live data via the REST API. The report also offers the ability to compare multiple coupon codes and quickly see values of how many orders used coupons, and the total amount discounted.

Taxes Report:

The Taxes Report is also now serving up live data from the API. Much like the Coupons Report, you can compare multiple Tax codes on this report, and access data around how much tax was collected for orders, and shipping.

Stock Report:

The Stock Report page is now available, but many of the underlying functionality is still in development.

Reviews Activity Panel:

The Reviews Activity Panel now shows real data for all product reviews that need moderation:

What is Coming Next?

During the next two weeks, the team will be focusing on the following items:

    • Finalizing endpoints for Customers, and Stock Report
    • Continued work on ability to Segment Data for better visualization of comparisons
    • Updates to the core Orders endpoint to add in needed query options for the Orders Report.
  • Analytics
    • Finalize Customers, Downloads, and Stock reports with live data.
  • Dashboard
    • Improvements to Chart Block
    • New Leaderboards Section and Blocks for Top Categories and Coupons
  • Report Lookup Tables
    • Enhancements to logic that populates the lookup tables that power the reports.

Keep yourself in the loop!

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This field is hidden when viewing the form
This field is hidden when viewing the form

11 responses to “wc-admin v0.4.0 release notes”

  1. bildmanufakturwackernah Avatar

    I see that it interferes with follow up emails extension as there isn’t anymore a report overview chart. And under taxes it shows me instead 27,49 wrong 274,91 value for overall. It seems that a comma as decimal separator is the reason for this?

    1. Thanks for the feedback – the comma location definitely sounds like a bug to me. Could you provide some more details about your locale settings so I can attempt to re-create the issue, or if you are interested – could you open a bug report on the repository?

      > I see that it interferes with follow up emails extension as there isn’t anymore a report overview chart

      The Follow Up Email extension should still display its chart on the WordPress Dashboard – the dashboard being developed here is specific to WooCommerce store insights. We have discussed that the Follow Up Emails chart would be a great candidate for us to move over to the new wc-admin dashboard and use it as an example of how to port a legacy chart to the new dashboard though.

  2. wondering the compatibility with the previous hooks of the administration in woocommerce.
    Or all the woocommerce plugin developers will become crazy.

    1. Thanks for the comment – the functionality in wc-admin is entirely new so no existing extensions will be affected. We are building in new extensibility options into wc-admin though so developers will have opportunities to use the new Analytics and Dashboard sections as targets for new extension logic. I have an example report here which shows how developers can use the new wc-admin javascript components to create new reports.

      We are planning on creating some more example code like this for developers to see how wc-admin can be extended.

      1. So taking an example this interface replace already features avalaible in WooCommerce and there are plugin that use that hooks for their needs.
        For them what will happen?

        1. Correct there is a bit of overlap between the new Analytics and legacy reports that exist in WooCommerce right now. There are no plans to deprecate the legacy reports at this time – so store owners and extension developers that rely upon the existing reports will be unaffected by the new Analytics system.

          The key differences between the two offerings though are the legacy reports query order/product/meta tables to compile stats. This works well on smaller sites, but is quite slow and unusable on higher traffic stores. Additionally the legacy reports are built on JS libraries ( like flotjs ) which are no longer in active production.

          The new Analytics system is backed by optimized database lookup tables specifically designed for reporting, and the interface is constructed using modern JavaScript patterns and open source frameworks – which align with the direction of modern JS in the larger WordPress.org project.

  3. Hi , need to upgrade the existing vendor theme but last installation done by very old developer and i am not in touch with him , what is the best option to upgrade it without much customization work

    1. Hello there! Not sure if this post is relevant to your theme/upgrade issue. You could try posting to the support forums to get some feedback on your particular scenario.

  4. Can we see total of sales only for completed orders?

  5. Any support for Guests customers?

    1. Great question! Yes in our next release the new customers report will support both registered and unregistered/guest customers.

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