Storefront 2.4.3 release notes

Storefront 2.4.3 has been tagged for release and uploaded to

Here’s what’s changed pulled directly from the changelog:

* Feature - Replicate Storefront's layout logic in the block editor. Wide and Full-width options are made available only if supported.
* Enhancement - Product pagination is now circular and skips hidden products.
* Tweak - Remove unused variables from `inc/customizer/class-storefront-customizer.php`.
* Tweak - Refactored "Posted on" section in `storefront_post_meta()`.
* Tweak - Standardize mixing of static/non static function calls in the `Storefront_Customizer` class.
* Tweak - Remove padding and transition styles from post navigation.
* Fix - Remove hard coded colors for Blocks from `gutenberg-blocks.css` and use colors set in the Customizer instead.
* Fix - Clear floats on alignwide and alignfull blocks.
* Fix - When outputting custom styling for extensions, check if the object `$storefront` is in the expected format and has right properties.
* Dev - Babel added as a dependency.
* Dev - New `assets/js/src/editor.js` file.
* Dev - Revert filter name. `storefront_woocommerce_customizer_css` reverted to `storefront_customizer_woocommerce_css`.
* Dev - New hooks added to post header section: `storefront_post_header_before`, `storefront_post_header_after`.

Download the latest release of Storefront here or venture over to Dashboard → Updates to update your theme from WordPress.

As usual, if you spot any other issues, please log them in detail on Github.