Extending WC-Admin Reports

This post serves as a guide to extending WC-Admin Reports with a basic UI dropdown, added query parameters, and modification of SQL queries and resulting report data. This example will create a currency selector for viewing the Orders Report based on a specific currency.

Code from this guide can be viewed in the wc-admin code repository.

Getting Started

We’ll be using a local installation of WordPress with WooCommerce and the development version of WC-Admin to take advantage of create-wc-extension as a way to easily scaffold a modern WordPress JavaScript environment for plugins.

In your local install, clone and start WC-Admin if you haven’t already.

cd wp-content/plugins 
git clone git@github.com:woocommerce/woocommerce-admin.git
cd woocommerce-admin
npm run build

Once thats working, we can setup the extension folder ready for JavaScript development.

npm run create-wc-extension

After choosing a name, move into that folder and start webpack to watch and build files.

cd ../<my-plugin-name>
npm install
npm start

Don’t forget to head over to /wp-admin/plugins.php and activate your plugin.

Populating Test Data

Next, set up some orders to have sample data. Using WooCommerce > Settings > Currency, I added three test orders in Mexican Peso, US Dollar, and New Zealand Dollar.

After doing so, check out WC-Admin to make sure the orders are showing up by going to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&period=today&path=%2Fanalytics%2Forders&compare=previous_year. Note that without any modification currency figures show according to what I have currently in WooCommerce settings, which is New Zealand Dollar in this case.

We can confirm each order’s currency by running the following query on the wp_posts table and joining wp_postmeta to gather currency meta values. Results show an order in NZD, USD, and MXN. This query is similar to the one we’ll implement later in the guide to gather and display currency values.

    currency_postmeta.meta_value AS currency
FROM `wp_posts` 
JOIN wp_postmeta currency_postmeta ON wp_posts.ID = currency_postmeta.post_id
WHERE currency_postmeta.meta_key = '_order_currency'
ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC

Add a UI Dropdown

In order to view reports in differing currencies, a filter or dropdown will be needed. We can add a basic filter to reports by adding a configuration object similar to this one from the Orders Report.

First, we need to populate the client with data to render the dropdown. The best way to do this is to add data to the wcSettings global. This global can be useful for transferring static configuration data from PHP to the client. In the main PHP file, add currency settings to the Data Registry to populate window.wcSettings.multiCurrency.

function add_currency_settings() {
	$currencies = array(
			'label' => __( 'United States Dollar', 'dev-blog-example' ),
			'value' => 'USD',
			'label' => __( 'New Zealand Dollar', 'dev-blog-example' ),
			'value' => 'NZD',
			'label' => __( 'Mexican Peso', 'dev-blog-example' ),
			'value' => 'MXN',

	$data_registry = Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\Package::container()->get(

	$data_registry->add( 'multiCurrency', $currencies );

add_action( 'init', 'add_currency_settings' );

In the console, you can confirm the data has safely made its way to the client.

In index.js create the custom currency filter and add it the Orders Report.

import { addFilter } from '@wordpress/hooks';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';

const addCurrencyFilters = ( filters ) => {
	return [
			label: __( 'Currency', 'dev-blog-example' ),
			staticParams: [],
			param: 'currency',
			showFilters: () => true,
			defaultValue: 'USD',
			filters: [ ...( wcSettings.multiCurrency || [] ) ],


If we check out the Orders Report, we can see our new dropdown. Play around with it and you’ll notice the currency query parameter gets added to the url. If you check out the Network tab, you’ll also see this value included in requests for data used to populate the report. For example, see the requests to orders stats endpoint, /wp-json/wc-analytics/reports/orders/stats. Next we’ll use that query parameter to adjust report results.

Handle Currency Parameters on the Server

Now that our dropdown adds a currency query parameter to requests for data, the first thing we’ll need to do is add the parameter as a query argument to the Orders Data Store and Orders Stats Data Store. Those data stores use query arguments for caching purposes, so by adding our parameter we can be sure a new database query will be performed when the parameter changes. Add the query argument in your main PHP file.

function apply_currency_arg( $args ) {
	$currency = 'USD';

	if ( isset( $_GET['currency'] ) ) {
		$currency = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['currency'] ) );

	$args['currency'] = $currency;

	return $args;

add_filter( 'woocommerce_analytics_orders_query_args', 'apply_currency_arg' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_analytics_orders_stats_query_args', 'apply_currency_arg' );

Now that we’re sure a new database query is performed on mutations of the currency query parameter, we can start adding SQL statements to the queries that gather data.

Lets start by adding a JOIN for the orders table, orders stats, and orders chart.

function add_join_subquery( $clauses ) {
	global $wpdb;

	$clauses[] = "JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} currency_postmeta ON {$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_stats.order_id = currency_postmeta.post_id";

	return $clauses;

add_filter( 'woocommerce_analytics_clauses_join_orders_subquery', 'add_join_subquery' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_analytics_clauses_join_orders_stats_total', 'add_join_subquery' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_analytics_clauses_join_orders_stats_interval', 'add_join_subquery' );

Next, add a WHERE clause

function add_where_subquery( $clauses ) {
	$currency = 'USD';

	if ( isset( $_GET['currency'] ) ) {
		$currency = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['currency'] ) );

	$clauses[] = "AND currency_postmeta.meta_key = '_order_currency' AND currency_postmeta.meta_value = '{$currency}'";

	return $clauses;

add_filter( 'woocommerce_analytics_clauses_where_orders_subquery', 'add_where_subquery' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_analytics_clauses_where_orders_stats_total', 'add_where_subquery' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_analytics_clauses_where_orders_stats_interval', 'add_where_subquery' );

And finally, a SELECT clause.

function add_select_subquery( $clauses ) {
	$clauses[] = ', currency_postmeta.meta_value AS currency';

	return $clauses;

add_filter( 'woocommerce_analytics_clauses_select_orders_subquery', 'add_select_subquery' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_analytics_clauses_select_orders_stats_total', 'add_select_subquery' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_analytics_clauses_select_orders_stats_interval', 'add_select_subquery' );

Lets head back to the Orders Report and see if it works. You can manipulate the dropdown and see the relevant order reflected in the table.

Finishing Touches

The orders table could use some customisation to reflect the selected currency. We can add a column to display the currency in index.js. The reportTableData argument is an object of headers, rows, and items, which are arrays of data. We’ll need to add a new header and append the currency to each row’s data array.

const addTableColumn = reportTableData => {
	if ( 'orders' !== reportTableData.endpoint ) {
		return reportTableData;

	const newHeaders = [
			label: 'Currency',
			key: 'currency',
	const newRows = reportTableData.rows.map( ( row, index ) => {
		const item = reportTableData.items.data[ index ];
		const newRow = [
				display: item.currency,
				value: item.currency,
		return newRow;
	} );

	reportTableData.headers = newHeaders;
	reportTableData.rows = newRows;

	return reportTableData;

addFilter( 'woocommerce_admin_report_table', 'dev-blog-example', addTableColumn );

While adding a column is certainly helpful, currency figures in the table and chart only reflect the store currency.

In order to change a Report’s currency and number formatting, we can make use of the woocommerce_admin_report_currency JS hook. You can see the store’s default sent to the client in wcSettings.currency, but we’ll need to change these depending on the currency being viewed and designated by the query parameter ?currency=NZD.

First, lets create some configs in index.js.

const currencies = {
	MXN: {
		code: 'MXN',
		symbol: '$MXN', // For the sake of the example.
		symbolPosition: 'left',
		thousandSeparator: ',',
		decimalSeparator: '.',
		precision: 2,
	NZD: {
		code: 'NZD',
		symbol: '$NZ',
		symbolPosition: 'left',
		thousandSeparator: ',',
		decimalSeparator: '.',
		precision: 2,

Finally, add our function to the hook which applies a config based on the currency query parameter.

const updateReportCurrencies = ( config, { currency } ) => {
	if ( currency && currencies[ currency ] ) {
		return currencies[ currency ];
	return config;


🎉 We can now view our Orders Report and see the currency reflected in monetary values throughout the report.


In this guide, we added a UI element to manipulate query parameters sent to the server and used those values to modify SQL statements which gather report data. In doing so, we established a way to highly customise WC-Admin reports. Hopefully this example illustrates how the platform can be tailored by extensions to bring a powerful experience to users.

14 responses to “Extending WC-Admin Reports”

  1. Thats great, when will it actually be a part of the official plugin?

    1. Thanks! WooCommerce Admin will be released as part of WooCommerce 4.0.

    2. Gareth Allison Avatar
      Gareth Allison

      From WooCommerce 4.0 onward, Darren. 🙂

  2. Hello thank you for the example, however points scare me:
    – How to subsequently integrate data when woocommerce-admin is merged. Isn’t there a way to add data without going through the builds?
    – Is it possible to add a new widget in the WooCommerce dashboard?

    1. Isn’t there a way to add data without going through the builds?

      Data manipulated via filters added in PHP will not require builds. WooCommerce Admin has been built upon the foundations of Gutenberg and its packages, which make use of imports and other ES2015+. I would suggest brushing up on those concepts and making use of create-wc-extension as a way to quickly create the environment needed for JS development.

      This package assumes that your code will run in an ES2015+ environment.

      ~ https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/tree/master/packages/components

      Is it possible to add a new widget in the WooCommerce dashboard?

      Yes! you can add any widget of your choice. https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/tree/main/docs/examples/extensions/dashboard-section creates a dashboard widget making use of some @woocommerce/components to build a chart.

      1. thank you @psealk i will watch and test this

  3. I’m working with the beta Woo 4.0 but am struggling to adapt the tutorial. I’ve cloned the latest WooCommerce from github but when I try to run “create-wc-extension” in Woo 4.0 I’m getting a missing script error 🙁 Do you already have info how the tutorial will work in Woo 4.0?

    1. psealk Avatar

      I’ve cloned the latest WooCommerce from github

      The script is part of WooCommerce Admin, not Core WooCommerce. I can see where the confusion may come from because WooCommerce Admin is included in Core as of 4.0. However, the app is included but not the dev tooling, such as scripts. You’ll need to clone WooCommerce Admin directly. Much like the development version of Gutenberg, it can also live in your plugins folder and will take precedent over the one found in WooCommerce Core.

      [code lang=text]
      cd wp-content/plugins
      git clone git@github.com:woocommerce/woocommerce-admin.git
      cd woocommerce-admin
      npm run build
      npm run create-wc-extension

      1. Thank you, that makes sense! Following the tutorial, once I’ve got my own plugin set up and working and want to deploy it on a website, what do I need to do to create a “production” build? Is there a command to run to create a plugin version that doesn’t include all the node_modules but only the files the plugin needs to run on a production site?

        1. psealk Avatar

          Hi Edith, I’m glad you got things working. npm run create-wc-extension uses Gutenberg’s scripts under the hood. You can read all the available commands at https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/tree/master/packages/scripts#available-scripts.

  4. It seems like as of 2024 the tutorial is no more valid. Is it still possible to add a custom filter to Analytics > Orders? Whether to the bar or to the Advanced Filters.

  5. Disregard my previous comment, it worked, thanks for the great article. There is just one thing that npm run create-wc-extension doesn’t work out of the box due to package.json configuration. Need to change chalk version to “<5" as of version 5 it switched to ESM and there are some errors performing the create extension command.

    1. Md Jahidul Islam Avatar
      Md Jahidul Islam

      Hi Viktor,

      I am encounter the error below. When I run npm run create-wc-extension. And if change the chalk version <5. It create the extension but create another issue like encounter error when I try use the first js code in the index.js. Can you please tell me how did you resolve this?

      npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
      npm ERR! errno 1
      npm ERR! @woocommerce/admin-library@3.4.0-dev create-wc-extension: `node ./bin/starter-pack/starter-pack.js`
      npm ERR! Exit status 1
      npm ERR!
      npm ERR! Failed at the @woocommerce/admin-library@3.4.0-dev create-wc-extension script.
      npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

      npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:

  6. Amichai Avatar


    I’m tryinhg to add custom filters, by using a simple JS file queued to admin analytics screen – not by using a build step using NPM.

    It’s basically the same thing, as i’m addressing the wp global and the addFilter method.

    I works fine, but however – after setting some filters in the analytics screen (which add GET params to the page URL), and refreshing the page – the custom filters will not show.

    My JS script is running after DOM content load event, what should I do to fix this problem?

    Thank you!

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