WooCommerce 4.0 Release Candidate 2 Is Now Available

WooCommerce 4.0 release date is approaching and we are happy to make the second release candidate for it available now.

To test it out, use our beta tester plugin (which, despite its name, can also be used to test release candidates) or download the release from wordpress.org.

We’re publishing another release candidate as we’ve decided to revert the change that was hiding WordPress notices under the Notices button in the Activity panel. While we want the experience for shop owners to be as free from distractions as possible, we also want to be good citizens of the WordPress ecosystem, hence the change.

We’re also including fixes for new Jetpack versions and security fixes from version 3.9.3.

We still plan to unveil the final version of WooCommerce 4.0 next Tuesday, March 10th, but if you would like to learn what’s inside, check out the beta announcement post–it highlights all the new features and improvements.

If you find any bugs along the way, please open an issue in our GitHub repository. Thank you for testing and helping us make WooCommerce better!

5 responses to “WooCommerce 4.0 Release Candidate 2 Is Now Available”

  1. Daniel Avatar

    Does it creates additional tables in the database from previous beta version? I’m asking because I have to create the new tables manually due to a server /security restriction. Thanks in advance! (I’m having 12 new tables from 3.9.2)

    1. Peter Fabian Avatar
      Peter Fabian

      Hi Daniel,

      There are no new tables, but one table has added 1 column, since we updated Action Scheduler from 3.0 (included in the beta version) to 3.1 which supports long arguments for scheduled actions. You can see the change here: https://github.com/woocommerce/action-scheduler/pull/455/files#diff-9bddf8593cb516e1efd749cdc0c4f970R50

      In total, I can confirm there are 12 new tables from 3.9.3 to 4.0-rc.2, and 1 table has been updated (2 new columns, 2 columns changed data type)

      1. Daniel Avatar

        Thanks for the info!

  2. Juan Lopez Avatar
    Juan Lopez

    If I cannot do a staging test, and there are many Woocommerce add-ons not yet fully compatible, should I wait until all the plugin makers have become compatible?

  3. Michael Avatar

    Great update! It’s the greatest webshop software in the world.

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