WooCommerce 4.0.1 Fix Release

WooCommerce 4.0.1 is now available! This is a minor release and includes several bug fixes discovered after releasing 4.0 to our customers. It addresses problems related to Action Scheduler migration, multisite installations, coupon usage, variation saving, and shipping estimates.

Here’s the full change-log for this release:

* Enhancement โ€“ Update Action Scheduler to 3.1.4. #25966
* Enhancement โ€“ Bump Woocommerce Admin dependency to version 1.0.2. #25961
* Enhancement โ€“ Update dependency woocommerce/woocommerce-admin to v1.0.3 #25975
* Fix โ€“ Add usage_count meta before using it in a query. #25882
* Fix โ€“ Corrected argument type validation in plugin installer API. #25858
* Fix โ€“ Use standard admin_url function instead of absolute path. #25884
* Fix โ€“ Reverted the performance optimization made to variation saving. #25950
* Fix โ€“ Send dummy params to evaluate_cost method to detect validation errors. #25946
* Fix โ€“ Made the package shipping check more permissive. #25916
* Fix โ€“ Fix admin notes table does not exist errors when upgrading to 4.0.x. #25891
WooCommerce Admin
* Enhancement โ€“ Onboarding: business step: add Google Ads extension install.
* Tweak โ€“ create database tables on an earlier hook to avoid conflicts with core WooCommerce.
* Fix โ€“ Add Report Extension Example: Add default props to ReportFilters.
* Fix โ€“ Product report sorting by SKU when some products donโ€™t have SKUs.
* Fix โ€“ type warning on install timestamp in PHP 7.4.
* Fix โ€“ PHP error when WooCommerce core is Network Active on Multisites.
* Fix โ€“ missing database table errors on WooCommerce upgrade.
* Fix โ€“ undefined const WC_ADMIN_VERSION_NUMBER when WP < 5.3
* Fix โ€“ Made the admin note loading more resilient to prevent failures when loading notes with invalid content_data. #3926
* Fix โ€“ Removed replace_actionscheduler_store_class function. #3936
* Fix โ€“ Rename Google Shopping image asset. #3931
* Fix โ€“ Fix calling protected has_satisfied_dependencies on outdated plugin. #3938
* Dev โ€“ Add Changelog script.
* Dev โ€“ Fix failing tests after WC core merge.
* Dev โ€“ Bump WooCommerce tested up to tag.
* Dev โ€“ Update prestart script so readme.txt stable tag is updated.
Action Scheduler
* Fix โ€“ Re-create tables if needed on Scheduled Actions screen load. #492
* Fix โ€“ Add null action check on Scheduled Actions screen list rows. #493
* Fix โ€“ Fix context on ignored action log message. #481
* Fix โ€“ Restore scheduled action row and bulk action processing on WooCommerce Status screen. #487
* Fix โ€“ Include logs table re-create missed in #492. #495
* Fix โ€“ Ensure valid table name in save action. #498

We highly recommend updating WooCommerce to this version as soon as possible.

Download the latest release of WooCommerce here or visit Dashboard โ†’ Updates to update the plugin from your WordPress admin screen.
As usual, if you spot any other issues in WooCommerce core, please log them in detail on GitHub. Found a security issue? Please submit a report via HackerOne.

9 responses to “WooCommerce 4.0.1 Fix Release”

  1. Hello, does it require database update from wc 4.0?thanks in advance

    1. Peter Fabian Avatar
      Peter Fabian

      Hi Daniel, there are no database updates from version 4.0.0 to 4.0.1.

  2. i am not able to install this on my new website

    1. Peter Fabian Avatar
      Peter Fabian

      Sorry for the trouble, sbhadane960. Please post more detailed information on the support forum or contact our happiness engineers.

      1. I installed new wordpress on hosting with wordpress version 5.4 i tried to install woocommerce automatically on that wordpress account. but it shows error

        Your installation of WooCommerce is incomplete. If you installed WooCommerce from GitHub, please refer to this document to set up your development environment.

        what should i do ??

        1. Peter Fabian Avatar
          Peter Fabian


          Sorry for late response, I must have missed your reply. I think you probably downloaded woocommerce plugin from location other than the official wordpress.org repository? Please try to delete it and use the package from wordpress.org: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/woocommerce.4.0.1.zip

  3. infoagriturismostatale17it Avatar

    Hi, after updating seems to have problem the admin layout!
    Admin pages layout is broken i don’t know why!

    1. Peter Fabian Avatar
      Peter Fabian


      Sorry to hear you’re having problems. Please reach out with more details to the WordPress support forum or directly via our support.

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