Centralized Coupon Management – available for testing

As was outlined in the post for the new WooCommerce Marketing Hub we are looking to make it the place from which merchants can manage all their marketing needs for their WooCommerce stores.

As part of this vision we are moving the existing coupon management interface in WooCommerce core to be located within the Marketing Hub. This change can now be tested via the 1.3.0 release of the WooCommerce Admin.

We’ll be looking to include this change in the next release of WooCommerce core which is due for release in August 2020.

What has changed?

For now, all that has changed is the location of the coupon management interface. If you’ve seen the proposal for the new menu system we are working on for WooCommerce you will now also be able to see how this change in the menu structure starts to align with the larger overall vision for the future of WooCommerce.

When a merchant visits the existing Coupons menu item in WooCommerce they will be redirected to the new location and shown a message to inform them of the change and allow them to remove the legacy coupon menu item.

Merchants will be prompted to remove the legacy coupon menu item

In a future release of WooCommerce we will look to remove this “guided migration notice”.

The new coupons menu item – located in the Marketing Hub

From the new location, merchants will still be able to create new coupons as well as manage existing ones. We also make a few recommendations to a curated selection of coupon extensions that merchants can use, as well as guides and tips on coupon use.

As with the other recommendations in the Marketing Hub, you wonโ€™t receive these suggestions if you have already opted-out of Marketplace Suggestions.

How can I test the change?

The easiest way to test the change is to install the latest version of the WooCommerce Admin plugin. We have done various rounds of testing while working on this change to ensure it does not break any existing workflows โ€“ but as always, it would help to get additional merchants, developers and extension developers to test the change with their own stores and/or extensions.

I noticed a bug, where can I report it?

If you come across a bug or something did not work as expected please open an issue on our Github repo so that we can look into it.

14 responses to “Centralized Coupon Management – available for testing”

  1. How is this going to affect the UI to add and edit coupons, as well as the internal hooks/events/properties related to coupons? I developed quite a few extensions for the Coupons page, which have been working fine for years, and I would rather not have to rewrite them all (especially not with React and its tons of required extra code). ๐Ÿ˜…

    1. Gary Murray Avatar
      Gary Murray

      How is this going to affect the UI to add and edit coupons, as well as the internal hooks/events/properties related to coupons?

      This change does not have any impact on any of the existing hooks/events/properties related to coupons – we have just moved the menu item to a new location.

      I developed quite a few extensions for the Coupons page, which have been working fine for years, and I would rather not have to rewrite them all (especially not with React and its tons of required extra code).

      At some point in the future, this screen may become react based, like other parts of WooCommerce, but if this was to become the case, we’d ensure we communicate a change like that well in advance.

      1. Thanks for the clarification. It’s a minor change, in this case.

        A React based interface might be nice, but it’s far more complicated to implement, with a lot more code required to make the same changes. At the moment, I find the existing documentation on that topic to be quite basic, especially considering the knowledge required just to get started with anything based on React (which, I admit, I don’t know, as UI development is not my field of expertise).

  2. Giacomo Avatar

    Hello there

    Will it be possible to remove all advertising from the Marketing Hub? We appreciate your striving to rationalise the Woocommerce Menu. We disagree with the stream of advertising. Users should be able to switch it off at will.

    Will that be the case?

    Thank you

    1. Gary Murray Avatar
      Gary Murray

      You can remove the suggestions by opting out of Marketplace Suggestions from WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > woo.com.

      1. Giacomo Avatar

        just saw your response now – sorry, posted again below

        Thanks for the clarification

      2. Giacomo Avatar

        Will it be possible to remove the knowledge base in future (other than css)?

        Thanks in advance

        1. Gary Murray Avatar
          Gary Murray

          We don’t have any immediate plans to create an option like this. If we find that the knowledge base is not a useful feature and/or that a majority of merchants would prefer it to be something they can turn off we may look to include an option to remove it.

          1. Giacomo Avatar

            Gotcha, thank you

  3. Giacomo Avatar

    Hello there

    we just posted a moment ago – oddly enough our post was removed, so we try again.

    It’s good to see a rationalisation of the Menu structure. We (and many other users), though, thoroughly object to the Marketing hub being used to sell services. Will you give users the opportunity to switch off the advertising? Woocommerce is not SAAS, and not Freemium.

    Also the filter hitherto used to remove the Marketing tab altogether


    does not work any more since WC 4.3.

    We mentioned this on github


    but no one has commented yet. Is there a way to remove the menu on WC 4.3?

    Thank you in advance

    Giacomo Bruzzo

    1. Gary Murray Avatar
      Gary Murray

      Hi Giacomo

      As mentioned in my first reply – the suggestions can be removed by opting out of Marketplace Suggestions from WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > woo.com.

      With regards to the filter not working, I had not seen that issue yet, so will look into why it is not working and respond via the issue on Github.

      1. Giacomo Avatar

        Hi there – my post on Github was addressed see

  4. bildmanufakturwackernah Avatar

    With all the new suggestions we see in WooCommerce since Admin is part of WC I may remember if WC is my store for selling my products or is it a store for buying WC extensions. I think all suggestions do have a very prominent place on many screens.

    1. Gary Murray Avatar
      Gary Murray

      If you’d prefer to not see them you can remove the suggestions by opting out of Marketplace Suggestions from WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > woo.com.

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