WooCommerce 4.5.2 fix release

This release fixes bugs introduced in WooCommerce 4.4.0 and an issue introduced in WooCommerce 4.5.0.

In WooCommerce 4.4.0, we introduced functionality that was intended to improve the handling of variable products with the “filter by attribute” widget. (#26260) This pull request caused some additional issues with the handling of attributes that weren’t used with variations, and the count was still incorrect for products that were marked “hidden for catalog”. We’ve decided to roll back the changes to the “filter by attribute” widget and reintroduce them in a future version of WooCommerce. (#27625)

We’ve also fixed an issue introduced in 4.5.0 which prevented “0” from being used as an attribute value for variations. (#27633)

Here is the additional changelog for this release:

* Fix - Revert the changes in filtering by attribute that were introduced in WooCommerce 4.4. #27625
* Fix - Adjusted validation to allow for variations with "0" as an attribute value. #27633

Thanks to everyone for reporting these issues promptly and helping out with the fix release.

You can download the latest release of WooCommerce here or visit Dashboard → Updates to update the plugin from your WordPress admin screen.

As usual, if you spot any other issues in the WooCommerce core, please log them in detail on GitHub. Found a security issue? Please submit a report via HackerOne.

One response to “WooCommerce 4.5.2 fix release”

  1. Thanks for the fixes; all my sites upgraded smoothly from wc4.4. Please always prioritize backward compatibility with old versions, not all plugins (and gateways you don’t even know exist!) in Latin america/Africa are up to date, so we as site owners/testers/developers are plenty of work to keep our sites working and don’t break in an update(even minor ones). The woocommerce team is amazing. I’ve reported 3 bugs(1 serious) for 4.5 and they solved them asap. I hope one day woo LTS(long term support) will seem reasonable, this type of licenses(in OSes and languages) are a blessing for running business with limited access to good developers in this part of the world. Thanks for the good work!!!

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