WooCommerce 4.6 is now available!

We are excited to announce that WooCommerce 4.6 is now publicly available! It has been in development since September 2020 and has been updated with 327 commits from 31 contributors.

This is a minor release, which means everything is backward compatible with the previous version.

As always, we recommend creating a backup of your site and making sure that themes and plugins are compatible before updating. You can check out this update guide for more information.

What’s new in 4.6?

The WooCommerce 4.6 release contains updated versions of WooCommerce Admin (1.6.1) and WooCommerce Blocks (3.4.0), fixes, and localization improvements.

New home screen enabled for everyone

The new Home Screen in WooCommerce

The new home screen was introduced in WooCommerce 4.3 for new stores and now we’re expanding this experience to existing stores as well. You can find more about it in the documentation.

Notable fixes and improvements

The main fixes and stability improvements in this release are:

  1. Sorting country names now works as expected for languages that use graphic accents (#27416).
  2. Style improvements to the notices when using the Twenty Twenty theme (#27387).
  3. It is now possible to assign to a product a tax class that contains non-ASCII characters (#27615).
  4. The old setup wizard was removed (#26853).

You can find the complete changelog for this release on the changelog.txt file.

Filters and actions

We have added new filters and actions:

woocommerce_return_to_shop_textFilter to change the label of the “Return to shop” button in the empty cart page.
woocommerce_cart_item_required_stock_is_not_enoughFilter to change the behavior when checking stock for items in the cart.
woocommerce_should_send_no_stock_notificationFilter to let developers skip the no stock e-mail for certain products.
woocommerce_after_order_detailsAction to add extra data after the order details section.

Database changes

This release does not introduce any changes to the database.

Deprecated code

This following parts of the code were deprecated in this release:

  • The classes WC_Admin_Setup_Wizard and WC_Admin_Setup_Wizard_Tracking with no replacement.
  • The method WC_Admin_Notices::install_notice() with no replacement.
  • The files includes/admin/views/html-notice-install.php, assets/css/wc-setup.scss and assets/js/admin/wc-setup.js with no replacement.

Much 💜 to all the contributors

Finally a big thanks to everyone in the community who has contributed via issue reports, fixestranslation, testing, supporting other users or simply spreading the word.

WooCommerce core

ObliviousHarmony rrennick rodrigoprimo Konamiman claudiosanches jonathansadowski
ObliviousHarmony rrennick rodrigoprimo Konamiman claudiosanches jonathansadowski
juliaamosova jondcampbell peterfabian vedanshujain timmyc kloon
juliaamosova jondcampbell peterfabian vedanshujain timmyc kloon
Knyazevich om4james joshuatf dd32 nerrad atimmer
Knyazevich om4james joshuatf dd32 nerrad atimmer

WooCommerce Admin

becdetat psealock octaedro jeffstieler joshuatf samueljseay
becdetat psealock octaedro jeffstieler joshuatf samueljseay
adrianduffell timmyc joelclimbsthings dechov jconroy frosso
adrianduffell timmyc joelclimbsthings dechov jconroy frosso

WooCommerce Blocks

nerrad Aljullu haszari senadir
nerrad Aljullu haszari senadir

Action Scheduler


6 responses to “WooCommerce 4.6 is now available!”

  1. gr8leo87 Avatar

    So it still doesn’t fix the issue of displaying out of stock variations which unfortunately makes Woocommerce a really bad idea for shoes & clothing stores that rely heavily on size and color filters. Which means filtering would be pretty useless. Please fix this.

    1. konamiman Avatar

      Hi gr8leo87says,

      We are sorry about this. We are aware of this problem and in fact we did include a fix in WooCommerce 4.4, but had to roll it back due to various issues it caused.

      We have started working on a more robust solution. However, we won’t publish it before the Black Friday/Xmas period, as it’s a new non-trivial functionality that needs some development time and thorough testing. Please follow this GitHub ticket to get the latest updates: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/25524

      1. gr8leo87 Avatar

        Hi konamiman
        Thanks for the reply.

        Hoping this issue is fixed soon. Till then I am gonna continue with 4.4. or may be consider a filter plugin.

  2. meskini88 Avatar


    I have a probleme since i have made this update the Billing URL parameters not working

    Exemple : https://aliahost.com/abonnement-cobra-theme-wp-support/abonnement/?order_id=138941&order_total=59.00&mail=%billing_email%&prenom=%billing_first_name%&nom=%billing_last_name%&address=%billing_address_1%&ville=%billing_city%

    I cant get this data via URL :
    %billing_email% – %billing_first_name% – %billing_last_name% – %billing_address_1% – %billing_city%Can you please help me ??

    1. Hi meskini88,

      If you believe the problem that you are having is a bug in WooCommerce core, could you please open an issue in our GitHub repository?


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