WooCommerce 7.8.3-8.9.2: Dot Release and Backport Fixes

WooCommerce 7.8-8.9 have received important fixes.

We have detected an issue involving the unintended loading of a file on the frontend of WooCommerce storefronts for versions 7.8.0 through 8.9.1 See our developer advisory for more information.

These releases fix said issues.

Current Stable Tag

👉 WooCommerce 8.9.2

📆 Released June 4, 2024

What’s in this release

This release includes fixes to remove a request which stores some basic request data (including IP address of the site visitor) in our server request logs hosted on Automattic (Woo’s parent company) infrastructure for a maximum of 14 days in WooCommerce versions 7.8.0 through 8.9.1.

Starting with WooCommerce 7.8.0 and continuing through the most recent release, 8.9.1, the https://stats.wp.com/w.js file is loaded on every frontend page. Loading this file was introduced as part of a feature to register server-side tracking during REST requests, as documented in Issue #37796.

See our developer advisory for more detailed information.


  • Fix tracking files being loaded on the front end (#47938)
  • Revert some changes around class loading (#47987)

Other important information

👉 The new stable tag is now 8.9.2, and with it includes all the updates from the 8.9 release.

Get WooCommerce 8.9.2

👉 To upgrade: See our update guide or download the latest release from WordPress.org.

🐞 Found a Bug? Please submit a report it on GitHub.

Need an older version?


2 responses to “WooCommerce 7.8.3-8.9.2: Dot Release and Backport Fixes”

  1. […] WooCommerce 7.8.3-8.9.2: Dot Release and Backport Fixes […]

  2. […] WooCommerce har uppdaterats med en fix för ovĂ€ntad inlĂ€sning av en fil. Detta har rullats ut till sĂ„vĂ€l version 8.9 (till […]

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