WooCommerce 9.0.2 – Dot release to fix shipping calculation issues

WooCommerce 9.0.2 has been released

We received reports about an issue in WooCommerce 9.0 with flat rate shipping separators. This update reverts the change that caused this issue.

Current Stable Tag

👉 WooCommerce 9.0.2

🗓️ Released June 24, 2024

What’s in this release

This release fixes an issue with decimal and thousand separators in flat rate shipping costs.

WooCommerce 9.0 and 9.0.1 broke backwards compatibility with some stores that used decimal and thousand separators when entering their flat rate shipping cost. Specifically, stores with shipping cost that used both thousand and decimal separators would calculate shipping rates incorrectly, as shared in our previous developer advisoryThis dot release – 9.0.2 – fixes this issue by restoring the previous behaviour.

As we’ve reverted the logic that introduced this issue, the workaround shared in our previous developer advisory isn’t applicable for this release.

This update means that all flat rate shipping costs that worked in WooCommerce 8.9 and earlier should continue to work as-is in this release.

Thousand separators are not supported in flat rate shipping costs and may result in unintended outputs. For example, if your flat rate shipping costs $12,345.67, you should enter 12345.67 or 12345,67 as the price. Here’s an example:

Please note that this change also reintroduces an issue with how decimals are displayed in the backend of the flat-rate shipping settings, as shown here. This is a known issue, but we made the decision to prioritize restoring backwards compatibility at this time.

  • Revert PR 46857 for backward compatibility #48753

2 responses to “WooCommerce 9.0.2 – Dot release to fix shipping calculation issues”

  1. There’s a lot to be desired in woo. Why no basic pick by categories? Shirts, skirts, pants , colors?

    1. Jacklyn Biggin Avatar
      Jacklyn Biggin

      Hey Julius! Can you give me a bit more context about what you’re asking about? Are you referring to categories impacting shipping costs, or something else?

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