The flat rate shipping bug from 9.0 has resurfaced due to a manual exclusion of the fix from 9.1. The details and the fix for the issue are exactly the same as in the previous release, and the details are available in the post: Developer Advisory: Flat rate shipping separators in WooCommerce 9.0.1 .
How Can I Tell If This Affects Me?
You may be affected if you have defined one or more Flat Rate shipping options; and if you have set the thousands and decimal separator fields to the exact same symbol.
Immediate Actions We Are Taking
We are issuing the missed PR in a forthcoming release of 9.1.2 by EOD.
What Action Should I Take?
If you have Flat Rate shipping options enabled, take a moment to check your settings and read through the previous advisory post.
If you are currently utilizing the Flat Rate shipping option, please set your thousands input to ,
and the decimal input to .
. Or, conversely, if you typically use a .
in your thousands input – make sure your decimal input is then a ,
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