
  • Update: After releasing WC Blocks 9.7.1 we received some reports from the community that it was causing a fatal error in some stores. The issue could be reproduced in WordPress sites which didn’t have Gutenberg enabled. We started investigating it as soon as we learned about it and we released a fixed version soon after: 9.7.2.

    We really appreciate all the feedback and reports we received from the community, it really helps us make WooCommerce better! Thanks a lot for being a part of the WooCommerce community.

    A new version of WooCommerce Blocks has been released! Version 9.7.1 is now available for download from GitHub and

    Notable changes

    New Blocks

    We’re thrilled to introduce the following new blocks for the Single Product Template. This is our first iteration to port over existing functionalities of the Single Product template to the Site Editor.

    • Single Product Details block: The block version of the product details in the Single Product Template. Merchants can now add product descriptions, information, and reviews to their stores.
    • Add to Cart Form block: The block version of the add to cart form enables merchants to display a button in single product templates. Options are also displayed depending on product type. e.g. quantity, variation.

    Disabling payment gateways stops associated saved payment information from displaying

    We have improved our payment system by preventing saved cards from displaying if the payment gateway that added them is disabled. This ensures that users only see available and enabled payment options, making the payment process more efficient and straightforward.

    Clearer Checkout Events in the Payment System

    We have made changes to the checkout events in our payment system to improve clarity and reduce confusion. Several events were renamed to improve their accuracy and clarity:

    • onCheckoutValidationBeforeProcessing renamed to onCheckoutValidation
    • onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithSuccess renamed to onCheckoutSuccess
    • onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithError renamed to onCheckoutFail
    • onPaymentProcessing renamed to onPaymentSetup

    Fix: Product categories, Product Tags & Keyword filters not working in the Products block

    The following filters should be working fine, which are available in the Inspector Controls of the Products block:

    • Product Categories
    • Product tags
    • Keyword


    • Add Related Products block. (8522)
    • Products block: Set the Product Title as a link by default. (8519)
    • Add support for the woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_args filter in the Products block. (8422)
    • Enable the Inherit query from template setting by default for the Products block in archive products templates. (8375)
    • Update the blockified archive templates to use the Products block. (8308)
    • Improve the dismissal behavior of the incompatible gateways notice. (8299)
    • Add the Add to Cart Form block, allowing merchants to display a button so the customer can add a product to their cart. Options will also be displayed depending on product type. e.g. quantity, variation. (8284)
    • All Products: Add alignment settings for the Product Rating and Product Price blocks. (8264)
    • Enable users to migrate to blockified Product Archive templates. (8248)
    • Add Product Image Gallery block. (8235)
    • Add Single Product Details block that displays the product description, information, and reviews. (8225)

    Bug Fixes

    • Add the woocommerce_disable_compatibility_layer filter to disable the compatibility layer. Disable the compatibility layer when Archive Product and Single Product templates contain the WooCommerce Product Grid Block. (8550)
    • Ensure custom shipping methods supporting local pickup show up in the shipping options when no WC Blocks pickup locations are enabled. (8542)
    • Focus the coupon code input when the form is revealed in the cart. (8525)
    • Fix: Make Price product margin work in the All products block. (8518)
    • Fix an issue in which setting the city/state would not persist in the first time for certain customers. (8497)
    • Fix noticeContext declaration in the Shipping calculator. (8495)
    • Update Product Details block so it inherits more styles from the theme. (8494)
    • Fix: Adjust Catalog Sorting colors in dark themes. (8483)
    • Remove opinionated styles from Button component on block themes that define button styles. (8478)
    • Fix individual border controls not showing in the editor for Featured Product and Featured Category blocks. (8472)
    • Fix potential console warnings when certain Checkout Blocks are disabled. (8471)
    • Prevent saved cards from appearing that belong to gateways that are not enabled. (8461)
    • Fix error: “Undefined property $area” error on the BlockTemplatesController. (8443)
    • Fixed an issue where warnings relating to payment method script dependencies were shown when editing pages with Elementor. (8428)
    • Performance – Prevent extra API hydration in the editor when using All Products block. (8413)
    • Product Price: Fix typography styles in the editor. (8398)
    • Fix spacing and display issues for Store Breadcrumbs, Catalog Sorting and Product Result Counts blocks. (8391)
    • Fix Product categories, Product Tags & Keyword filter not working in Products block. (8377)

    Technical debt

    • Rename the checkout events. (8381)

  • WooCommerce 7.4.1 is now available for download.

    What’s new?

    This release bumped the version of WooCommerce Blocks included in WooCommerce to 9.4.4.

    Version 9.4.4 of WooCommerce Blocks fixes an issue that had the potential to cause errors with some extensions when the tax address was filtered before the session was initiated. #8537

    You can download the latest release of WooCommerce here or visit Dashboard → Updates to update the plugin from your WordPress admin screen.

    As usual, if you spot issues in WooCommerce core, please log them in detail on GitHub. Found a security issue? Please submit a report via HackerOne.

  • Beta 2 for the March 2023 release of WooCommerce is now available for testing! You can either download it directly from or install our WooCommerce Beta Tester Plugin.


    Since the release of 7.5 beta 1, the following changes have been made:

    • Upgrade WooCommerce Blocks to 9.6.2 to fix a bug

    For the complete list of changes, view the changelog in the readme for this release.

    Actions and Filters

    No changes introduced.

    Database Changes

    No changes introduced.

    Template Changes

    No changes introduced.

    Release Schedule

    We’re still on track for our planned March 14 release.

    Release CandidateMarch 7th, 2023
    Final ReleaseMarch 14th, 2023


    If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from

    A set of testing instructions has been published on our Wiki page in GitHub. We’ve also posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

    If you discover any bugs during the testing process, please let us know by logging a report in GitHub.

  • At present, WooCommerce follows an L-2 support policy, meaning it supports the latest version of WordPress and the two preceding versions. This approach was chosen to ensure optimal performance and stability as WordPress Core evolves.

    By limiting the range of WordPress versions that can be used with WooCommerce, we are able to allocate resources, including testing, more effectively to ensure that WooCommerce runs smoothly, free from errors and bugs.

    While our previous L-2 support policy served us well, we have decided to go one step further by adopting an L-1 support policy starting with WooCommerce 7.8 in June of 2023. This change will only affect merchants who choose to update WooCommerce regularly but elect not to keep their WordPress installations up to date.

    Under the new policy, WooCommerce will support the latest version of WordPress and the previous version. For instance, WooCommerce 7.5 would be compatible with:

    • WordPress 6.1, the current version.
    • WordPress 6.0, the previous version.

    This change will help minimize the risk of introducing bugs, promote faster adoption of new WordPress features, and encourage merchants to stay up to date with relevant security and bug fixes for both WooCommerce and WordPress.

    What action should I take?

    To make sure you are up-to-date with relevant security and bug fixes for both WooCommerce and WordPress, make sure to keep your versions as closely in sync as possible.

  • Beta 1 for the March 2023 release of WooCommerce is now available for testing! You can either download it directly from or install our WooCommerce Beta Tester Plugin.


    Since the release of 7.4, the following changes have been made:

    • Add a new Channels card in multichannel marketing page

    Many bug fixes and improvements were also added.

    For the complete list, view the changelog in the readme for this release.

    Actions and Filters

    No changes introduced.

    Database Changes

    No changes introduced.

    Template Changes

    No changes introduced.

    Release Schedule

    We’re still on track for our planned March 14 release.

    Release CandidateMarch 7th, 2023
    Final ReleaseMarch 14th, 2023


    If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from

    A set of testing instructions has been published on our Wiki page in GitHub. We’ve also posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

    If you discover any bugs during the testing process, please let us know by logging a report in GitHub.

  • A new version of WooCommerce Blocks has been released! Version 9.6.1 is now available for download from GitHub and

    Notable changes

    Global Styles

    The Product Rating block has gained support for padding global styles, making it easy to add spacing around it.

    Screenshot showing the tool to set specific padding to the Product Rating block

    Feature graduation – Checkout Filters

    In this release, we graduated two functions from experimental to stable, the work was carried out in PR #8346 which contains more information. The functions we graduated are:

    • __experimentalApplyCheckoutFilter
    • __experimentalRegisterCheckoutFilters

    These functions are now named: applyCheckoutFilter and registerCheckoutFilters respectively.

    This change comes after a long period of assessment to decide if this is a good approach for extensibility and we decided that it is.

    How to upgrade

    To upgrade and to ensure your integrations continue to work, please simply rename all uses of the experimental functions to use the new stable names.

    Next steps

    We will leave a notice in the JavaScript console for at least 6 months to alert developers who continue to use the experimental functions that they can upgrade. This will be in place until at least version 10.9.0 at which point we will remove the experimental functions.


    • Improved default headings and styling of the cart block and fixed the display of cart and checkout block editable fields when using dark themes. (8380)
    • Add a reset button for the Filter blocks. (8366)
    • Update the incompatible gateways notice design. (8365)
    • Product Rating: Add support for the Padding setting. (8347)
    • Update apply button description to be more clear for filter blocks. (8339)
    • Allow third party shipping methods to declare compatibility with WC Blocks local pickup. (8256)

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix a bug where certain checkout fields were being reset when changing the shipping option. (8400)
    • Fix bug in which errors would be shown twice in Checkout block. (8390)
    • Filter by Rating: Fix functionality to for resetting filters using the Reset button. (8374)
    • Fix a bug in WordPress 5.9 in which changing quantity doesn’t work inside Cart and Mini Cart blocks. (8356)
    • Fix potential conflict between newsletter extensions on the checkout page. (8354)
    • Mini Cart block: Fix the drawer content height to allow the checkout button to be visible. (8351)
    • Prevent errors relating to the coupon input disappearing when focusing/blurring the coupon input and the value of the input field remains unchanged. (8349)
    • Fix: The experimental typography styles for the Store Breadcrumbs block are now restricted to the feature plugin. (8345)
    • Fix console error of isLoading for Price filter block. (8340)
    • Checkout – Allow partial pushes of address data to work before a country is provided (8425)
    • Make Mini Cart Contents block visible in the Style Book. (8458)
    • Fixed an issue where cart item data could cause fatal errors if it was an array. (8440)
    • Fix Customer account sidebar link incorrect margin in WP 6.2. (8437)
    • Fix cases in which Checkout would validate customer country against the wrong state. (8460)

  • We are pleased to announce the release of WooCommerce 7.4.0. This release should be backwards compatible with the previous version.

    This release contains:

    As always, we recommend creating a backup of your site and making sure that your theme and any other plugins are compatible before updating. You can check out this update guide for more information.

    What’s new in 7.4.0?

    The new Local Pickup

    WooCommerce Blocks 9.4.0 comes with the new Local Pickup experience, allowing you to offer a streamlined, dedicated pickup experience to your customers.

    Local Pickups comes with a new shipping method toggle block, and an admin screen to manage locations.

    New Customer Account block is now available

    This block contains a link to the Login and My Account pages and was added to the Header and Footer patterns. It’s possible to customize this block to be displayed as text-only, icon-only, or icon and text. You can also select the icon style.

    Customer account block selected

    Highlight incompatible payment gateways within the Cart & Checkout Blocks

    If you use any incompatible payment gateways, you will now get a warning notice in the editor side of the `Cart` & `Checkout` Blocks:

    In the `Payment Options` Inner Block of the `Checkout` Block, we also display a warning under incompatible payment gateways:

    Display “Add review” link when product has no rating

    If a product has no ratings, an “Add review” link appears instead of stars. The idea is to help preserve the layout and eventually be a consistent way to link shoppers directly to the rating results for the product.

    Product with Add review link

    Apply rate limiting to non-admin users only

    If you enable the rate limiting filter for Store API, it will only be applied to non-admin users. You can now edit your Blocks without being restricted by the rate limiting on the admin side!

    Cart & Checkout buttons are editable

    On the Cart Block, the “Proceed to Checkout” button text is now editable in the editor. On the Checkout block, the “Place Order” button text is also editable. These will default to the original text if left empty.

    Editable button in the Checkout block
    Editable button in the Cart block

    Simplified account creation settings in Checkout Block

    We’ve removed some duplicate settings related to creating accounts and logging in during the checkout process. These settings are now pulled from WooCommerce Core and respected inside the Checkout Block.

    Non-ASCII support for Filter by Attribute Block

    You can now add non-ASCII product attributes and they will be respected by the Filter by Attribute Block.

    Actions and Filters

    This release adds 4 new filters and no new actions.

    woocommerce_bacs_email_instructions_order_statusFilter the email instructions order status. [Source]
    woocommerce_cheque_email_instructions_order_statusFilter the email instructions order status. [Source]
    experimental_woocommerce_analytics_variations_additional_clausesExperimental: Filter the Variations SQL query allowing extensions to add additional SQL clauses. [Source]
    woocommerce_admin_experimental_onboarding_tasklistsFilter to override default task lists. [Source]

    Database Changes

    There are no database changes in this release.

    Template Changes

    This release updates 5 templates.

    Template FileGithub Links

    Much 💜 to all the contributors

    Finally a big thanks to everyone in the community who has contributed via issue reports, fixes, translation, testing, supporting other users, or simply spreading the word.

    WooCommerce Core




    WooCommerce Blocks


  • Release Candidate 2 for the February 2023 release of WooCommerce is now available for testing! You can either download it directly from or install our WooCommerce Beta Tester Plugin.

    What’s New?

    There has been one relatively minor fix since the release of RC.1:

    • Correct the list of plugins displayed in the onboarding flow, by adding Omnichannel for WooCommerce to the list. #36766

    See the full changelog for all of the changes included in this release.

    Actions and Filters

    There have been no new action or filter changes changes since RC.1. See the Beta.1 post for changes introduced in 7.4.0-beta.1.

    Template Changes

    There have been no new template changes since RC.1. See the Beta.1 post for changes introduced in 7.4.0-beta.1.

    Release Schedule

    We’re still on-track for our planned February 14, 2023 release of WooCommerce 7.4.


    If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from

    A set of testing instructions has been published on our Wiki page in GitHub. We’ve also posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

    If you discover any bugs during the testing process, please let us know by logging a report in GitHub.

  • Release Candidate 1 for the February 2023 release of WooCommerce is now available for testing! You can either download it directly from or install our WooCommerce Beta Tester Plugin.

    What’s New?

    There have been two relatively minor fixes since the release of Beta.2:

    • WooCommerce Blocks has been updated to 9.4.3, which contains a fix for changing the quantity inside the Cart and Mini Cart blocks in WordPress 5.9. #36736
    • We rolled back a change introduced in Beta.1 that updated the spelling of ‘cancelled’, as we identified that it had the potential to cause issues for plugins that relied on the original string. #36714

    See the full changelog for all of the changes included in this release.

    Actions and Filters

    There have been no new action or filter changes changes since Beta.2. See the Beta.1 post for changes introduced in 7.4.0-beta.1.

    Template Changes

    There have been no new template changes since Beta.2. See the Beta.1 post for changes introduced in 7.4.0-beta.1.

    Release Schedule

    We’re still on-track for our planned February 14, 2023 release of WooCommerce 7.4.


    If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from

    A set of testing instructions has been published on our Wiki page in GitHub. We’ve also posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

    If you discover any bugs during the testing process, please let us know by logging a report in GitHub.

  • A new version of WooCommerce Blocks has been released! Version 9.5.0 is now available for download from GitHub and

    Notable changes

    Support for Style Book

    Gutenberg 14.8 introduced Style Book, which allows merchants, web developers and site admins to preview individual blocks. With the WooCommerce Blocks 9.5.0 release, the Featured Product and the Featured Category blocks are available here. This will enable the preview of any global style changes applied to these blocks.

    Global Styles

    Besides previewing blocks within the Style Book, we also migrated various blocks away from hardcoded CSS towards Global Styles. Since WooCommerce Blocks 9.5.0, the Product Button, Product Rating, and Product Price blocks utilise Global Styles.

    New Blocks

    In addition to the Story Book and Global Styles improvements, we’re thrilled to introduce the following new blocks:

    • Store Breadcrumbs block: Provides a clear and easy-to-follow navigation trail, allowing users to quickly understand their location within the store and facilitating navigation to previous sections.
    • Product Results Count block: Displays the total number of products and how many are currently displayed, based on the global query.
    • Catalog Sorting block: Allows users to sort products within a category by various criteria, such as price, popularity, and newness.


    • Enhancement: Add border style previews in the editor for featured items. (8304)
    • Enhancement: Add a reset button for the Filter by Attributes block. (8285)
    • Enhancement: Graduate margin styling for Product Price block to WooCommerce core. (8269)
    • Enhancement: Set inherit setting to true when is inserted in the archive product template. (8251)
    • Enhancement: Prevent an edge case where adding the Product blocks above the Classic Template block would cause its ratings to change the markup. (8247)
    • Enhancement: Improve free local pickup display during checkout. (8241)
    • Enhancement: Transition Product Button from using CSS margin to Global Styles. (8239)
    • Enhancement: Refresh the cart after using the back button to return to checkout. (8236)
    • Enhancement: Add Store Breadcrumbs block, allowing merchants to keep track of their locations within the store and navigate back to parent pages. (8222)
    • Enhancement: Move margin for Product Rating from CSS to Global Styles. (8202)
    • Enhancement: Add a compatibility layer to keep extensions continue working with Blockified Archive Templates. (8172)
    • Enhancement: Add Catalog Sorting block. (8122)
    • Enhancement: Add Product Results Count block. (8078)
    • Enhancement: Improve how checkout pushes data to the server when entering address data. (8030)
    • Enhancement: Replace the collapsed section for the coupon code with a link. (7993)

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix: Adjust Featured Product and Featured Category blocks preview for Style Book. (8313)
    • Fix: Hide filter blocks and Product Search block for Style Book. (8309)
    • Fix: Resolve a bug that would display Billing Address for Shipping Address on checkout rest endpoint. (8291)
    • Fix: Adjust color and direction of the arrow of the return to cart button on the checkout page. (8289)
    • Fix: Adjust Store Notices text color in dark themes. (8278)
    • Fix: Adjust Catalog Sorting colors in dark themes. (8270)
    • Fix: Resolve an issue where the WooCommerce tab of the style book would crash, and certain blocks would not load correctly. (8243)