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Upcoming events
Let’s talk themes—With Ellen Bauer
🎨 Let’s talk themes, in our live video session with Ellen Bauer on December 2, 2024, from 16:00-17:00UTC!
Join Us: November Office Hours with Special Guest James Kemp (Woo’s Core Product Manager)
Join WooCommerce Office Hours with Core Product Manager James Kemp! Next Wednesday, 16:00 UTC, in Slack’s #developers channel. Connect and share your insights!
Previous events
September Office Hours: Open Forum
September Office Hours will be Wednesday, September 18 from 16:00 – 17:00 UTC in the #developers channel of the Woo Community Slack.
Office Hours: August – Woo block themes and beyond
Hello developers! We will be back with office hours this month on Wednesday, August 21 from 16:00 – 17:00 UTC. This month, our very own Ellen Bauer will be joining the chat to talk about Woo block themes. Have you built a Woo blocks theme? Thinking about building one? We want to know your experience, questions,…
July Office Hours: Open Forum & APAC Hours
Hello Woo Devs, Shani here, bringing you exciting news from the community front! You asked and we listened, so we have added one more Office Hours to our month of July. US & Europe US/EUROPE: Wednesday July 17, 2024 16:00 – 17:00 UTC (12:00PM New York, 18:00PM Berlin) We are keeping both as open forum…
June Office Hours: Performance and Scalability
Hello developers! We will be back with office hours this month on Wednesday, June 19 from 16:00 – 17:00 UTC ( 12:00 PM EST, 9:00 AM PST) Some of us will be returning from WCEU with some exciting new concepts and conversations in mind. @vedjain will be joining us as one of our engineers on deck…
May Office Hours: Preparing for WooCommerce 8.9 and Beyond
Hello WooCommerce developers! 🚀 It’s that time again—time to join us for another engaging session of Developer Office Hours. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, May 15th from 16:00 – 17:00 UTC, and meet us in the #developers channel on the WooCommerce Community Slack. This month’s session will be particularly interesting as it’s the last live…
April Office Hours: Open Forum
Hello developers! We will be back with office hours this month on Wednesday, April 17 from 16:00 – 17:00 UTC. We do not have a specific topic picked out, so it’s an open forum! We will have @alexflorisca , @gigitux, and @opr18 – three awesome engineers that focus on WooCommerce Blocks, so if you have…
March Office Hours: Product Editor Extensibility Part Two
Hey developers! We have another office hours coming your way on Wednesday March 20th, 2024 at 17:00 – 18:00 UTC. This month, @louwie17 will be back to see how extending has been going for everyone and discuss new capabilities in the Product Editor experience. In January, we had a very lively office hours session answering…
February Office Hours: Web API & Open Discussion
We would love for you to join us for February office hours, just a few weeks away on Wednesday, February 21st, 2024. As a reminder, during Office Hours, we are absolutely open to answering any development related questions you may have about WooCommerce – from our core code, to new features, even if we have…
January Office Hours
What does the Legacy REST API mean for you? Last month we posted about the removal the Legacy REST API starting with WooCommerce version 9.0, as well as the release of the Legacy REST API extension, now available on GitHub. We had a number of questions come in regarding how these changes might affect developers…
Developer Office Hours: December Edition
Getting to know the new product editor You may have caught some of our recent posts about the new Product Editor experience including the roadmap post, a deep dive on extending the new product editor, and various announcements since summer 2023. This month, we will be chatting with the developers who have been spearheading this…
Developer Office Hours: November Edition
November is here, and so is our next iteration of office hours. We have been talking a lot about Cart and Checkout Blocks, so it should come as no surprise that we will be dedicating another Office Hours to this topic. This Month’s Office Hours We will hold office hours on Wednesday, November 15th from 16:00UTC…
Developer Office Hours: October Edition
Hey folks, we are back again with our Monthly Office Hours. This Month’s Office Hours We will hold office hours on Wednesday, October 18th from 16:00UTC until 17:00 UTC in the #developers channel on the WooCommerce Community Slack. This month, we will be joined by the folks in Woo that know the WooCommerce Marketplace the best. If you have…