WooCommerce 6.1 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of WooCommerce 6.1. This release should be backwards compatible with the previous version.

This release contains:

As always, we recommend creating a backup of your site and making sure that your theme and any other plugins are compatible before updating. You can check out this update guide for more information.

What’s new in 6.1?

  • WooCommerce Blocks: Weโ€™ve updated to the 6.5.1 version of the feature plugin. See the release posts for 6.4.0 and 6.5.0, and the changelog for 6.5.1 to see whatโ€™s new.
  • WooCommerce Admin: Weโ€™ve updated to the 3.0.3 version of the feature plugin. See the changelog to find out whatโ€™s new.
  • ActionScheduler: ActionScheduler has been updated to version 3.4.0. See the release post to see whatโ€™s new.

These are just some of the changes that are included in WooCommerce 6.1. You can find the complete changelog for this release in the changelog.txt file.

Actions and Filters

This release adds one action:

woocommerce_page_wc-addons_connection_errorTriggered when there is an error with the connection to the woo.com marketplace.

This release doesn’t add any filters.

Database Changes

There are no database changes in this release.

Template Changes

There are no template changes in this release.


The is_ajax function has been deprecated. The WordPress function wp_doing_ajax should be used instead.

Much ๐Ÿ’œ to all the contributors

Finally a big thanks to everyone in the community who has contributed via issue reports, fixes, translation, testing, supporting other users, or simply spreading the word.

WooCommerce core

MrJnrman Luc45 roykho rrennick zhongruige jonathansadowski
MrJnrman Luc45 roykho rrennick zhongruige jonathansadowski
rodelgc lanej0 tjcafferkey ObliviousHarmony claudiosanches vedanshujain
rodelgc lanej0 tjcafferkey ObliviousHarmony claudiosanches vedanshujain
barryhughes sunyatasattva anitaa1990 jeffstieler louwie17 drjamesj
barryhughes sunyatasattva anitaa1990 jeffstieler louwie17 drjamesj
Aljullu Konamiman tammullen joelclimbsthings adrianduffell ilyasfoo
Aljullu Konamiman tammullen joelclimbsthings adrianduffell ilyasfoo

WooCommerce Admin

chihsuan moon0326 louwie17 joshuatf octaedro joelclimbsthings
chihsuan moon0326 louwie17 joshuatf octaedro joelclimbsthings
jeffstieler NeosinneR ilyasfoo adrianduffell johnregan3
jeffstieler NeosinneR ilyasfoo adrianduffell johnregan3

WooCommerce Blocks

ralucaStan mikejolley sunyatasattva gigitux Aljullu tjcafferkey
ralucaStan mikejolley sunyatasattva gigitux Aljullu tjcafferkey
opr dinhtungdu alexflorisca nielslange jonny-bull malithsen
opr dinhtungdu alexflorisca nielslange jonny-bull malithsen

Action Scheduler

ovidiul barryhughes danielbitzer glagonikas Konamiman peterfabian
ovidiul barryhughes danielbitzer glagonikas Konamiman peterfabian
olegabr jeffstieler vedanshujain roykho jonathansadowski
olegabr jeffstieler vedanshujain roykho jonathansadowski

Keep yourself in the loop!

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