
  • The WooCommerce 2.3.8 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out.

    This release just fixes some minor issues. Read more about the fixes in the changelog. A total of 42 commits made it into this release.

    (As always, the comments on this post are closed because this is not the right platform for support requests.)

  • The WooCommerce 2.3.7 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out.

    This release just fixes some minor issues. Read more about the fixes in the changelog. A total of 16 commits made it into this release.

    (As always, the comments on this post are closed because this is not the right platform for support requests.)

  • The WooCommerce 2.3.6 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel.

    This release includes fixes for several minor issues, including some edge case issues such as redirect loops when using memcache, and 2 potential security issues within admin. Read more about the fixes in the changelog.

    A total of 215 commits made it into this release.

    (As always, the comments on this post are closed because this is not the right platform for support requests.)

  • The WooCommerce 2.3.5 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out.

    This release just fixes some minor issues. Read more about the fixes in the changelog. A total of 45 commits made it into this release.

    (As always, the comments on this post are closed because this is not the right platform for support requests.)

  • The WooCommerce 2.3.4 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out.

    This release fixes some errors on certain server setups, and other minor issues. Read more about the fixes in the changelog. A total of 82 commits made it into this release.

    (As always, the comments on this post are closed because this is not the right platform for support requests.)


    Today we’re proud to announce that the latest and greatest version of WooCommerce has been released; v2.3, codename Handsome Hippo.

    2.3 has been in active development for around 5 months and has seen around 1800 commits from 22 contributors.

    Top Contributors
    Top Contributors

    What’s New?

    As the codename Handsome Hippo (hopefully) suggests, a lot of attention in this release has been paid to WooCommerce’ appearance / UI, on both the front and back end.

    • On the frontend we’ve added several little usability enhancements such as:
    • A more simplistic ‘flat’ design (for themes without a specific WooCommerce integration) and updated email design
    • The ability to remove products from the cart via the cart widget
    • Classes / markup for responsive tables (see the orders table on ‘my account’)
    • Moved the ‘Proceed to checkout’ button to a more appropriate location
    • An ‘undo’ option when removing products from the cart

    We’ve also removed a couple of features:

    • The +/- quantity increment buttons – `input type=”number”` is well supported making this feature redundant.
    • The style settings (button colors etc).
    • The ability to create non pre-tax coupons, read full post here

    Both of these features can be replaced using their plugin counterparts:

    The WooCommerce colors plugin will automatically detect any previous settings when you activate it so the transition will be smooth should you still need that functionality.

    It’s inevitable that some sites/themes will be affected by these changes. If you build WooCommerce themes you are hopefully already up to date with these developments. If you’re a store owner running a third party theme, be sure to read the section on how to upgrade WooCommerce further in this post to make sure you’re prepared. You may even consider reaching out to your theme author directly.

    If you’re a developer working with WooCommerce, here are a few other key changes in 2.3:

    1. Template debug mode will now remove all template overrides for template loading functions. This is handy if you’re building (or using) a theme which overrides core templates and run into issues. There’s now an easy way to simply turn those templates off to help locate the source of a problem.
    2. We’ve switched from LESS to Sass as a CSS pre-processor of choice, and included bourbon giving us access to a whole load more useful mixins. If your theme or extension imports any of our .less files, now would be a good time to make the switch to sass.
    3. The order summary and payment section of the checkout have been decoupled making it possible for you to move each component independently via theme/plugin modification. Please note that if your theme currently overrides any of these templates, you will need to update them. See for the latest.
    4. We’ve migrated away from chosen in favour of Select2 for our form enhancement needs. Select2 is the more actively developed script and has been adopted by WordPress core which helps make WooCommerce that little bit more efficient. Chosen is still registered as a script within WooCommerce but if you use that functionality we recommend adopting Select2 asap as chosen will be removed altogether in a future release.
    5. We’ve included a new Geolocation class and changed the way taxes are displayed to customers on the frontend. Customers will now see taxes based on their address, and you have the option to enable their location to be geolocated when they visit your store.
    6. If you’ve played with the Webhooks API in 2.2 you’ll know that previously they could only be created via API calls. 2.3 includes a Webhooks UI which will allow users to create them via the settings page. For instructions on using Webhooks see:

    How to Upgrade

    As always, we recommend making backups, and using a staging environment to test major updates with your themes and plugins prior to pulling the trigger. See our post here for best practices:

    We don’t anticipate major issues with extensions, but themes that override template files (such as those on the cart and checkout pages) should be checked or updated to ensure they are not affected by the UI changes.

    How to Report Issues and Contribute to Future Updates

    Issues and contributions should be made via Github:

    See our contribution guide here:

    If you are reporting a 2.3 issue, please include steps to replicate the issue and mark your issue [2.3] so they stand out.

    How to Contribute the Localizations

    If you spot any missing translations, please join us on Transifex:

    It’s free to join and easy to translate strings. Translation updates made through Transifex will be made to all other users

    Another huge thankyou to our translators!

    The Road to 2.4…

    We’re going to be discussing the roadmap for 2.4 in a few weeks, but rumour has it we’ll be looking at the onboarding process specifically to improve usability. Stay tuned!

    Edit: We’ve released 2.3.1 to fix some conflicts a few users were finding after using the geolocation features. This prevents some errors if the geolocation DB cannot be downloaded too.


    WC 2.3 (Handsome Hippo) Release Candidate 1 has today been tagged. If all goes well, the final release will be tuesday. You can compare the changes since beta 3 here.

    If you have not tested your theme or plugin yet you have a week to do so if you want to beat the release of the new version.

    You can download the release candidate here:

    If you are testing plugins and they are not showing up, ensure you name the plugin folder ‘woocommerce’ (removing the -2.3.0-RC1) when moving it into your plugins directory.

    Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release so far!

  • Today we put out WC 2.3 Beta 3 which fixed several issues and oversights in beta 2. This should hopefully be the final beta before release.

    Changes Since Beta 2

    You can view a comparison between beta 2 and master here, but notable changes include:

    Help Translate 2.3

    The latest 2.3 POT files have been pushed to Transifex meaning you can get involved in the translations here:

    Download the Latest Beta

    We’re happy to listen to your feedback regarding 2.3 and would appreciate any bug reports going directly to Github.

    Download 2.3 Beta 3

    If you find a bug with the beta, please ensure you prepend the ticket title with [2.3] when submitting the issue to GitHub, or at least mention what version you are using in the ticket description.

    Thanks again.

  • The WooCommerce 2.2.11 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out.

    There were some fixes in this release, including escaping urls before display in admin and frontend to avoid XSS and minor tweaks. Read more about the fixes in the changelog. A total of 6 commits made it into this release.

    (As always, the comments on this post are closed because this is not the right platform for support requests.)

  • Work continues on 2.3 and we’re getting closer to the final release. We’re expecting to have a release candidate out within a week, so don’t forget to test your extensions and themes!

    Changes Since Beta 1

    You can view a comparison between beta 1 and master here, but notable changes include:

    • Added the WC Tracker (opt-in usage tracking)
    • Added additional filters/args to wc_price function and added functions to get things such as the decimal separator (wc_get_price_thousand_separator, wc_get_price_decimal_separator, wc_get_price_decimals)
    • Fixed issues showing variation prices when free
    • wc_format_content() function to work around some theme conflicts
    • PDT vs IPN option in PayPal standard

    We’ve also updated the API docs here:

    Help Document the REST API

    We now have a Github Repo for the REST API Docs where you are welcome to make contributions. We’re using Slate to generate the actual documentation from this repo.

    The generated REST API Docs can be found here:

    Help Translate 2.3

    The latest 2.3 POT files have been pushed to Transifex meaning you can get involved in the translations here:

    Download the Latest Beta

    We’re happy to listen to your feedback regarding 2.3 and would appreciate any bug reports going directly to Github.

    Download 2.3 Beta 2

    If you find a bug with the beta, please ensure you prepend the ticket title with [2.3] when submitting the issue to GitHub, or at least mention what version you are using in the ticket description.

    Thanks again.