
  • The WooCommerce 2.4.6 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel.

    A total of 41 commits made it into this release. Here are the highlights:

    1. Fixed grouped product is_purchasable check during add to cart.
    2. Improved bulk variation editing.
    3. Final fixes for ajax variation < 2.4 attribute name handling.
    4. During updates, only recreate .htaccess if not using redirect download method.
    5. Handle non standard decimals in flat rate costs.

    We also made some smaller tweaks based on feedback. See the changelog for details.

    If you spot any further issues, please report them to us in detail on Github so the development team can review – comments on this post are closed.

  • The WooCommerce 2.4.5 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel.

    A total of 76 commits made it into this release. Here are the highlights:

    1. Fixed a case where global text based attributes were not saving correctly.
    2. Fixed a case where display name was not checked/set correctly when editing your account.
    3. Fixed ‘no shipping’ messages for state-less countries.
    4. Fixed cache flushing after scheduled sales ending.
    5. Allowed users to install translations for the current language during the Setup Wizard.

    We also made some smaller tweaks based on feedback. See the changelog for details.

    If you spot any further issues, please report them to us in detail on Github so the development team can review – comments on this post are closed.

  • The WooCommerce 2.4.4 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel.

    A total of 24 commits made it into this release. We’ve continued going through the forums and issue reports on Github to find any edge-case issues missed during beta. Thanks for the reports!

    We have included fixes for the following issues:

    1. Fixed a case whereby having > 20 variations with ‘any’ attribute set would return no matches
    2. Fixed some entity issues with attributes containing quote characters
    3. Fixed an issue where COD was checking for shipping even if the order was virtual

    We also made some smaller tweaks based on feedback. See the changelog for details.

    If you spot any further issues, please report them to us in detail on Github so the development team can review – comments on this post are closed.

  • The WooCommerce 2.4.3 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel.

    A total of 16 commits made it into this release. We’ve continued going through the forums and issue reports on Github to find any edge-case issues missed during beta. Thanks for the reports!

    We have included fixes for the following issues:

    1. The wc_customer_bought_product() function was returning false. This query has been corrected.
    2. Some themes using older markup for tabs were not showing/hiding correctly.
    3. There was a problem with AJAX variations on the frontend when using quotes in attribute names.
    4. When removing a variation in the backend,the current page is now maintained.
    5. Refund email subjects were fixed when a downloadable product was inside the order.

    We also made some smaller tweaks based on feedback. See the changelog for details.

    If you spot any further issues, please report them to us in detail on Github so the development team can review – comments on this post are closed.

  • The WooCommerce 2.4.2 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel.

    A total of 22 commits made it into this release. We’ve spent the last 24 hours going through the forums and issue reports on Github to find any edge-case issues missed during beta. Thanks for the reports!

    We have included fixes for the following issues:

    1. There was a case whereby if a variation was out of stock, it’s price was not reflected in the parent variable products price display
    2. If ajax add to cart was disabled, 2 products would be added to the cart instead of 1
    3. We’ve fixed the ordering args you can pass into the [product_category] shortcode
    4. There was a minor rounding issue with prices including tax with certain combinations of prices (half rounding issue)

    We also made some smaller tweaks based on feedback. See the changelog for details.

    If you spot any further issues, please report them to us in detail on Github so the development team can review – comments on this post are closed.

  • The WooCommerce 2.4.1 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel.

    A total of 8 commits made it into this release.

    This release fixes some issues reported by users during the upgrade to 2.4.0 WooCommerce:

    • Emails being fired for old orders about refunds.
    • Variations that became free after upgrade (for variations created before WooCommerce 2.2).
    • Fixed some notices when calling get_shipping_classes()

    (As always, the comments on this post are closed because this is not the right platform for support requests.)

  • It’s with great excitement that we announce WooCommerce 2.4 is live!

    Since 2.3 back in February there have been 1800 commits from 24 contributors, and 77 issues have been closed. A huge round of applause for those involved! Feature highlights include:

    As far as testing and QA goes we’ve:

    So we’re happy with the stability of 2.4.0 and don’t anticipate any drama. As always however, we do recommend testing sites on a staging environment prior to upgrade, and ensuring the latest versions of all extensions are running.

    Developers who have not yet tested plugins and themes, or whom have found issue, should read this post regarding possible conflicts and template file updates.

    Our top contributors

    Also a shout out to our translators who have been updating translations. If you want to get involved in translation, or you’ve spotted some missing strings, you can get involved on our Transifex.

    If you spot a bug in 2.4, don’t forget to log a detailed report on Github.

    Thanks and we hope you enjoy this release!

  • A new version of the Google Analytics plugin for WooCommerce is now ready for testing. You can download beta 1 here:

    Release Highlights

    Enhanced eCommerce The new plugin now supports enhanced eCommerce tracking. Enabling enhanced analytics allows you to gather information every step of the way. You can now track: Purchase transactions, when an item is added to the cart, when an item is removed from the cart, product impressions from listing pages, product clicks from listing pages, when a product is viewed from its page, and when the checkout process is initiated.

    Setup Tips The Google Analytics plugin can take a few steps to configure correctly since you need to configure things from the Google Analytics dashboard as well. The new release tries to make this as clear as possible by offering tips after installing the plugin, and clearer explanations around the different settings.

    The plugin has also been refactored to make adding features like enhanced eCommerce possible (and to make it easier to potentially track more information in the future). Since the code has shifted a bit, we wanted to get some feedback on a beta version before releasing to everybody. If you find a bug, please post an issue on GitHub.

  • The release candidate for WooCommerce 2.4 “Helpful Hedgehog” is now available. There have been ~40 commits since beta 4, including a tweak to the ajax endpoints for wider host support, and some tweaks to the variation editor based on user feedback.

    As a release candidate, we think it’s ready to ship but we would appreciate testing to see if we’re missing anything. We are also running 2.4 on to ensure we don’t miss any major issues!

    To find out how you can test this release, see this post. If you’re a developer and haven’t tested your products yet, do it now.

    Translators can begin translating 2.4 strings now on Transifex.

    If you think you’ve found a bug, please post it on our issue tracker.

    We are planning on shipping the finished version of 2.4 on Monday, August 10th. Follow this blog for further updates!

  • WC 2.4 beta 4 was tagged yesterday evening and is ready to test. Beta 4 should be the final beta before a release candidate is tagged later this week. If you’re an extension of theme author make sure you test as soon as possible.

    Download WC 2.4 beta 4

    If you want to read more about whats changed in 2.4, see this post. To find out how you can beta test, we wrote a short post with a plugin based solution.

    Also, please remember to fill in our beta survey if you beta test!

    Thanks to everyone who gets involved.