Announcing: WC Blocks Extensibility Monthly Chat
Hi, folks! Starting Monday, February 13th at 1600 UTC, we’ll be piloting a three-month program for a monthly chat where we will engage with you, our developer community, about WooCommerce… Read more
Dev Chat #28 Notes
Today we had the 28th edition of our Dev Chat, I would like to thank all the people who attended, a total of 14 attendees. If case you missed, you… Read more
May 28th: Dev Chat #27
As promised in our last Dev Chat on May 2nd, our next Dev Chat will be next Thursday, May 30th at 16:00 UTC in the #core channel of the WooCommerce… Read more
Dev Chat #26 Notes
Thanks to everyone that joined us in our last Dev Chat on May 2nd, we had about 20 people in attendance, results based in our emoji reactions inquiry. The discussion… Read more
May 2nd: Dev Chat #26
We are resuming our dev chats after the release of WooCommerce 3.6. Our last dev chat was on March 28th, and now it’s time to get back to our regular… Read more
Dev Chat #25 Notes
Another fine installment of Dev Chat is in the books! According to our scientific emoji response system, we had 26 dev chatters in attendance for the twenty-fifth edition. The discussion… Read more
March 28th: Dev Chat #25
We had a grand time last month for Dev Chat #24 – and my how time flies, it is time for the twenty-fifth installment of Dev Chat! The next chat… Read more
Dev Chat #24 Notes
Thanks to everyone that joined us today for the twenty-fourth installment of the WooCommerce Dev Chat. Based on emoji reactions, we had about 20ish people in attendance ( inflated a… Read more
February 28th: Dev Chat #24
January’s dev chat was a fantastic – we chatted about the new WooCommerce Admin ( aka wc-admin ), the WooCommerce Blocks, and Performance and Scalability Improvements. In case you missed… Read more
January 31st: Dev chat #23
We are reintroducing dev chats this year! Once a month we will hold an open forum about what’s going on in WooCommerce. These dev chats provide an opportunity to learn… Read more
May 8th: Dev chat #22
The next chat will be on May 8th at 16:00 UTC in the #core channel of the WooCommerce Community Slack. If you don’t already have access to the group, you… Read more
April 17th: Dev chat #21
The next chat will be on April 17th at 16:00 UTC in the #core channel of the WooCommerce Community Slack. If you don’t already have access to the group, you… Read more