WooCommerce 5.9 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of WooCommerce 5.9. This is a minor release and everything should be backwards compatible with the previous version.

This release contains:

As always, we recommend creating a backup of your site and making sure that your theme and any other plugins are compatible before updating. You can check out this update guide for more information.

What’s new in 5.9?

  • WooCommerce Blocks 6.1: Blocks package have been updated to 6.1. Please take a look at the release posts for and 6.1.0 to see what’s new and improved.
  • WooCommerce Admin 2.8.0: WooCommerce Admin package has also been updated to 2.8.0 with this release of WooCommerce. See the changelog for details on what’s new in this version (and also on previous versions 2.7.1 and 2.7.2)
  • Marketplace page redesign: The WooCommerce marketplace page shows a refreshed look, and app cards shows additional bits of information like icons, ratings and reviews. See #30900 and #30840.
  • Variable product price caching fix: There was a caching issue that caused incorrect variable product prices to be displayed when VAT exemption was involved. #30889
  • Empty billing email via REST API: It is now possible to specify an empty billing email to remove it from an order via REST API. #30850
  • Unpaid order cancellation scheduling fix: When the scheduled action to cancel an unpaid order failed it wasn’t re-scheduled for retry. #30830
  • Tax location when adding products via admin fix: When a product was added to an order via admin, and the woocommerce_adjust_non_base_location_prices filter was set to return false (to calculate taxes based on the customer locattion, not thee shop location), the location for the taxes was being taken from the admin user, not from the user who performed the order. #30692
  • We have reverted a change that prepended the currency-info.php file name with a path in locale-info.php, that extra path wasn’t really needed and was causing issues in 3rd party applications. #31036
  • We have improved the handling of downloadable files hosted on the server to better enforce file type check.

These are just some of the changes that are included in WooCommerce 5.9. You can find the complete changelog for this release in the changelog.txt file.

Actions and Filters

There are no new actions or filters in this release.

Database changes

There are no database changes in this release.

Template changes

There are no template changes in this release.

Much 💜 to all the contributors

Finally a big thanks to everyone in the community who has contributed via issue reports, fixes, translation, testing, supporting other users, or simply spreading the word.

WooCommerce Core

Konamiman Melebius NekoJonez andfinally barryhughes claudiosanches
Konamiman Melebius NekoJonez andfinally barryhughes claudiosanches
danielbitzer jonathansadowski joshuatf moon0326 nerrad opr
danielbitzer jonathansadowski joshuatf moon0326 nerrad opr
rodelgc roykho rrennick vedanshujain zhongruige
rodelgc roykho rrennick vedanshujain zhongruige

WooCommerce Admin

LevinMedia NekoJonez adrianduffell andfinally aprea frosso
LevinMedia NekoJonez adrianduffell andfinally aprea frosso
haszari hsingyuc htdat ilyasfoo jeffstieler joelclimbsthings
haszari hsingyuc htdat ilyasfoo jeffstieler joelclimbsthings
joshuatf louwie17 madeincosmos mattsherman moon0326 octaedro
joshuatf louwie17 madeincosmos mattsherman moon0326 octaedro

WooCommerce Blocks

Aljullu diazoxide frontdevde grogou mikejolley nerrad
Aljullu diazoxide frontdevde grogou mikejolley nerrad
nielslange opr ralucaStan senadir tjcafferkey
nielslange opr ralucaStan senadir tjcafferkey

Action Scheduler

jonathansadowski barryhughes claudiosanches danielbitzer vedanshujain
jonathansadowski barryhughes claudiosanches danielbitzer vedanshujain

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