WooCommerce 8.8: A new way to customize your store, and more

WooCommerce 8.8 has been released!

This post will highlight what’s included in this version of WooCommerce.

See our update guide.
Download directly from WordPress.org.

Other important information:

Latest version:

👉 WooCommerce 8.8.3


  • ✅ Backwards compatible
  • Commits: 325
  • Contributors: 91

Release Schedule:

Introducing: a new way to Customize Your Store

[EPIC] Customize your Store – Pattern Assembler #43623

The new Customize Your Store feature allows merchants to easily design the look and feel of their online store without coding. Merchants can choose from predefined color palettes, fonts, headers, footers and more using an intuitive pattern assembler interface. This innovative upgrade replaces the previous personalization onboarding task and leverages WordPress’ powerful site editing capabilities. Merchants can now spend more time growing their business and less time wrestling with themes and code.

Read more about this feature here.

New “Post-purchase note” field added to the Product Editor 

Add – Post-purchase note field to the Inventory tab #45244

Merchants can now enter a custom “Post-Purchase Note” that will be included in order confirmation emails sent to customers. This new field has been added under the “Inventory” tab when editing individual products. It allows store owners to personalize each order confirmation with any additional messages, terms, or other information for the customer regarding their purchase. The note entered here will display just like the custom messages entered in the classic product data interface. This small but useful addition gives merchants more flexibility to communicate with customers post-purchase directly from the product page.

New design for the Product Editor header 

Update – Modify product header #44711

This release includes improvements to the product editor interface. The cover image is now displayed next to the product name for better visual hierarchy. Draft and Hidden product statuses are clearly indicated with new tags. The tag Draft is added when the product is a draft or scheduled. The tag Hidden is added when the product is hidden in the catalog and hidden from search results.

Making the product onboarding list and product tour extensible

Allow extensions in Add Products task #44892
Proof of Concept for allowing product tour to be extensible #45617

Custom product types can now be added to the Add Products onboarding task list.

To add a new product type to the list, use the new experimental_woocommerce_tasklist_product_types JavaScript filter. JavaScript filters can be added via the addFilter function from the @wordpress/hooks package.

You can also now customize the product tour that is shown when creating a product from the onboarding list, this can be done with the new experimental_woocommerce_admin_product_tour_steps filter.

These changes have been introduced in #44892, #45617

For more information, check out our recent post: Making Product Onboarding and Product Tours Extensible.

Allowing block notice templates in classic themes

Allow usage of block notice templates when using classic themes #45164

This screenshot shows the block notice template when using the following Storefront child theme.

Previously in WooCommerce, block notice templates could only be used in block themes. WooCommerce 8.8 introduces the ability for theme developers to display block notice templates even when using a classic theme. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Applying the filter add_filter( 'woocommerce_use_block_notices_in_classic_theme', '__return_true' ); to the site.
  2. Overwriting the notice templates as explained in Tutorial: Overriding notice templates.

This change gives theme developers more flexibility to customize the notice experience for their users.

Enhanced number formatting for Campaign Cost and Sales

Add formatting for Cost and Sales numbers in Campaigns card in Marketing page #44917

This release includes improved number formatting for the “Cost” and “Sales” fields displayed in the “Campaigns” card on the Marketing page. Numbers will now be formatted according to the currency and locale settings of the site administrator. This means decimals, thousands separators, currency symbols and more will match how numbers are typically written for the selected currency and location. This small change makes at-a-glance tracking of campaign finances clearer for store owners around the world.

New totalValue filter

Add – Add totalValue filter #45170

Some extensions, e.g. WooCommerce Deposits, require formatting the total price. To enable them to format the total price in the footer of the Cart and Checkout blocks, we’ve added a new filter called totalValue. For example:

Without the filter:

With the filter:

See our technical documentation for details on parameters and return values.

More flexible product attributes term selection

Add a filter woocommerce_admin_terms_metabox_datalimit to change the data-limit value for the attributes term box #45506

WooCommerce 8.8 introduces a new filter woocommerce_admin_terms_metabox_datalimit that merchants can use to customize the number of terms shown in the product attributes term box. This change was made to help stores with large numbers of attributes that have similar names more easily find the correct term when editing products. The default limit is still 50 terms, but stores can now override this on a case-by-case basis as needed.

Automatic Installation of the Legacy REST API Plugin

Add the plugin install engine #44856
Install the Legacy REST API plugin on WooCommerce upgrade if needed #45570

We’re removing the Legacy REST API from WooCommerce in 9.0. To provide a path forward for sites that still rely on it, we’ve extracted the API into its own plugin and released it to the .org directory

To minimize the risk of things breaking, we’re now detecting when a site still uses the Legacy REST API and if so automatically install the plugin from the .org directory. This way automatic updates won’t break these sites even if WooCommerce itself removes support for this API. 

Improve local pickup flow

Improve local pickup flow #45614

Merchants using local pickup will benefit from an enhanced onboarding and configuration experience. The local pickup settings are now more prominently featured in the shipping zones interface. This makes it easier for stores to set up pickup locations via the new Local Pickup settings page. The update also aims to better distinguish between legacy and new local pickup methods. Merchants already using the legacy method will see recommendations to transition to the more full-featured new local pickup solution. Overall, the changes improve merchant understanding and adoption of WooCommerce’s local pickup options.

Other important information

Reversion of WooCommerce Mini-Cart and Customer Account Auto-Injection Feature

Block Hooks: Revert opening up hooked blocks to all block themes #46935

Added: April 29, 2024

As part of 8.8, we introduced code which automatically injects the mini-cart and customer account blocks into all sites utilizing a block theme. However, we’ve since identified that the impact on existing sites is more significant than anticipated. As a result, we’ve decided to temporarily revert this feature in a dot release, 8.8.3, until we can ensure its safe and effective integration.

Fixed Coupon Extension Compatibility

Set access modifier for $error_message to public and added a setter method #46642

Added: April 17, 2024

This release includes a fix for a compatibility issue that could cause errors when using third-party coupon extensions alongside WooCommerce. The $error_message property on coupons was changed from protected to public access to prevent fatal errors in certain situations.

A new plugin to facilitate Woo.com product updates

Remove the ability to update Woo.com extensions not available in WP.org plugin directory #44279

Added: March 26, 2024

The code for handling plugin and theme updates will be moving to a separate plugin and out of WooCommerce core. This is to affirm our compliance with WordPress.org’s guidelines, as well as to provide continued enhancements to how plugins and themes purchased from Woo.com are installed and updated.

For more information, check out our post: Introducing A New Plugin to Facilitate Woo.com Product Updates.

Install routines no longer alter fresh_site option

[Launch Your Store] Disable WP fresh_site action when WooCommerce pages are added #45219

WooCommerce’s install routines will no longer alter the value of the WordPress fresh_site option. Previously, the creation of default store pages in the install routines would fire a hook in WordPress that would set the value to 0. To ensure a new WordPress site with WooCommerce has a fresh_site option value of 1, we have disabled the hook from running in the WooCommerce install routines.

Database Changes

This release does not include a database change.

Update timeline

WooCommerce 8.8.3 released

Added: Apr 29, 2024

WooCommerce 8.8.3 has been released.

See our update guide.
Download directly from WordPress.org.

WooCommerce 8.8.2 released

Added: Apr 17, 2024

WooCommerce 8.8.2 has been released.

See our update guide.
Download directly from WordPress.org.

WooCommerce 8.8.1 stable tag reverted

Added: Apr 15, 2024

Between approximately 14:43 and 15:16 UTC, WooCommerce 8.8.1 was briefly set as the stable version on WordPress.org. The current stable tag has been reverted to WooCommerce 8.7. WooCommerce 8.7 is the current production-ready version.

We’re currently working to re-release WooCommerce 8.8 and update the stable tag.

For more information about this, please see our latest developer advisory.

WooCommerce 8.8 delayed

Update: Apr 12, 2024

The release of WooCommerce 8.8.1 has now been scheduled for Monday April 15.

Added: Apr 10, 2024

During our pre-release smoke tests, we discovered an unexpected change in the title of the shop page from “Shop” to “Products” in WooCommerce version 8.8. This change was not anticipated and was potentially caused by updates in the template structure. 

The issue is reproducible, and we are currently addressing it. You can follow the progress of that work in PR #46429

However, we want to investigate further for any additional impact this could have, as well as taking the opportunity to add more automated testing around this specific code. 

Note: 8.8 is already available on WordPress.org

The release is currently available on the WordPress.org plugin page. Consequently, we have not updated our stable tag in order to prevent automatic updates. The bug was discovered during our 8.8 release process where an additional set of tests run once the release is available on WordPress.org. 

8.8.1 will be released early next week with a fix for the issue. The exact date will be announced later this week once we’ve fully completed testing the fix.

Release candidate

Added: Apr 2, 2024

Available now.
Changelog and testing.

Addressed issue where Analytics failed to load when filtering by a specific product.

Remove accidental count call within an is_array check #45939

Fixed a bug with WCPayPromotionDataSourcePoller fatal error when upgrading from a previous version.

Fix DataSourcePoller footer error on upgrade downgrade #45892


See all bug fixes and improvements
  • Fix – Deprecate the $check_key_exists parameter from AssetDataRegistry and disallow duplicate data for all cases. #46139
  • Fix – Fixed an issue where orders could be placed when no shipping options were available #46026
  • Fix – Fix a bug where saved payment methods were not rendered correctly in the heckout block #46019
  • Fix – Removed count from is_array check to fix Analytics comparison filter. #45939
  • Fix – Add a filter to adjust the 50 terms limitation in the product edit page. #45506
  • Fix – Add block preview to Product Filter: Attribute (Beta) block #45558
  • Fix – Add some safeguards against programmatic removal of orders due to sync when HPOS is active. #45330
  • Fix – Adds spacing between quantity field and add to cart button when stacked #45758
  • Fix – Adjust the WC_Admin_Notices to support multisite setups #45349
  • Fix – Avoid trying to find a product variation of a product variation #45776
  • Fix – CYS – Add missing typography settings for the Site Title block #45166
  • Fix – CYS – Core: fix: not mark Customize your store step as completed when the user switches theme #45762
  • Fix – CYS – Core: fix font load when user opts out of tracking. #45185
  • Fix – CYS – Core: fix Product Rating block renders #45600
  • Fix – CYS – Core: fix wp-admin page visible when click on start designing #45586
  • Fix – CYS – Core: install font when user clicks opt-in #45580
  • Fix – CYS – Fix activeThemeHasMods undefined error. #45255
  • Fix – CYS – Fix the failed to load resource error in the CYS whenever the current active theme is not TT4 #45519
  • Fix – CYS – Fix the flickering effect on hover on the font pairing cards. #44851
  • Fix – CYS – Fix the intro page logo and site title positioning. #45216
  • Fix – CYS – Fix the selected pattern in footer in the assembler. #45240
  • Fix – CYS – fix warning Tooltip #45592
  • Fix – CYS – Go to the assembler when clicking to the “Design you own” button if the theme was already customized in the assembler. #45713
  • Fix – CYS – reduce editor instance re-render. #45458
  • Fix – CYS – Set a default width for the site logo after uploading it. #45384
  • Fix – CYS: Fix Header/Footer template parts disappear #45735
  • Fix – CYS: fix the footer large pattern – use only one navigation block #45308
  • Fix – CYS: fix Undefined array key queryId warning #45399
  • Fix – Ensure the “Didn’t find a theme you like” text and the “Design your own” banner are displayed exclusively at the bottom of the themes tab on WooCommerce > Extensions. #45706
  • Fix – Ensure the is_super_admin REST field contains the correct value #45235
  • Fix – Experimental: Fix: Regression introduced in #44757 that breaks the inspector setting of the new attribute filter block. #45276
  • Fix – Fix alignment issues in the generated content of the Refunds page #45292
  • Fix – Fix an issue where shoppers could select invalid price ranges in the Product Filter: Price (Beta) block #45403
  • Fix – Fix block templates not being rendered in extension taxonomies #44850
  • Fix – Fix broken CSS styles of the totalValue filter. #45732
  • Fix – Fixes order counts in WooCommerce Status dashboard widget. #44734
  • Fix – Fix failing e2e customer list test by skipping blank slate #45261
  • Fix – Fix organization tab e2e tests #45692 #45692
  • Fix – Fix styling issue for the Price Filter block preventing fields from appearing inline when the Inline input fields option is enabled #45197
  • Fix – Fix the customer list e2e test for PR merge workflow #45229
  • Fix – Gracefully handle posts to HPOS redirect when backup post no longer exists. #45605
  • Fix – Include simple product support in the attributes filter within the analytics orders view. #44901
  • Fix – Make sure backup posts are restored during sync when HPOS is enabled. #45332
  • Fix – Normalize Slots on Settings pages by creating scopes for each page that has a Slot #45152
  • Fix – Prevent fatal error when updating HPOS setting without changing value. #45604
  • Fix – Prevent possible type error during install routine. #45730
  • Fix – Prevent user interaction with the Product Filter: Price (Beta) block within the Editor. #45602
  • Fix – Product Elements: fix some warning thrown when there was no post ID available #45675
  • Fix – Product results count block update with product collection pagination & filtering. #45556
  • Fix – Rename ProductTemplate namespace #45594 #45594
  • Fix – Reset Product Collection block pagination when filters change. #45693
  • Fix – Tax task – do not require postcode input for countries without postcode. #45367
  • Fix – Use regular_price to determine if product is not sale and don’t rely only on price for product_meta_lookup #43011
  • Fix – Using ActionScheduler to schedule fetching of in-app marketplace promotions. #45628
  • Fix – [CYS] Fix the intro path when exiting the assembler. #44771
  • Fix – [CYS] Improve logic to ensure that the font is active. #45385
See all features and additions
  • Add – Displays a red badge on in-app My Subscriptions tab if Woo.com Update Manager is not installed or activated #46088
  • Add – <!– Add a changelog message here — Add launch_your_store feature flag #45231
  • Add – Add a filter to allow modifying the attribute term name in the Active Product Filters widget. #40734
  • Add – Add Always show pre-publish checks checkbox #44595 #44595
  • Add – Add block preview to filter blocks #45258
  • Add – Add default option values for Launch your store task #45306
  • Add – Add e2e tests for Organization tab #45532 #45532
  • Add – Add is_store_page helper function #45299
  • Add – Add Launch Your Store settings section #45402
  • Add – Add launch your store task #45270
  • Add – Add new product archive header template and hook into woocommerce_before_main_content #33681
  • Add – Add Post-purchase note field to the Inventory tab #45244
  • Add – Adds block hooks algorithm to WooCommerce templates. #45737
  • Add – Adds Checkout additional fields to the store weekly snapshot. #44310
  • Add – Add tests for variable product #44818 #44818
  • Add – Add the ability to search for a currency by ISO code. #45512
  • Add – Add the woocommerce_guest_session_to_user_id action hook that fires when a guest session is migrated to a customer ID #45146
  • Add – Add totalValue filter. #45170
  • Add – Add used meta keys dropdown in HPOS custom fields metabox. #44739
  • Add – Add xstate scaffold for Launch your store feature #45548
  • Add – Add woocommerce_order_hold_stock_minutes filter hook to allow the number of minutes stock in an order should be reserved for to be filtered. #45246
  • Add – Allow –re-migrate to work without –verbose in HPOS CLI verification tool. #44669
  • Add – Customize Your Store: Add the color palettes for the Nokul, Highline and Luminate themes in the intro screen. #45105
  • Add – Customize Your Store: Introduce the feature for conditionally changing the default font pairings available based on user consent and the WordPress version. #44532
  • Add – CYS: Override header and footer template parts. #45196
  • Add – Display a new modal informing the theme switch whenever the user clicks on the “Start designing” button in the Customize Your Store flow. #44821
  • Add – Enable the Customize Your Store feature on Core. #44824
  • Add – Ensures to always convert the metas into a string array since it can be anything #45493
  • Add – Hide tax fields when taxes are disabled in product and variations #45531
  • Add – Install the Legacy REST API plugin on WooCommerce upgrade if needed #45570
  • Add – Introduce the PluginInstaller class #44856
  • Add – Redirect to WooPayments Connect page in the Payments task if the merchant is from a supported country and WooPayments is installed #45540
  • Add – Register woocommerce/product-custom-fields-toggle-field block #45291
  • Add – Register woocommerce/product-custom-fields block #45360
  • Add – Remove Navigation setting when store isn’t using it #45800
  • Add – Support range operator in Remote Inbox Notification #45201
  • Add – Updated copies and illustrations for the onboarding task list. #44854
  • Add – Update the WooCommerce Extensions Theme page to include references to the Customize Your Store flow. #45468
See all updates and tweaks
  • Update – Update Action Scheduler to 3.7.4 #46277
  • Update – Add formatting for Cost and Sales numbers in Campaigns card in Marketing page. #44917
  • Update – Add set_attribute method to Block class #45523
  • Update – Allow usage of block notice templates when using classic themes. #45164
  • Update – Bump all remote spec endpoints to version 2.0. #45298
  • Update – Compatibility Layer: pass additional context to woocommerce_blocks_hook_compatibility_additional_data hook which is a class name in which it was called #45156
  • Update – CYS – Fix the “Opt in to usage tracking” modal buttons and checkbox styles. #45444
  • Update – CYS – Fix the border of the toggle controls in the assembler #45744
  • Update – CYS – Mark the product’s task as completed only if products were created or modified by users. #44890
  • Update – CYS – Show the header and footer selected by default as the first option displayed on the list. #45414
  • Update – CYS – Transitional page: fix margins and make the 3rd question not required. #45709
  • Update – CYS – Updates the footer and homepage sections of the assembler sidebar. #44800
  • Update – CYS – Update the “Share feedback” survey design #45802
  • Update – CYS – Use the admin theme color to style the active theme badge component in the Intro page. #45626
  • Update – CYS Update the copy for the fonts opt-in modal in the pattern assembler. #45805
  • Update – Disable the checkout menu within Customizer when the checkout block is the default checkout page. #45538
  • Update – Display the theme switch modal in the Customize Your Store flow only if the currently active theme is not TT4 #45296
  • Update – Ensure the “Any” Filter condition is displayed on the left and the “All” filter condition is displayed on the right side in the display settings for the Filter by Attribute block. #44799
  • Update – Ensure the CYS task is marked as complete only if the user customized their templates or global styles in the editor #45792
  • Update – Ensure the user is directed to the in-app marketplace whenever clicking on ‘Browse all themes’ within the Customize Your Store flow. #45288
  • Update – Exclude the Legacy REST API plugin from the feature compatibility UI #45610
  • Update – Hide more details toggle for simple source types – direct, web admin, mobile app. #44907
  • Update – Improve compatibility of the logging system with multisite #44735
  • Update – Improve hero product chessboard pattern spacing #45756
  • Update – Improve messages around the use of the legacy and the new Local Pickup shipping methods. #45614
  • Update – Introduce the new Transitional page to the customize your store. #45546
  • Update – Move the rendering of Order Attribution inputs fully to JS. Support multiple instances on the same page. #44335
  • Update – Prevent fresh_site option from being set to 0 after WooCommerce installation. #45232
  • Update – Product Collection: disable client-side navigation if incompatible blocks are detected inside #45435
  • Update – Product Collection: New Arrivals collection has the Created filter set to 7 days by default #45355
  • Update – Removed id attribute from Product Collection blocks. #44625
  • Update – Remove the ability to update Woo.com plugins that are not available under WordPress.org plugin directory #44279
  • Update – Update Action Scheduler to 3.7.3 #45739
  • Update – Updated default payment gateways recommendation priorities. #39635
  • Update – Update Mercado Pago copy changes. #45364
  • Update – Update required and tested up to WP versions for the WordPress 6.5 release. #45633
  • Update – Update the themes list on the Customize Your Store intro screen. #44822
  • Update – Update usages of WooCommerce Blocks version checks to use WooCommerce core version when possible #44804
  • Update – [CYS] Update the woo.com themes link to include the back url #45661
  • Tweak – Add callback URL domain to auth screen. #45445
  • Tweak – Compatibility Layer: improve the documentation so it’s less confusing #44924
  • Tweak – Fixed minor errors in file documentation syntax. #44629
  • Tweak – Make dynamic properties explicit in WC_Order_Item #44896
  • Tweak – Prefer the use of ‘order details’ (instead of ‘invoice’) in our order emails. #45395
  • Tweak – Streamline and improve execution time of the woocommerce-blocks global E2E setup. #44843
  • Tweak – Update the copy for the terms and conditions on WooCommerce. #44449
See all developer updates
  • Dev – E2E tests: re-enable all e2e tests #45825
  • Dev – Temporary disable DataSourcePoller class deprecation message #46163
  • Dev – Add e2e tests for the customer list #45198
  • Dev – Add new test shopper product filters #44516
  • Dev – Add source property to legacy editor #45515 #45515
  • Dev – Allow manually triggering the Blocks E2E workflow #45382
  • Dev – Be more descriptive with Blocks E2E workflow titles #45381
  • Dev – clear out unneeded github files from block folder #44895
  • Dev – Disable the reportSlowTests option for blocks’ E2E tests. #45375
  • Dev – E2E tests: add new tests for product attributes in product blocks editor #44777
  • Dev – E2E tests: add new tests for users management #45673
  • Dev – E2E tests: add test for merchant checkout block #45449
  • Dev – E2E tests: add test for transforming classic cart to cart block #44926
  • Dev – E2E tests: fix command palette test with Gutengerg #45121
  • Dev – E2E tests: fixed flaky product create test #45700
  • Dev – E2E tests: fix global setup failing when there are more than 20 pages in site #45129
  • Dev – E2E tests: fix issues with quick actions in products list #45772
  • Dev – E2E tests: fix variable product flakiness #45710
  • Dev – E2E tests: improve execution time by disabling the welcomeGuide feature instead of waiting for the modal #45132
  • Dev – E2E tests: improve existing test to include scenario customizing mini cart #45248
  • Dev – E2E tests: stabilize product quick delete test #45636
  • Dev – E2E tests: update mini cart and cart block tests and add new test to mini cart verifying max quantity #44921
  • Dev – Fix a failing unit test. #45509
  • Dev – Fix guest user handling in failing Side Effects E2E tests #45624
  • Dev – Fix is_read value in Admin notes. #43096
  • Dev – Improve stability of i18n-related e2e tests. #45371
  • Dev – Improve webpack cache-busting version parameter by using file contents hash #44838
  • Dev – Product Collection: Add E2E tests confirming all Product Elements are rendered correctly #45623
  • Dev – Refactor remote specs structure and naming #45547
  • Dev – remove blocks nvmrc, add e2e artifacts to gitignore #45256
  • Dev – Update Attributes tooltip copy #45485 #45485
  • Dev – Update product editor experiment name and enable pre-publish panel by default #45745 #45745
  • Dev – Updates the PR testing workflow to use checkout v4 to eliminate GH node 16 warning #45199
  • Dev – WooCommerce build watching will now also detect CSS file changes. #44930
See all enhancements
  • Performance – Add index to zone_id column for woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations #45598
  • Performance – Improve memory usage in HPOS sync CLI tool. #44670
  • Performance – Removes star font #31670
  • Enhancement – Add filter to control rounding precision in internal calculations. #45743
  • Enhancement – Add support for extending product types on onboarding task list #44892
  • Enhancement – Add support for partial backfilling from or to the HPOS datastore using the CLI. #45171
  • Enhancement – Add the sample product badge before the product name to mark placeholder products. #45691
  • Enhancement – Allow extensions to expand on, or replace the tutorial shown to users when creating a product via the “create a product” task from the onboarding task list. #45617
  • Enhancement – Block Hooks: Run block hooks on all block themes instead of approved themes only. #45581
  • Enhancement – Cache marketing task is_complete() method result #45126
  • Enhancement – CYS – Show the “Design your own” banner when editing a different theme than TT4 in the CYS flow. #45481
  • Enhancement – Fix the count alignment for Filter by Ratings block #45674
  • Enhancement – Improve accessibility of sale price markup. #44413
  • Enhancement – Limit checkbox clickable area from being out of bounds #45603
  • Enhancement – Made sponsored product listings in the Extensions marketplace easier to identify. #45684
  • Enhancement – Reduce calls to wp_count_posts( ‘product’ ) from OnboardingTasks #45125
  • Enhancement – Remove ‘List price’ and ‘Sale price’ fields from the General tab #45495
  • Enhancement – Validate coupons with email restrictions upfront and change user’s feedback when a coupon is not valid for the user. #43872

View the changelog.

Testing Instructions

👉 To Test: Use the WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin to try beta versions. Or download the latest release from WordPress.org.

🐞 Found a Bug? Please submit a report it on GitHub

Much đŸ’œ to all the contributors

Lastly, heartfelt appreciation goes out to all members of our community who have contributed through issue reports, bug fixes, translations, testing, providing support to other users, or even by spreading the word.

WooCommerce Core




10 responses to “WooCommerce 8.8: A new way to customize your store, and more”

  1. Hello there, WordPress 6.5 will be release today, not the 2nd april ?


    1. Jacklyn Biggin Avatar
      Jacklyn Biggin

      Hey Benoit! WordPress 6.5’s release was pushed back to April 2nd. You can learn more here: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2024/03/25/wordpress-6-5-release-delayed-1-week/

  2. danielspain Avatar

    Hi, i’ve found an issue with the 8.8beta:
    Please check out, and thanks for the fixes

    1. Jacklyn Biggin Avatar
      Jacklyn Biggin

      Thanks for reporting and opening an issue! I’ve flagged this to our release team so they can investigate.

      1. danielspain Avatar

        thanks a lot!

  3. […] WooCommerce 8.8, planerad till den 9 april, har en mĂ€ngd förĂ€ndringar i hur du kan anpassa din butik. Utvecklare kan Ă€ven glĂ€djas Ă„t att onboarding-upplevelsen kan […]

  4. hi, any way to put QTY selector on checkout page?

    1. Jacklyn Biggin Avatar
      Jacklyn Biggin

      Hey jhon! I recommend heading over to our community Slack to ask questions like this – there’s a bunch of people there so you’re more likely to get an answer.


  5. […] WooCommerce 8.8 has been released as WooCommerce 8.8.2. Learn more here. […]

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