
  • We are pleased to announce the release of WooCommerce 7.7.0. This release should be backwards compatible with the previous version.

    This release contains:

    As always, we recommend creating a backup of your site and making sure that your theme and any other plugins are compatible before updating. You can check out this update guide for more information.

    What’s new in 7.7.0?

    Multichannel Marketing

    Multichannel Marketing is out of beta and it is now the default experience when you visit the Marketing page.

    Updated Shopper Notices

    In this release, we introduce new components and styling for buyer notices, featuring Snackbar lists and Notice banners with shared components. These new styles give a uniform look and feel across all WooCommerce Blocks.

    In addition to this, if your store uses either the Cart Block or Checkout Block on the main cart and checkout pages, these styles will also transfer to all other WooCommerce notices, e.g. the ones in the “My Account” area. These new styles should take precedence over any existing theme styles due to the new markup and CSS being applied.

    The basic HTML structure of the new notices is as follows:

    <div class="wc-block-components-notice-banner is-error">
         <svg />
         <div class="wc-block-components-notice-banner__content">MESSAGE</div>

    There are different styles based on the notice status which include errorsuccessinfodefaultwarning.

    If you’re not using the Cart or Checkout Blocks (if you’re still using the shortcode based cart and checkout for example), existing notices rendered by WooCommerce will not be affected.

    Here’s a preview of how each type of notice looks:

    An image displaying a preview of the new styling of the buyer notices.

    Themes that use customised notices will not have their styles respected after this update. The new notices use new CSS class-names and markup, so any existing styles will not apply. We’ve avoided using legacy class names to avoid conflicts and to ensure that there is consistent styling across all notice types. 

    Themes can target the new selectors after this release, in which case the main CSS selector is .wc-block-components-notice-banner.

    Documentation is available:

    Styling options for product blocks

    Product SKU, Product Price, and Product Image now support more styling options in terms of color, dimension, and typography and have support for Global Styles.

    New blocks

    • Product Reviews block: Displays the reviews for a given product. It can be inserted inside the Single Product template.
    Image showing the Product Reviews Block

    Client-side postcode validation in the Checkout block

    In this release, we included a change that performs postcode validation on the client-side. This change improves the performance of the Checkout process for the shopper. Previously the postcode was only validated on the server. There was a delay before the user saw an error if they entered an invalid postcode. This new experience not only reduces the load on your server but allows the shopper to work through the checkout form more quickly!

    We still perform server-side validation of the postcode, but this is done when the checkout form is submitted rather than when the value changes.

    Add to Cart button styling improvements

    We have made some improvements to the Add to cart button, providing greater customization options for online stores. It’s now possible to choose between Fill and Outline styles for the button and adjust its width to 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of the parent container. In addition, we’ve introduced a variety of typography controls, including Font Family, Appearance, Line height, Letter spacing, Decoration, and Letter case.

    These improvements aim to provide greater control over the look and feel of the Add to cart button, ensuring it seamlessly integrates with the store’s design.

    Screenshot showing the new Fill and Outline styles for the Add to Cart button in the block settings sidebar.

    Mini Cart Block Improvements

    It’s now possible to customize all buttons of the Mini Cart, including changing their color and background as well as changing the style from outline to filled. In addition to that, the Mini Cart block got a new setting to customize how it renders in the Cart and Checkout pages (Hide or Remove), which will allow to change its behavior depending on the desired header style.

    Provide a way to switch to the blockified Single Product Template

    We have added a button “Upgrade to Blockified Single Product template” to the Single Product template. By clicking on this button, the classic template is upgraded to the new Blockified Single Product template.

    This new template allows customizations of the product page with blocks, giving more flexibility and creativity in showcasing the products.

    A screenshot of the WooCommerce Single Product Block showing the "Upgrade to Blockified Single Product template"

    Actions and Filters

    Three new filters are added


    This filter enables the exclusion of the most recent access time from being logged for REST API calls.[Source]

    Filter the help tip.[Source]

    Filter wc_print_notice output [Source]

    Template Changes

    The following files have template changes:

    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/checkout/form-pay.php
    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/checkout/payment.php
    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/loop/no-products-found.php
    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/downloads.php
    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/form-add-payment-method.php
    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/orders.php
    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/payment-methods.php
    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/order/order-details.php

    Much 💜 to all the contributors

    Finally a big thanks to everyone in the community who has contributed via issue reports, fixes, translation, testing, supporting other users, or simply spreading the word.

    WooCommerce Core


    WooCommerce Blocks


  • On April 19th, we hosted our very first WooCommerce Contributor day, which spanned all timezones and included contributors and Woo employees from at least 23 different countries. 

    A few days prior to the event, we began to see the community jumping into the #woo-contributor-day_build-env channel as developers started to prep their environment for the event. We received great questions, which have made us take a closer look at our documentation so that future contributors have a smoother start. 

    Once Contributor Day kicked-off, we were excited to see the community involvement and excitement. At one point, the Cart and Checkout team even had to add more issues as participants quickly worked through the existing list. 

    By the numbers

    The final tally was 8 pull requests in the woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks repo and 30 pull requests in the woocommerce/woocommerce core repo, for a total of 38 fixed issues. 

    We received contributions from 24 developers from our community and roughly ~190 hours collective hours of work

    As we had mentioned in our Contributor Day Guide, we are committed to honoring the time that the community is dedicating to the event, which is why we will be making a concerted effort to ensure that each group’s queue of issues that have open PRs are completed and merged prior to the upcoming release, WC 7.8, which is scheduled for June 13th, 2023.

    Currently, all woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks Contributor Day issues have been merged, and we are halfway through merging Contributor Day woocommerce/woocommerce core issues.

    V1 Contributor Day All Stars

    A special thank you to the people below who have the honor of being the first ever participants of an official Woo Contributor Day. Thank you for your time and dedication in making the platform better.

    We’re working on some special swag for those that contributed and will be reaching out to folks once we have more details.

    See you in the PRs

    We hope you loved Contributor Day as much as we did. We are looking forward to hosting more events like this, but in the meantime, don’t be a stranger to our contributions. Checkout the WooCommerce Core Getting Started Guide and WooCommerce Blocks Getting Started Guide to learn more about contributing to the project.

  • Release Candidate 1 for the May 9 release of WooCommerce is now available for testing! You can either download it directly from or install our WooCommerce Beta Tester Plugin.

    What’s New?

    Since the release of 7.7.0 beta 2, the no changes have been made.

    Release Schedule

    We’re still on track for our planned May 9th release of WooCommerce 7.7.


    If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from

    A set of testing instructions has been published on our Wiki page in GitHub. We’ve also posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

    If you discover any bugs during the testing process, please let us know by logging a report in GitHub.

  • The latest version of WooCommerce Blocks, version 10.1.0, is now available for download on and GitHub.

    Notable Changes

    Theme-level Global styles for Cart and Checkout blocks

    If you’re using a block based theme on your store that supports global styles, you can now use these to apply design changes to your Cart and Checkout.

    Head over to the site editor (Appearance > Editor), use the navigation menu to navigate to the Cart or Checkout page on your store and click the page — you can then toggle open the styles sidebar:

    Any changes made to the Typography and Colors sections will now be respected by the Cart and Checkout Blocks:

    Other global styles, such as buttons, are also respected by the cart and checkout blocks now also, for example the checkout place order button:

    We’ll be rolling out further changes like this for more control over elements in the coming releases.

    Filter by Attribute product counter revamped

    Long awaited improvement of the product counter in the Filter by Attribute block. Since 10.1.0 Filter by Attribute dynamically shows the product counts that are currently displayed based on the whole set of filters on a page.

    You can check out the video below to see the new Filter by Attribute counters in action along with Products blocks:

    You can find more technical details about this improvement in PR #8599. We’re open to your feedback – there’s an ongoing GitHub discussion where you can share your opinion or suggestions about this improvement.

    New patterns

    There are two new patterns available to use: Featured products 2 columns and Testimonials: 3 columns.

    Featured products 2 columns pattern can be used to promote featured products. It displays 2×2 product grid using on Products block and editable description:

    There’s also Testimonials: 3 columns pattern available to display testimonials from your clients.

    Global Styles support for Product Stock Indicator

    Products Stock Indicator received Global Styles support. Now you are able to change the following settings:

    • Color: text and background,
    • Typography: font size, font weight, text decoration, and more,
    • Spacing: margin and padding.

    Keep in mind some of these settings are available only with WooCommerce Blocks plugin enabled.

    More customizations for Mini Cart

    This release brings a couple of additional customizations to the Mini Cart block.

    Mini Cart Title is now customizable. It’s split into two parts: Label and Items Counter both can have styles applied separately. Change the text and background color, font size, and padding to match it to your store styles:

    Also, now are you able to control the width of the Mini Cart. While editing the Mini Cart template part, choose the Mini Cart Contents and change the dimensions in px. The new width will be visible in the front end. The minimum width is set to 300px and by default, it has 480px width. Also, don’t worry about the mobile, the maximum width would be the viewport width (Mini Cart won’t get wider than the device screen).

    This feature is available only with the WooCommerce Blocks plugin enabled.



    • Add spacing around the Customer Account block to make it more easily clickable on the Editor page (9009)
    • Mini-cart: make the title customizable. (8905)
    • Mini-cart: allow customizing the drawer width. (8930)
    • StoreAPI: add new “/wc/store/v1/products/:slug” endpoint, allow searching products by slug with “/wc/store/v1/products?slug=product-slug” and return new field slug from the product endpoints. (9017)
    • Display Mini Cart overlay in template part editor to better reflect the frontend experience. (9014)
    • Product Stock indicator: Add support for background color, margin, padding & various typography controls (8954)
    • Products: Optimise loading in the Editor (9021)
    • useStoreProducts: Improve the logic of choosing the product from the outcome (9079)
    • Mini cart settings: Replace ToggleGroupControl with ToggleControl. (9098)
    • Checkout: Display special characters when they are part of a city name. (9117)
    • Cart: Use body background color as the Cart block sticky footer background color. (9103)
    • Checkout page: Add: pointer cursor to checkbox and radio input fields. (9102)
    • Minimal Header pattern: Update design (9126)
    • Add theme-level global styles to Cart and Checkout block. (8809)
    • Add new Testimonials 3 columns pattern. (9159)
    • Add new Featured Products 2 columns pattern. (9072)

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix the product counts for the filter by attribute block now match the displayed products with different filter combinations, including filter by price, by rating, by stock, and by other attributes as well. (8599)
    • Give user customized Mini Cart template part priority over the template part from the theme. (9005)
    • Product Meta block: Block is not being displayed on the frontend. (9032)
    • Fix JS error visible in the editor caused by Mini Cart Contents buttons. (9039)
    • Remove excessive margin between cart items in the Mini Cart block. (9051)
    • Fix “Order received” page does not display the payment method information. (9092)
    • Match editor “Place Order” button UI with frontend. (9094)
    • Filter by Price block: Fix slider thumb position on wide screens. (9118)
    • Filter by Stock Status block: Fix dropdown ordering. (9127)
    • Disable “Hide shipping costs until an address is entered” option when Local Pickup is in use. (8964)
    • Mini Cart block: fix slide in animation. (9195)
    • Set minimum width for the Mini Cart Contents block. (9196)

  • WooCommerce 7.6.1 is available for download. It introduces a few fixes for issues that were introduced in the 7.6.0 release.

    What’s New?

    • Fix: fix regression in supporting nested date query arguments in HPOS. #37827
    • Fix: sync up date_column_name default for orders table, between stats and table data. #37927
    • Fix: revert “Change Variations form shown in Variations tab when there are no variations created (#36957)” #37889
    • Fix: revert changes to use window.fetch in legacy cart JS #37463
    • Update: update WooCommerce Blocks to 9.8.5 #37921

    You can download the latest release of WooCommerce here or visit Dashboard → Updates to update the plugin from your WordPress admin screen.

    As usual, if you spot issues in WooCommerce core, please log them in detail on GitHub. Found a security issue? Please submit a report via HackerOne.

  • Beta 2 for the May 9 release of WooCommerce is now available for testing! You can either download it directly from or install our WooCommerce Beta Tester Plugin.


    Since the release of 7.7.0 beta 1, the following changes have been made:


    For the complete list, view the changelog in the readme for this release.

    Release Schedule

    We’re still on track for our planned May 9 release.

    Release Candidate May 2, 2023
    Final Release May 9, 2023


    If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from

    A set of testing instructions has been published on our Wiki page in GitHub. We’ve also posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

    If you discover any bugs during the testing process, please let us know by logging a report in GitHub.

  • Beta 1 for the May 9, 2023 release of WooCommerce is now available for testing! You can either download it directly from or install our WooCommerce Beta Tester Plugin.


    Since the release of 7.6.0, the following changes have been made:

    • Multichannel Marketing is out of beta and it is now the default experience when you visit the Marketing page
    • Update WooCommerce Blocks to 10.0.1

    For the complete list, view the changelog in the readme for this release.

    Actions and Filters

    Three new filters are added


    This filter enables the exclusion of the most recent access time from being logged for REST API calls.[Source]

    Filter the help tip.[Source]

    Filter wc_print_notice output [Source]

    Database Changes

    There is a database change.

    Remove the multichannel marketing feature flag and options. This feature is now enabled by default.


    Template Changes

    The following files have template changes:

    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/checkout/form-pay.php
    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/checkout/payment.php
    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/loop/no-products-found.php
    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/downloads.php
    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/form-add-payment-method.php
    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/orders.php
    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/payment-methods.php
    • plugins/woocommerce/templates/order/order-details.php

    Release Schedule

    We’re still on track for our planned May 9 release.

    Release Candidate May 2, 2023
    Final Release May 9, 2023


    If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from

    A set of testing instructions has been published on our Wiki page in GitHub. We’ve also posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

    If you discover any bugs during the testing process, please let us know by logging a report in GitHub.

  • We are pleased to announce the release of WooCommerce 7.6.0. This release should be backwards compatible with the previous version.

    This release contains:

    As always, we recommend creating a backup of your site and making sure that your theme and any other plugins are compatible before updating. You can check out this update guide for more information.

    What’s new in WooCommerce 7.6?

    Here are a few highlights of changes included in this release.

    • Add – Add a cache for orders, to use when custom order tables are enabled #35014
    • Add – Add an encoding selector to the product importer #36819
    • Add – Allow sorting by menu_order in products widget. #37002
    • Add – Log to order notes when coupons are removed or applied. #30642
    • Fix – Fix incorrect usage of dispatch, useSelect, and setState calls in homescreen along with settings and onboarding package to ensure compatibility with current versions of the Gutenberg plugin #37641
    • Fix – Ensure product importer imports all lines in a CSV file. #36839
    • Fix – Fixes filtering by attributes in the Analytics Orders and Variations reports. #37223
    • Fix – Fix incorrect VAT exempt behaviour on shop page when prices are exclusive of tax. #33991
    • Fix – Treat order as seperate resource when validating for webhook since it’s not necessarily a CPT anymore. #36650
    • Performance – Switch wc_product_attributes_lookup table management to use truncate and dbDelta over drop table #36872

    New Blocks

    We’re thrilled to introduce the following new blocks for the Single Product Template. This is our first iteration to port over existing functionalities of the Single Product template to the Site Editor.

    • Single Product Details block: The block version of the product details in the Single Product Template. Merchants can now add product descriptions, information, and reviews to their stores.
    • Add to Cart Form block: The block version of the “add to cart” form enables merchants to display a button in single product templates. Options are also displayed depending on product type. e.g. quantity, variation.

    Disabling payment gateways stops associated saved payment information from displaying

    We have improved block-based checkout by preventing saved cards from displaying if the payment gateway that added them is disabled. This ensures that users only see available and enabled payment options, making the payment process more efficient and straightforward.

    Clearer Event Names in Block-Based Checkout

    We have made changes to the checkout events in the block-based checkout to improve clarity and reduce confusion. Several events were renamed to improve their accuracy and clarity:

    • onCheckoutValidationBeforeProcessing renamed to onCheckoutValidation
    • onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithSuccess renamed to onCheckoutSuccess
    • onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithError renamed to onCheckoutFail
    • onPaymentProcessing renamed to onPaymentSetup

    Better performance and look and feel for the Mini Cart block

    With this release, we introduced many improvements to the Mini Cart block. Among others, it’s been optimized and has better performance. When opening the Mini Cart, the content shows up immediately, as it’s preloaded in the background while the browser is idle.

    The Empty Mini Cart button, which encourages shoppers to add products to the cart, now matches your theme styles.

    Improved Attributes filtering in Products block

    The new Products block now allows filtering products by attribute directly from the Editor interface. The experience has been enhanced by providing a user-friendly collapsible menu with attributes. Additionally, you can quickly filter attributes by typing their name. These enhancements provide a more streamlined experience for selecting the products you want to display.

    Also, when checking the attributes, there’s now a live preview of the products from the Editor perspective, which allows seeing how the block will be displayed in the frontend of your store.

    Improved margins in Products block patterns

    There are a number of available patterns using the Products block. All of them have now consistent and scalable margins.

    Here’s the list of available patterns to try out:

    • WooCommerce 1:1 Image 4-Column Products Row
    • WooCommerce 3-Column Product Row
    • WooCommerce 4-Column Product Row
    • WooCommerce Large Image Product Gallery
    • WooCommerce Minimal 5-Column Products Row
    • WooCommerce Minimal Product List
    • WooCommerce Product Gallery
    • WooCommerce Product list with 1:1 images
    • WooCommerce Product list with full product description

    These are just some of the changes that are included in WooCommerce 7.6.0. You can find the complete changelog for this release in the readme.txt file.

    Multichannel Marketing (Beta)

    We add a new Campaigns card that allows marketing channels to surface their marketing campaigns with basic metrics within the Marketing page.

    The “Create a new campaign” modal allows the users to go to the campaign creation process easily.

    Actions and Filters Changes

    This release adds three new filters and two new actions.


    woocommerce_product_allow_backorder_use_radioAllow 3rd parties to control whether “Allow backorder?” option will use radio buttons or a select. [Source]
    proceedToCheckoutButtonLabel [docs] and proceedToCheckoutButtonLink [docs]Alter the text and link of the “Proceed to checkout” button in the Cart block. Our documentation has additional information on these filters and an example of how to use them.


    woocommerce_reduce_order_item_stockFires when stock reduced to a specific line item. [Source]
    woocommerce_widget_layered_nav_filters_startAllow 3rd party developers to add their own filters to start the Layered Navigation Filters Widget. [Source]

    Template Changes

    There are no template changes in this release.

    Database Changes

    There are no database changes in this release.


    There are no deprecations in this release.

    Much 💜 to all the contributors

    Finally a big thanks to everyone in the community who has contributed via issue reports, fixes, translation, testing, supporting other users, or simply spreading the word.

    WooCommerce Core


    WooCommerce Blocks


  • The latest version of WooCommerce Blocks, version 10.0.0, is now available for download on and GitHub.

    Notable Changes

    Updated Shopper Notices

    In this release, we introduce new components and styling for buyer notices, featuring Snackbar lists and Notice banners with shared components. These new styles give a uniform look and feel across all WooCommerce Blocks.

    In addition to this, if your store uses either the Cart Block or Checkout Block on the main cart and checkout pages, these styles will also transfer to all other WooCommerce notices, e.g. the ones in the “My Account” area. These new styles should take precedence over any existing theme styles due to the new markup and CSS being applied.

    The basic HTML structure of the new notices is as follows:

    <div class="wc-block-components-notice-banner is-error">
         <svg />
         <div class="wc-block-components-notice-banner__content">MESSAGE</div>

    There are different styles based on the notice status which include errorsuccessinfodefaultwarning.

    If you’re not using the Cart or Checkout Blocks (if you’re still using the shortcode based cart and checkout for example), existing notices rendered by WooCommerce will not be affected.

    Here’s a preview of how each type of notice looks:

    An image displaying a preview of the new styling of the buyer notices.

    Themes that use customised notices will not have their styles respected after this update. The new notices use new CSS class-names and markup, so any existing styles will not apply. We’ve avoided using legacy class names to avoid conflicts and to ensure that there is consistent styling across all notice types. 

    Themes can target the new selectors after this release, in which case the main CSS selector is .wc-block-components-notice-banner.

    Documentation is available:

    Cart and Checkout blocks are now wide-aligned by default when added to a page

    We made a change to the Cart and Checkout blocks, so that they have a wide alignment by default. This helps to ensure the blocks display correctly when using some block themes. Previously, they would be narrow, and appear in a single column even on wide devices. To revert to how they were, select the main Cart or Checkout block, select the “align” button, and choose “None”.

    image showing how to change the alignment on the Checkout block.

    New additionalCartCheckoutInnerBlockTypes filter

    In this release we added a new filter, additionalCartCheckoutInnerBlockTypes which allows additional block types to be added to the Cart and Checkout inner blocks areas. We included an example of how to use it in the available filters documentation.

    An example of how this can be used, is if you have created a custom block, and want merchants to have the option to insert it in the Cart/Checkout block, using this filter would let them choose it.

    You may also supply core block names to this filter. For example, if you want to allow merchants to include the core/table block below the address form, this is possible too!

    registerCheckoutFilters( 'my-custom-plugin', {
    	additionalCartCheckoutInnerBlockTypes: ( value, extensions, { block } ) => {
            value.push( 'core/table' );
    		return value;
    } );

    Styling options for product blocks

    Product SKU, Product Price, and Product Image now support more styling options in terms of color, dimension, and typography and have support for Global Styles.

    New blocks

    • Product Reviews block: Displays the reviews for a given product. It can be inserted inside the Single Product template.
    Image showing the Product Reviews Block



    • Filter by Price: Simplify the interface by removing the decimals. (8975)
    • Moved editor-only placeholders to the block inspector to improve the appearance of the checkout block in the post editor. (8957)
    • Enhance Product SKU block styling capabilities with additional support for color, typography & spacing. (8913)
    • Enhance Product Price block styling capabilities with additional support for background color, line height, font family, letter spacing, and padding. (8906)
    • Enable users to migrate to the blockified Single Product template. (8902)
    • Set Cart and Checkout blocks to have the wide alignment by default when first added to a page. (8899)
    • Add padding support for Product Image block. (8895)
    • Added the “Products Review” block. (8857)
    • New styles for error, info, and success notices across notices created by blocks. Additionally, existing notices in core receive new styles when Cart and Checkout Blocks are in use. (8659)
    • Add additionalCartCheckoutInnerBlockTypes checkout filter to allow additional block types to be inserted into the Cart and Checkout blocks in the editor. (8650)
    • Product Rating: Normalize the height of rating icons and the add review link. (8399)
    • Show the collection address in the shipping section of the Checkout sidebar when using a Local Pickup method. (8305)

    Bug Fixes

    • Prevent the shipping/billing address forms from breaking when entering postcodes for specific countries. (8987)
    • Product Archive Compatibility Layer: Fix duplicated content. (8915)
    • Product Archive compatibility layer: Fix the woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title hook positioning. (8911)
    • Fix image placeholder for the Product Image Gallery block that was not fitting inside its wrapper component. (8901)
    • Add Cart and Checkout blocks to the Style Book. (8888)
    • Fix duplicated “Shipping Method” Block on the front-end. (8861)
    • Replace the Notice component with the Skeleton component for the Add to Cart Form block. (8842)

  • Release Candidate 3 for the 7.6 release of WooCommerce is now available for testing. You can either download it directly from or install our WooCommerce Beta Tester Plugin.

    Release Schedule

    WooCommerce 7.6 was scheduled to be released today, April 11 2023. To ensure a bug-free experience, we’re delaying this release to address a recently discovered issue. WooCommerce 7.6 will be released a few days later to allow for the fix to be properly tested.

    What’s New?

    Since the release of 7.6.0 rc 2, the following changes have been made:

    • Fix an issue that breaks the WooCommerce Home Page when Gutenberg 15.5 is active (37641)

    Actions and Filters

    No changes.

    Template Changes

    No changes.


    If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from

    A set of testing instructions has been published on our Wiki page in GitHub. We’ve also posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

    If you discover any bugs during the testing process, please let us know by logging a report in GitHub.