
  • This fix release is a preparation for the upcoming 5.0 release and corrects the messaging of update notices to align them with the recently adopted versioning schema. Since going from 4.9 to 5.0 is not considered a breaking or major release anymore, we’ve decided to remove the extra warnings WooCommerce core previously added. Thus, it should prevent confusion and provide a more seamless upgrade experience to all users who upgrade to 4.9.2.

    The warnings in the plugin and System Status screens are thus are no longer relevant and have been removed:


    This release contains only a single change:

    • Deactivate untested plugins’ notices on major releases. #28840

    You can download the latest release of WooCommerce here or visit Dashboard → Updates to update the plugin from your WordPress admin screen.

    As usual, if you spot issues in WooCommerce core, please log them in detail on GitHub. Found a security issue? Please submit a report via HackerOne.

  • WooCommerce 5.0 beta 2 is now available for testing! This version adds in the WooCommerce Admin version 1.9.0.You can either download it directly from or install our WooCommerce Beta Tester Plugin.

    This is a minor release focusing on bug fixes and performance improvements. See more details of our versioning changes in Developer Advisory: Changes to WooCommerce Versioning Scheme.

    Notable fixes and improvements:

    Since the first beta version, the following fixes/additions were added:

    • WooCommerce Admin 1.9.0 (#28896)
    • Help tooltip will now appear when a task has not been completed the second time to give additional help for the merchant. (#5826)
    • Home screen task extensibility. Allows 3pd to add their own tasks. (#5794).
    • Added “unread” indicator to inbox messages. This helps to quickly see which inbox messages have not been read. (#6047)


    As with the previous several releases, we have published testing instructions for . We’d love your help in testing this release.

  • There’s a new version of WooCommerce Blocks! Version 4.3.0 is now available on and GitHub.

    This release includes a fix to how our components are styled. Before the change, the UI inputs were difficult to see when the user was using a dark background. After the fix, the inputs are clearly visible. The rest of the changes are focused on laying the groundwork for future enhancement in the extensibility area of WooCommerce Blocks.


    Bug Fixes

    • Update input colors and alignment. (3597)


    • Store API – Fix selected rate in cart shipping rates response. (3680)
    • Create get_item_responses_from_schema abstraction. (3679)
    • Show itemized fee rows in the cart/checkout blocks. (3678)
    • Extensibility: Show item data in Cart and Checkout blocks and update the variation data styles. (3665)

  • WooCommerce 5.0 is now available for beta testing! You can either download it directly from or install our WooCommerce Beta Tester Plugin.

    What’s new?

    This is a minor release focusing on bug fixes and performance improvements. Just like other minor releases, this release also aims to be backward compatible with previous WooCommerce releases.


    Previous to this release, we’ve partially followed the Semantic Versioning (Semver) schema. Going forward we’ve decided to follow the WordPress versioning schema. This means that although we’re releasing version 5.0 (which usually means a backwards compatible breaking release under Semver), we will maintain backwards compatibility.

    See more details in Developer Advisory: Changes to WooCommerce Versioning Scheme.


    1. Product Review Count: Previously in 4.9, we fixed the product review count from this PR #28624. This worked for all new comments being created however it did not correctly fix the issue that already happened. So we’ve put in a migration script which will fix the review count when new reviews are added. #28814
    2. Deprecate legacy reports: Since WooCommerce 4.0, it has added a new and improved WooCommerce Analytics. We’re encouraging users to start using the new WooCommerce Analytics and thus we have soft deprecated the legacy reports with a notice in the legacy reports section. #28799
    3. CSS Variables: We’ve added WooCommerce prefixed CSS variables to the stylesheet. This provides easier extendibility when developers need to utilize the same WooCommerce default styling without needing to recreate the CSS. #28709
    4. Restoring products, orders and coupons: Previously after trashing orders, products or coupons — when restoring, it puts these items into “draft” status. Now it will restore to the same status as what it was before to prevent issue. #28690
    5. Changing product type with attached files: Previously when an order is placed with a product that had downloadable files and when you change the product type to say a variable product, the permission for the downloadable files would be lost and access would be denied. This has been fixed so that it now recognizes the change of product type and when you go to use the same downloadable file, it would recognize it and recreate the permissions for the same customer. #28521

    Filters and actions

    We have added one new action in this release.

    woocommerce_activated_pluginAction to signal that packages such as WC Admin has been activated. #28698
    5.0 new action hooks

    We have added two new filters in this release.

    woocommerce_delete_variations_on_product_type_changeFilter to prevent
    variations from being deleted while switching from a variable product type to a variable product type. #27137

    woocommerce_new_order_email_allows_resendFilter to allow resending of the new order email to the admin. #28858
    5.0 new filter hooks

    Database Changes

    While there are no schema changes to the database tables, we want to highlight that there will be a migration script that runs in the database that fixes any potential issues with the product review counts. #28814. This in turn will bump the database version to 5.0.0.

    Template changes

    This release does not introduce any changes to templates.

    Release Schedule

    This version of WooCommerce is scheduled to be released as follows:

    BetaJanuary 19th, 2021
    Release CandidateJanuary 26th, 2021
    5.0 Final ReleaseFebruary 9th, 2021
    Release schedule for 5.0


    As with the previous several releases, we have published testing instructions for . We’d love your help in testing this release.

  • This release reverts a change that was added with 4.9.0 and was causing issues with mail being sent out for few extensions.


    This release contains only a single change:

    • Reverts #28204 to ensure compatibility with extensions using legacy do_action calls. #28835

    Thanks to everyone for reporting this issue promptly and helping out with the fix release.

    You can download the latest release of WooCommerce here or visit Dashboard → Updates to update the plugin from your WordPress admin screen.

    As usual, if you spot issues in WooCommerce core, please log them in detail on GitHub. Found a security issue? Please submit a report via HackerOne.

  • We’re excited to announce that WooCommerce 4.9 is now released! This is the first minor release of 2021 and has

    1. 387 commits from 30 contributors in WooCommerce core.
    2. 169 commits from 25 contributors in the WooCommerce admin package.
    3. 91 commits from 14 contributors in the WooCommerce Blocks package.

    This is a minor release, which means everything is backward compatible with the previous version.

    As always, we recommend creating a backup of your site and making sure that themes and plugins are compatible before updating. You can check out this update guide for more information.

    What’s new in 4.9?

    WooCommerce Admin 1.8.3

    This release updates the WooCommerce admin package to 1.8.3 from 1.7.0. Mostly bugfixes and stability improvements are included in this update, including:

    1. Multiple compatibility changes are added for IE 11 including fixing an issue where sometimes the admin screen won’t render.
    2. Stock management and reviews management panels have been moved to the WooCommerce home screen. These used to be accessed via icons on the right side of the navigation bar.
    3. For stores based in India, another payment option Razorpay has been included in the onboarding task list.
    4. We are introducing a new customer survey utility to gather feedback from users around various product features. This will only be shown to users who have opted in to share usage data with us.

    WooCommerce Blocks 4.0.0

    WooCommerce blocks package has been updated to 4.0.0 in this release from 3.8.1. This update contains changes to behind the scenes logic in checkout flow so that the flow in which data is processed is more logical, along with some other bugfixes and improvements.

    You can also view detailed release notes for WooCommerce Blocks 4.0.0.

    Notable fixes and improvements

    1. API performance improvements: WooCommerce REST API responses have been made faster for product and order endpoints. To make use of increased speed, make sure to add the _fields parameter in the API call to specify only what you need, and WooCommerce will try to optimize internal SQL queries to reduce the load on the database. #27335

      Note that we have reverted a part of this enhancement that was earlier included in the Beta after a bug was reported. We are intending to add this back in a future release after fixing the bug. #28745
    2. UK and Isle of Man removed from EU VAT zones: As a part of the Brexit effort, we have removed UK and IM from EU VAT zones. If you or your client’s store deal with EU taxes, then make sure to consult your accountant as just this change might not be enough. #28538

      We have also published a guide for navigating Brexit here: Ready for Brexit: A Guide for WooCommerce Store Owners
    3. Stock management fixes: Fixes have been made to make stock management more robust and prevent duplicate stock reduction. Thanks to all for reporting those issues promptly and in great detail. #28620
    4. Product review count: An issue related to incorrect review count has also been fixed. If you were impacted by this bug, then add/remove a product review manually to correct the review count. We are also working on another fix to update the product review count retro-actively for convenience. Again, thanks to all for reporting this issue promptly and in detail. #28624
    5. Better coupon error messages: When the coupon usage limit is reached after an incomplete or failed payment where the coupon was used, we will show better error messages. If the users are logged in, we will ask them to go to the MyAccount page (if enabled) to cancel or pay for the orders and recover/utilize the coupon. #28592

    You can find the complete changelog for this release in the changelog.txt file.

    Database Changes

    This release does not introduce any changes to the database.

    Template Changes

    This release does not introduce any changes to template files.

    Filters and actions

    We have added two new actions in this release

    woocommerce_variation_before_set_stockAction to signal that the value of ‘stock_quantity’ for a variation is about to change. #27558
    woocommerce_product_before_set_stockAction to signal that the value of ‘stock_quantity’ for a product is about to change.#27558
    list of new actions in 4.9

    Much 💜 to all the contributors

    Finally a big thanks to everyone in the community who has contributed via issue reports, fixes, translation, testing, supporting other users, or simply spreading the word.

    WooCommerce core

    vedanshujain jonathansadowski rrennick roykho ObliviousHarmony rodrigoprimo
    vedanshujain jonathansadowski rrennick roykho ObliviousHarmony rodrigoprimo
    Konamiman zhongruige claudiosanches peterfabian tammullen szepeviktor
    Konamiman zhongruige claudiosanches peterfabian tammullen szepeviktor
    aheckler idofri sorensd lsinger codestor4 tyrann0us
    aheckler idofri sorensd lsinger codestor4 tyrann0us
    jlavoie13 bordoni joelclimbsthings paulochang tanvirulhaque psealock
    jlavoie13 bordoni joelclimbsthings paulochang tanvirulhaque psealock
    tivnet samueljseay garyc40 mikejolley timmyc pjv
    tivnet samueljseay garyc40 mikejolley timmyc pjv
    OlegApanovich zzap abhishek-pokhriyal nerrad mathiasdb
    OlegApanovich zzap abhishek-pokhriyal nerrad mathiasdb

    WooCommerce Admin

    joshuatf moon0326 psealock jeffstieler becdetat louwie17
    joshuatf moon0326 psealock jeffstieler becdetat louwie17
    adrianduffell samueljseay octaedro mattsherman joelclimbsthings ilyasfoo
    adrianduffell samueljseay octaedro mattsherman joelclimbsthings ilyasfoo
    leewillis77 timmyc LevinMedia Aljullu Krovatkin millerf
    leewillis77 timmyc LevinMedia Aljullu Krovatkin millerf
    elizaan36 vbelolapotkov tomalec chickenn00dle
    elizaan36 vbelolapotkov tomalec chickenn00dle

    WooCommerce Blocks

    Aljullu mikejolley nerrad opr senadir haszari
    Aljullu mikejolley nerrad opr senadir haszari
    budzanowski LevinMedia MohammedFaragallah dependabot[bot] ettoredn
    budzanowski LevinMedia MohammedFaragallah dependabot[bot] ettoredn

    Action Scheduler

    Konamiman roykho
    Konamiman roykho

  • We have released a second release candidate for WooCommerce 4.9 and are still on track for our planned release tomorrow (January 12th).


    This release candidate includes following changes:

    1. Reverts a part of performance enhancements for Orders and Products API after a bug was reported. #28745
    2. Bugfix in API to restore stock_status. #28731
    3. Additional protection in func_get_args_call for backwards compatibility. #28677
    4. Fix a bug in WooCommerce Admin for compatibility with IE11. #5987


    If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from

    A set of testing instructions has been published on our Wiki page in GitHub. We’ve also posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

    If you discover any bugs during the testing process, please let us know by logging a report in GitHub.

    Thanks to all of our testers and contributors!

  • There’s a new version of WooCommerce Blocks! Version 4.2.0 is now available on and GitHub.

    This release includes a fix for an issue that was preventing completing checkout using saved payment methods in some circumstances. This was a regression introduced in the last version of WC Blocks and it was only affecting payment methods that had been saved directly from the My Account page, all other payment methods, including the ones saved directly in the payment process weren’t affected.


    • Fix an error that was blocking checkout with some user saved payment methods. (3627)

  • Today we released Storefront 3.1.0. The new version can be downloaded from and GitHub.

    This release contains a compatibility fix for users who choose to disable the new WooCommerce admin interface, and some general improvements which improve coding standards and remove unused/legacy code.


    • Fix – Prevent a fatal error on activation if WooCommerce Admin is intentionally disabled.
    • Fix – Removed legacy code targeting unsupported versions of WooCommerce. Storefront currently supports 4.2+.
    • Dev – Update stylelint to use stylelint-config-wordpress\scss config and refactor SCSS files to follow WordPress CSS coding standards.
    • Dev – Updated engines in package.json.
    • Dev – Fixed PHP linting warnings.

    Download the latest release of Storefront from, or venture over to Dashboard → Updates in your WordPress admin to update your theme.

    As usual, if you see any issues, please log them in detail on Github.

  • We are excited to announce that first release candidate is now available for WooCommerce 4.9! We are on track for our planned January 12th release date.


    This release candidate includes some minor fixes in WooCommerce Admin and a compatibility fix for PHP8.


    If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from

    A set of testing instructions has been published on our Wiki page in GitHub. We’ve also posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

    If you discover any bugs during the testing process, please let us know by logging a report in GitHub.

    Thanks to all of our testers and contributors!