Recent posts

  • WooCommerce 2.2.8 Fix/Security Release Now Available
    WooCommerce 2.2.8 Fix/Security Release Now Available

    The WooCommerce 2.2.8 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out. There were several fixes in this release, including a minor security…

  • WC 2.3 Email Class Refactor and Enhancements
    WC 2.3 Email Class Refactor and Enhancements

    WooCommerce 2.3 is still a ways out, but one of the things we’ve been working on is a better email class system in core. Primarily, we’ve refactored how emails are sent through WooCommerce. Any extension…

  • WooCommerce 2.2.7 Fix/Security Release Now Available
    WooCommerce 2.2.7 Fix/Security Release Now Available

    The WooCommerce 2.2.7 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out. There were several fixes in this release, including a minor security…

  • WooCommerce 2.2.6 Fix Release Available
    WooCommerce 2.2.6 Fix Release Available

    The WooCommerce 2.2.6 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. This fixes a few small notices and a bug around editing order addresses in the backend. You can read more about…

  • WooCommerce 2.2.5 fix release is now available
    WooCommerce 2.2.5 fix release is now available

    The WooCommerce 2.2.5 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out. There were several minor fixes in this release which you can…

  • Roadmapping Core via Trello
    Roadmapping Core via Trello

    Up until now ideas and roadmapping in general have been spread out across several places; todo lists, a GitHub Wiki page, within old GitHub issues, an ideas board, even private Google docs. As you…

  • WooCommerce 2.2.4 fix update is now available
    WooCommerce 2.2.4 fix update is now available

    The WooCommerce 2.2.4 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out. There were several minor fixes in this release which you can…

  • WooCommerce 2.2.3 fix/security update is now available
    WooCommerce 2.2.3 fix/security update is now available

    The WooCommerce 2.2.3 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out. There were several fixes in this release, including a minor security…

  • WooCommerce 2.2.2 fix release is now available
    WooCommerce 2.2.2 fix release is now available

    The WooCommerce 2.2.2 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out. There are only three changes in this release which can be…

  • WooCommerce 2.2.1 fix release is now available
    WooCommerce 2.2.1 fix release is now available

    The WooCommerce 2.2.1 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out. There are only three changes in this release which can be…

  • Developers Rejoice: The Pangolin Has Landed
    Developers Rejoice: The Pangolin Has Landed

    Finally we’re proud to announce WC 2.2 (Prowling Pangolin) is live! 2.2 is our 9th major release and has been in development since 2.1 was released back in February. Some Stats on This Release To…

  • WC 2.2 RC1 is here
    WC 2.2 RC1 is here

    WC 2.2 Release Candidate 1 has today been tagged. If all goes well, the final release will be happening wednesday. You can compare the changes since beta 3 here. If you have not tested…

  • 2.2 Prowling Pangolin Beta 3
    2.2 Prowling Pangolin Beta 3

    Today we tagged WC 2.2 beta 3 which should be the last beta before release. Beta 3 contains mostly bug fixes and an update to the Language Pack Downloader to make it compatible with…

  • 2.2 Prowling Pangolin Beta 2
    2.2 Prowling Pangolin Beta 2

    Work continues on 2.2 and we’re getting closer to an end-of-month release. Don’t forget to test your extensions and themes! Changes since beta 1 You can view a comparison between beta 1 and master…

  • WC 2.2 order statuses: plugin compatibility
    WC 2.2 order statuses: plugin compatibility

    Orders can have several statuses in WooCommerce; completed, processing, on-hold, pending to name a few. In WooCommerce 2.1, statuses were associated with orders via a taxonomy called shop_order_status. The shop_order_status taxonomy is no more…

  • WC 2.2 payment gateways: Adding refund support and transaction IDs
    WC 2.2 payment gateways: Adding refund support and transaction IDs

    Payment Gateways in WC 2.2 can be improved with the introduction of two new features; being able to store a transaction ID in a standardised format, and being able to programatically handle refunds. Storing…

  • 2.2 Prowling Pangolin Beta 1: Release and highlights
    2.2 Prowling Pangolin Beta 1: Release and highlights

    This week we’re happy to announce WC 2.2 “Prowling Pangolin” beta 1 is available for testing. ,___, ╭────────────╮ ╭╴╴╴╴/ ⏖ ⏖ ╴╴╴╮ ┃ Woo! 2.2 ┃ ╭╯⏖ ⏖ ⏖ ⏖ ⏖ ⏖ ( ⦿…

  • WooCommerce 2.1.12 fix release is now available
    WooCommerce 2.1.12 fix release is now available

    The WooCommerce 2.1.12 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out. There are only a few changes in this release which can…

  • WooCommerce 2.1.11 fix release is now available
    WooCommerce 2.1.11 fix release is now available

    The WooCommerce 2.1.11 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks to all of our contributors who’ve been helping out. There are only a few changes in this release which can…

  • WooCommerce 2.1.10 fix release is now available
    WooCommerce 2.1.10 fix release is now available

    Whilst work continues on Prowling Pangolin, the team at WooThemes are still fixing bugs for 2.1 as they are reported. Today, the WooCommerce 2.1.10 release is  available via or automatic update in your administration panel. Thanks…

  • WooCommerce 2.1.9 fix release is now available
    WooCommerce 2.1.9 fix release is now available

    The WooCommerce 2.1.9 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. This fix release is the result of the continued effort of our contributors who provided fixes and bug reports. Thank you…

  • WooCommerce 2.1.8 fix release is now available
    WooCommerce 2.1.8 fix release is now available

    The WooCommerce 2.1.8 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. This fix release is the result of the continued effort of our contributors who provided fixes and bug reports. Thank you…

  • WooCommerce 2.1.7 fix release is now available
    WooCommerce 2.1.7 fix release is now available

    The WooCommerce 2.1.7 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. This fix release is the result of the continued effort of our contributors who contribute code and others who have reported…

  • WooCommerce 2.1.6 fix release is now available
    WooCommerce 2.1.6 fix release is now available

    The WooCommerce 2.1.6 release is now available via or automatic update in your administration panel. This fix release is the result of the continued effort of our contributors who contribute code and others who have…

  • WooCommerce 2.1.5 fix release is now available
    WooCommerce 2.1.5 fix release is now available

    In the 2.1.4 version we introduced a bug that caused the prices of variations to be hidden when the manage stock field was left empty. Sorry about that. This and a couple other small…