
  • We’re excited to announce that WooCommerce 5.2 is now released! This is the third minor release of 2021 and has

    1. 456 commits from 27 contributors in WooCommerce core.
    2. 109 commits from 25 contributors in the WooCommerce Admin package.
    3. 148 commits from 15 contributors in the WooCommerce Gutenberg Products Block package.

    This is a minor release, which means everything is backward compatible with the previous version.

    As always, we recommend creating a backup of your site and making sure that themes and plugins are compatible before updating. You can check out this update guide for more information.

    What’s new in 5.2?

    1. WooCommerce Blocks 4.7: Blocks package has been updated to 4.7. Please take a look at the release posts for 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2 and 4.5.1 to see what’s new and improved.
    2. WooCommerce Admin 2.1.5: WooCommerce Admin package has also been updated to 2.1.5 with this release of WooCommerce. This new package contains lots of bug fixes and stability improvements. Changes (also for the intermediate versions up to 2.0.3) can be found here (for 2.1.5 itself, the changes are some tweaks on the store setup wizard based on the country where the shop is located).

    Notable fixes and improvements

    1. Fix for the country code verification on checkout: WooCommerce 5.1 introduced an extra check so that it’s not possible to perform a successful checkout when submitting an invalid country code, but that introduced a bug that caused a ” is not a valid country error in some circumstances, for example when using PayPal checkout. Fixed in #29606.
    2. Low stock threshold for variations: The stock amount that triggers a low stock warning email can now be properly configured for individual variations on variable products. #29345
    3. Dropdowns fix: With the updated version of jQuery on the newest WordPress some dropdowns (e.g. product attributes filter) became unusable, it’s fixed now. #29397
    4. Product categories widget item count fix: The items count in the product categories widget item count not always showing the correct number, it’s fixed now. Also, a new hook has been added to disable the recounting of items. #29281
    5. New shop setup widget: A new “WooCommerce Setup” widget is added to promote users to finish the onboarding tasks, it shows only when there are unfinished tasks. #29174
    6. Updated net sales link: The “net sales” link in the dashboard now points to the new analytics screen when WooCommerce Admin is enabled. #29149
    7. Improved handling of downloadable file paths: Strip /// sequences in downloadable file paths to prevent access to absolute paths. #28699
    8. REST API: Add support for “order” and “class” types for shipping method zones: The shipping method zone endpoint wasn’t accepting settings of these types, it’s fixed now. #29218
    9. REST API: Fix wrong taxonomy caching in term and product attributes controllers: The taxonomy from the first request was being reused in further requests when those were performed programmatically. #29115
    10. REST API: Make the refunds creation endpoint accept input as documented: The input for the endpoint accepts now the input as described in the documentation (no breaking changes introduced). #29099

    You can find the complete changelog for this release in the changelog.txt file.

    Filters and actions

    We have added two new filters in this release.

    woocommerce_product_recount_termsFilter to allow/prevent recounting of terms as it could be expensive, e.g. when bulk importing products. #29281
    woocommerce_ajax_order_items_removed Action that fires after order items are removed. #29241
    5.2 new filter hooks

    Database Changes

    This release does not introduce any database changes.

    Template changes

    This release does not introduce any changes to templates.

    Much 💜 to all the contributors

    Finally a big thanks to everyone in the community who has contributed via issue reports, fixes, translation, testing, supporting other users, or simply spreading the word.

    WooCommerce core

    claudiosanches zhongruige roykho rrennick vedanshujain barryhughes
    claudiosanches zhongruige roykho rrennick vedanshujain barryhughes
    Konamiman tammullen louwie17 peterfabian artpi mikejolley
    Konamiman tammullen louwie17 peterfabian artpi mikejolley
    veljkho chickenn00dle moon0326 mattsherman ObliviousHarmony jonathansadowski
    veljkho chickenn00dle moon0326 mattsherman ObliviousHarmony jonathansadowski
    psealock Marcuzz octaedro nielslange
    psealock Marcuzz octaedro nielslange

    WooCommerce Admin

    joshuatf samueljseay psealock hsingyuc louwie17 adrianduffell
    joshuatf samueljseay psealock hsingyuc louwie17 adrianduffell
    becdetat joelclimbsthings elizaan36 octaedro timmyc szepeviktor
    becdetat joelclimbsthings elizaan36 octaedro timmyc szepeviktor
    chickenn00dle ilyasfoo LevinMedia jorgeatorres tomalec ribaricplusplus
    chickenn00dle ilyasfoo LevinMedia jorgeatorres tomalec ribaricplusplus
    mattsherman nerrad moon0326
    mattsherman nerrad moon0326

    WooCommerce Blocks

    opr mikejolley Aljullu nerrad senadir ralucaStan
    opr mikejolley Aljullu nerrad senadir ralucaStan

    Action Scheduler

    barryhughes claudiosanches
    barryhughes claudiosanches

  • A new version of WooCommerce Blocks has been released! Version 4.9.0 is now available for download from GitHub and

    This release introduces compatibility with WooCommerce Google Analytics. If you are using Google Analytics with GTAG support (and a G- prefixed site ID), block events will also be tracked. This includes:

    • Product searches in the Product Search Block
    • Product views in the product grid blocks and All Products Block
    • Add to cart events
    • Cart item changes
    • Checkout progress events

    In WooCommerce Docs, you can see a list of all extensions and payment methods currently supported by Cart and Checkout blocks.



    • Added compatibility with the Google Analytics Integration. Block events, including cart and checkout, can now be tracked. (4020)

    Bug Fixes

    • Use font color in payment methods border. (4051)
    • Load translation file for JS files that has translatable strings. (4050)
    • Stop shipping package titles line-breaks occurring in the middle of a word. (4049)
    • Fixed styling issues on the cart and checkout page in Twenty(X) themes. (4046)
    • Fix headline alignment in the empty state of the cart block. (4044)
    • Fix button alignment in Featured Product and Featured Category blocks. (4028)

    Technical debt

    • Removed legacy handling for SSR blocks that rendered shortcodes. (4010)

  • We have released a second release candidate for WooCommerce 5.2 and are still on track for our planned release April 13th.

    Note that this is a minor release focusing on bug fixes and performance improvements. See more details of our versioning changes in Developer Advisory: Changes to WooCommerce Versioning Scheme.


    • WooCommerce Admin package has been updated to 2.1.5. This new package has some tweaks on the store setup wizard based on the country where the shop is located.
    • WooCommerce Blocks package has been updated to 4.7.1. This new package has some minor improvements.


    If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from

    A set of testing instructions has been published on our Wiki page in GitHub. We’ve also posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

    If you discover any bugs during the testing process, please let us know by logging a report in GitHub.

    Thanks to all of our testers and contributors!

  • There’s a new version of WooCommerce Blocks available! Version 4.8.0 is now available on and GitHub.

    This release includes exposing additional data to registered payment methods and some more bug fixes for the Cart and Checkout blocks. Please check the changelog below for more information.

    Dev note

    The shouldSavePayment value is now available as a prop for registered payment methods. This helps payment methods that need to know the value of this checked item client side before sending info to the server.

    The onPaymentProcessing event can now be observed by saved payment methods that implement the savedTokenComponent configuration property. 



    • Registered payment methods now have access to the shouldSavePayment prop in their components (which indicates whether the shopper has checked the save payment method checkbox). (3990)
    • Payment methods implementing the savedTokenComponent configuration property will now have the onPaymentProcessing event available to the registered component. (3982)

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix customer address country saving to orders in certain circumstances. (4013)
    • Prevent error messages returned by the API from displaying raw HTML. (4005)
    • Fix the Proceed to checkout button click bug happening when the Coupon error is visible in the Cart block. (3996)

  • We’re excited to announce that the release candidate is now available! We are on track for our planned April 13th release date.

    Note that this is a minor release focusing on bug fixes and performance improvements.


    • WooCommerce Admin package has also been updated to 2.1.4 with this release of WooCommerce. This new package adds New Zealand and Ireland to selective bundle option.
    • Fix – The count of completed steps for the onboarding wizard in the dashboard widget was incorrect. #29518
    • Dev – Fixes in the REST API endpoint for adding/updating the coupons of an existing order. #29474


    If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from

    A set of testing instructions has been published on our Wiki page in GitHub. We’ve also posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

    If you discover any bugs during the testing process, please let us know by logging a report in GitHub.

  • WooCommerce 5.2 is now available for beta testing! You can either download it directly from or install our WooCommerce Beta Tester Plugin.

    What’s new?

    This is a minor release focusing on bug fixes and performance improvements. Just like other minor releases, this release also aims to be backward compatible with previous WooCommerce releases.


    1. WooCommerce Blocks 4.7: Blocks package have been updated to 4.7. Please take a look at the release posts for 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2 and 4.5.1 to see what’s new and improved.
    2. WooCommerce Admin 2.1.3: WooCommerce Admin package has also been updated to 2.1.3 with this release of WooCommerce. This new package contains lots of bug fixes and stability improvements, see the changelog for details on what’s new in this version (and also on previous versions up to 2.0.2)
    3. Country code verification on checkout: Now it won’t be possible to perform a successful checkout when submitting an invalid country code. #28849
    4. Low stock threshold for variations: The stock amount that triggers a low stock warning email can now be properly configured for individual variations on variable products. #29345
    5. Dropdowns fix: With the updated version of jQuery on the newest WordPress some dropdowns (e.g. product attributes filter) became unusable, it’s fixed now. #29397
    6. Product categories widget item count fix: The items count in the product categories widget item count not always showing the correct number, it’s fixed now. Also, a new hook has been added to disable the recounting of items. #29281
    7. New shop setup widget: A new “WooCommerce Setup” widget is added to promote users to finish the onboarding tasks, it shows only when there are unfinished tasks. #29174
    8. Updated net sales link: The “net sales” link in the dashboard now points to the new analytics screen when WooCommerce Admin is enabled. #29149
    9. Improved handling of downloadable file paths: Strip /// sequences in downloadable file paths to prevent access to absolute paths. #28699
    10. REST API: Add support for “order” and “class” types for shipping method zones: The shipping method zone endpoint wasn’t accepting settings of these types, it’s fixed now. #29218
    11. REST API: Fix wrong taxonomy caching in term and product attributes controllers: The taxonomy from the first request was being reused in further requests when those were performed programmatically. #29115
    12. REST API: Make the refunds creation endpoint accept input as documented: The input for the endpoint accepts now the input as described in the documentation (no breaking changes introduced). #29099

    Filters and actions

    We have added two new filters in this release.

    woocommerce_product_recount_termsFilter to allow/prevent recounting of terms as it could be expensive, e.g. when bulk importing products. #29281

    woocommerce_ajax_order_items_removedAction that fires after order items are removed. #29241
    5.2 new filter hooks

    Database Changes

    This release does not introduce any database changes.

    Template changes

    This release does not introduce any changes to templates.

    Release Schedule

    This version of WooCommerce is scheduled to be released as follows:

    BetaMarch 23th, 2021
    Release CandidateMarch 30th, 2021
    5.2 Final ReleaseApril 13th, 2021
    Release schedule for 5.2


    If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from

    A set of testing instructions has been published on our Wiki page in GitHub. We’ve also posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

    If you discover any bugs during the testing process, please let us know by logging a report in GitHub.

  • There’s a new version of WooCommerce Blocks available! Version 4.7.0 is now available on and GitHub.

    This release introduces: Several fixes around payment gateway display and extensibility interface, more stability around payment methods, styling fixes, and general fixes, check the changelog below for more information.

    Dev note

    A new configuration property is available to registered payment methods for additional handling of saved payment method tokens. See the updated payment method integration docs for details.

    For Payment Method integrations with Block Checkout, the canPayArgument now includes billingData. This consists of the customer billing address, email, and phone number, so you can disable or enable a payment method conditionally based on those properties.



    • A new configuration property is available to registered payment methods for additional logic handling of saved payment method tokens. (3961)
    • Provided billing data to payment method extensions so they can decide if payment is possible. (3922)
    • Prevent errant payment methods from keeping Cart and Checkout blocks from loading. (3920)
    • Fix block elements that don’t play well with dark backgrounds. (3887)

    Bug Fixes

    • Remove extra padding from payment methods with no description. (3952)
    • Fix "save payment" checkbox not showing for payment methods. (3950)
    • Fix cart preview when shipping rates are set to be hidden until an address is entered. (3946)
    • Sync cart item quantity if its Implicitly changed. (3907)
    • Fix FSE not being visible when WC Blocks was enabled. (3898)
    • Ensure sale badges have a uniform height in the Cart block. (3897)

  • We’re excited to announce that WooCommerce 5.1 is now released! This is the third minor release of 2021 and has

    1. 279 commits from 37 contributors in WooCommerce core.
    2. 109 commits from 22 contributors in the WooCommerce Admin package.
    3. 175 commits from 18 contributors in the WooCommerce Gutenberg Products Block package.

    This is a minor release, which means everything is backward compatible with the previous version.

    As always, we recommend creating a backup of your site and making sure that themes and plugins are compatible before updating. You can check out this update guide for more information.

    What’s new in 5.1?

    1. WooCommerce Blocks 4.4: Blocks package have been updated to 4.4.3. Please take a look at the release post to see what’s new and improved.
    2. WooCommerce Admin 2.0.2: WooCommerce Admin package has also been updated to 2.0.2 with this release of WooCommerce. This new package contains lots of bug fixes and stability improvements. Changes can be found here.

    Notable fixes and improvements

    1. jQuery 3 deprecated items: This will be an ongoing effort to fully remove all deprecated jQuery 3 items from core. #28753
    2. Updating order tax: Previously after recalculating totals when tax setting has changed (such as name and/or rate), the tax name does not update in the order meta. This has been fixed. #28983
    3. Notices not going away: Previously when trying to close an admin notice such as the “Database has been updated” notice, this notice keeps reappearing. This has been fixed. #28500

    You can find the complete changelog for this release in the changelog.txt file.

    Filters and actions

    We have added two new filters in this release.

    woocommerce_exporter_product_typesFilter to allow third-parties to filter the exportable product types. #28950
    woocommerce_cancel_unpaid_orders_interval_minutesFilter to change the interval minutes for holding stock on cancel/unpaid orders. #28933

    5.1 new filter hooks

    Database Changes

    This release does not introduce any database changes.

    Template changes

    This release does not introduce any changes to templates.

    Much 💜 to all the contributors

    Finally a big thanks to everyone in the community who has contributed via issue reports, fixes, translation, testing, supporting other users, or simply spreading the word.

    WooCommerce core

    claudiosanches zhongruige roykho rrennick vedanshujain barryhughes
    claudiosanches zhongruige roykho rrennick vedanshujain barryhughes
    Konamiman tammullen louwie17 peterfabian artpi mikejolley
    Konamiman tammullen louwie17 peterfabian artpi mikejolley
    veljkho chickenn00dle moon0326 mattsherman ObliviousHarmony jonathansadowski
    veljkho chickenn00dle moon0326 mattsherman ObliviousHarmony jonathansadowski
    psealock Marcuzz octaedro nielslange
    psealock Marcuzz octaedro nielslange

    WooCommerce Admin

    joshuatf samueljseay psealock hsingyuc louwie17 adrianduffell
    joshuatf samueljseay psealock hsingyuc louwie17 adrianduffell
    becdetat joelclimbsthings elizaan36 octaedro timmyc szepeviktor
    becdetat joelclimbsthings elizaan36 octaedro timmyc szepeviktor
    chickenn00dle ilyasfoo LevinMedia jorgeatorres tomalec ribaricplusplus
    chickenn00dle ilyasfoo LevinMedia jorgeatorres tomalec ribaricplusplus
    mattsherman nerrad moon0326
    mattsherman nerrad moon0326

    WooCommerce Blocks

    opr mikejolley Aljullu nerrad senadir ralucaStan
    opr mikejolley Aljullu nerrad senadir ralucaStan

    Action Scheduler

    barryhughes claudiosanches
    barryhughes claudiosanches

  • There’s a new version of WooCommerce Blocks available! Version 4.6.0 is now available on and GitHub.

    This release contains mostly bugfixes, some technical debt pay down, and a few changes to better support extensibility.

    Fixes include respecting out of stock visibility setting in the All Products block, hiding the “browse shop” link in the cart block empty state when there is no shop page set, and some updating of styles for various contexts. There’s also an important fix related to the application of a coupon appearing to change the total value for items listed with the cart block.

    Dev Note

    An important note that internally, this release has modified how Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\BlockTypes\AbstractBlock (the base class for all of our blocks) functions, and how it loads assets. AbstractBlock is internal to this project and does not seem like something that would ever need to be extended by 3rd parties, but if you are doing so for whatever reason, your implementation would need to be updated to match. (3829)


    Bug Fixes

    • Handle out-of-stock product visibility setting in All Products block. (3859)
    • Show cart item subtotal instead of total in Cart and Checkout blocks (#3905)
    • Fix button styles in Twenty Nineteen theme. (3862)
    • Return correct sale/regular prices for variable products in the Store API. (3854)
    • Remove shadows from text buttons and gradient background from selects in some themes. (3846)
    • Hide Browse Shop link in cart block empty state when there is no shop page. (3845)


    • StoreAPI: Inject Order and Cart Controllers into Routes. (3871)
    • Update Panel component class names to follow guidelines. More info can be found in our theming docs. (3860)
    • Refactor block type registration to support 3rd party integrations.

  • We’re excited to announce that the release candidate is now available! We are on track for our planned March 9th release date.

    Note that this is a minor release focusing on bug fixes and performance improvements.


    • Fix – Placeholder image height in cart. #29139
    • Dev – “Store management insights” option now is turned off by default. #29105


    If you’d like to dive in and help test this new release, our handy WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin allows you to switch between beta versions and release candidates. You can also download the release from

    A set of testing instructions has been published on our Wiki page in GitHub. We’ve also posted a helpful writeup on beta testing to help get you started.

    If you discover any bugs during the testing process, please let us know by logging a report in GitHub.