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Cart and Checkout Filters – Totals footer item

The following Totals Footer Item filter are available:

  • totalLabel
  • totalValue


The following object is used in the filter:


The totalLabel filter allows to change the label of the total item in the footer of the Cart and Checkout blocks.


  • defaultValue string (default: Total) – The total label.
  • extensions object (default: {}) – The extensions object.
  • args object – The arguments object with the following keys:
    • cart object – The cart object from wc/store/cart, see Cart object.


  • string – The updated total label.

Code example

		const { registerCheckoutFilters } = window.wc.blocksCheckout;

const modifyTotalLabel = ( defaultValue, extensions, args ) => {
	return 'Deposit due today';

registerCheckoutFilters( 'example-extension', {
	totalLabel: modifyTotalLabel,
} );


Filters can be also combined. See Combined filters for an example.


Before After
Before applying the Total Label filter After applying the Total Label filter


The following object is used in the filter:


The totalValue filter allows to format the total price in the footer of the Cart and Checkout blocks.


  • defaultValue string (default: Total) – The total label.
  • extensions object (default: {}) – The extensions object.
  • args object – The arguments object with the following keys:
    • cart object – The cart object from wc/store/cart, see Cart object.
  • validation boolean – Checks if the return value contains the substring <price/>.


  • string – The modified format of the total price, which must contain the substring <price/>, or the original price format.

Code example

		const { registerCheckoutFilters } = window.wc.blocksCheckout;

const modifyTotalsPrice = ( defaultValue, extensions, args, validation ) => {
	return 'Pay <price/> now';

registerCheckoutFilters( 'my-extension', {
	totalValue: modifyTotalsPrice,
} );


Filters can be also combined. See Combined filters for an example.


Before After
Before applying the Total Value filter After applying the Total Value filter

Cart object

The Cart object of the filters above has the following keys:

  • billingAddress object – The billing address object with the following keys:
    • address_1 string – The first line of the address.
    • address_2 string – The second line of the address.
    • city string – The city of the address.
    • company string – The company of the address.
    • country string – The country of the address.
    • email string – The email of the address.
    • first_name string – The first name of the address.
    • last_name string – The last name of the address.
    • phone string – The phone of the address.
    • postcode string – The postcode of the address.
    • state string – The state of the address.
  • billingData object – The billing data object with the same keys as the billingAddress object.
  • cartCoupons array – The cart coupons array.
  • cartErrors array – The cart errors array.
  • cartFees array – The cart fees array.
  • cartHasCalculatedShipping boolean – Whether the cart has calculated shipping.
  • cartIsLoading boolean – Whether the cart is loading.
  • cartItemErrors array – The cart item errors array.
  • cartItems array – The cart items array with cart item objects, see Cart Item object.
  • cartItemsCount number – The cart items count.
  • cartItemsWeight number – The cart items weight.
  • cartNeedsPayment boolean – Whether the cart needs payment.
  • cartNeedsShipping boolean – Whether the cart needs shipping.
  • cartTotals object – The cart totals object with the following keys:
    • currency_code string – The currency code.
    • currency_decimal_separator string – The currency decimal separator.
    • currency_minor_unit number – The currency minor unit.
    • currency_prefix string – The currency prefix.
    • currency_suffix string – The currency suffix.
    • currency_symbol string – The currency symbol.
    • currency_thousand_separator string – The currency thousand separator.
    • tax_lines array – The tax lines array with tax line objects with the following keys:
      • name string – The name of the tax line.
      • price number – The price of the tax line.
      • rate string – The rate ID of the tax line.
    • total_discount string – The total discount.
    • total_discount_tax string – The total discount tax.
    • total_fees string – The total fees.
    • total_fees_tax string – The total fees tax.
    • total_items string – The total items.
    • total_items_tax string – The total items tax.
    • total_price string – The total price.
    • total_shipping string – The total shipping.
    • total_shipping_tax string – The total shipping tax.
    • total_tax string – The total tax.
  • crossSellsProducts array – The cross sells products array with cross sells product objects.
  • extensions object (default: {}) – The extensions object.
  • isLoadingRates boolean – Whether the cart is loading rates.
  • paymentRequirements array – The payment requirements array.
  • shippingAddress object – The shipping address object with the same keys as the billingAddress object.
  • shippingRates array – The shipping rates array.

Cart Item object

The Cart Item object of the filters above has the following keys:

  • backorders_allowed boolean – Whether backorders are allowed.
  • catalog_visibility string – The catalog visibility.
  • decsription string – The cart item description.
  • extensions object (default: {}) – The extensions object.
  • id number – The item ID.
  • images array – The item images array.
  • item_data array – The item data array.
  • key string – The item key.
  • low_stock_remaining number – The low stock remaining.
  • name string – The item name.
  • permalink string – The item permalink.
  • prices object – The item prices object with the following keys:
    • currency_code string – The currency code.
    • currency_decimal_separator string – The currency decimal separator.
    • currency_minor_unit number – The currency minor unit.
    • currency_prefix string – The currency prefix.
    • currency_suffix string – The currency suffix.
    • currency_symbol string – The currency symbol.
    • currency_thousand_separator string – The currency thousand separator.
    • price string – The price.
    • price_range string – The price range.
    • raw_prices object – The raw prices object with the following keys:
      • precision number – The precision.
      • price number – The price.
      • regular_price number – The regular price.
      • sale_price number – The sale price.
    • regular_price string – The regular price.
    • sale_price string – The sale price.
  • quantity number – The item quantity.
  • quantity_limits object – The item quantity limits object with the following keys:
    • editable boolean – Whether the quantity is editable.
    • maximum number – The maximum quantity.
    • minimum number – The minimum quantity.
    • multiple_of number – The multiple of quantity.
  • short_description string – The item short description.
  • show_backorder_badge boolean – Whether to show the backorder badge.
  • sku string – The item SKU.
  • sold_individually boolean – Whether the item is sold individually.
  • totals object – The item totals object with the following keys:
    • currency_code string – The currency code.
    • currency_decimal_separator string – The currency decimal separator.
    • currency_minor_unit number – The currency minor unit.
    • currency_prefix string – The currency prefix.
    • currency_suffix string – The currency suffix.
    • currency_symbol string – The currency symbol.
    • currency_thousand_separator string – The currency thousand separator.
    • line_subtotal string – The line subtotal.
    • line_subtotal_tax string – The line subtotal tax.
    • line_total string – The line total.
    • line_total_tax string – The line total tax.
  • type string – The item type.
  • variation array – The item variation array.

Last updated: September 12, 2024