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How to request WooCommerce extension reviews

Methods of requesting reviews

Admin notices

Admin notices are an industry standard method of requesting reviews, but bombarding the admin dashboard with admin notices is not effective. We recommend using restraint in the design of a notice, as well as limiting to a single notice at a time. It’s very easy to overwhelm merchants with too many notices, or too intrusive notices.


  • A good place for an admin notice to review an extension would be to show on the Plugins page and extension’s settings pages.
  • Include a snooze option (or multiple) on your notices with a clear expectation of when the notice will reappear.
  • Admin notices should always be always be completely dismissable. They cannot only have a snooze option.
  • The options presented in the notice must be phrased carefully to avoid manipulative language.
  • Use consistently designed notices so the request for reviews feels like a part of your extension, and looks consistent with WooCommerce’s design.

Direct contact


  • The most direct route to requesting reviews with the highest chance of being positive is to contact the customer when they are the happiest with the product.
  • This can be milestone or time based, following the timing guidelines below.
  • The best method for this is either an email or other direct exchange (support chat, call, etc.). This has the highest conversion rate, especially when timed properly so that the customer is happiest.
  • This is also extremely effective when you are able to request feedback from specifically qualified merchants, such as merchants that have processed a certain amount with your platform, or who have shipped their first 100 orders using your fulfillment extension, or similar.
  • Direct outreach is most likely to be successful if you have ways of targeting users for review requests (merchant account / usage info, etc.), as well as ways to gather the reviews, like sales or marketing teams able to email/call/chat with merchants.

Messaging for requesting reviews

One method of requesting feedback that we recommend is using the NPS style of review solicitation. This can allow for an increase positive reviews as well as providing the opportunity to assist merchants that are struggling.

NPS-style reviews first ask the user how they rate the product (out of 5 stars), then route them based on their response:

  • If they click 4 or 5 stars, ask them to leave a review.
  • If they click 1, 2 or 3, tell them we’re here to help & ask them to submit a support ticket.

Merchants are significantly more likely to leave a review after a positive support interaction with a support rep who explicitly asked for a review. The language “the best way to thank me is to leave a 5 star review that mentions me in it” or similar tends to work very well – people are more willing to help a person than a produc or company.

Last updated: August 27, 2024